osgParticle Namespace Reference


class  AccelOperator
class  AngularAccelOperator
class  BoxPlacer
class  CenteredPlacer
class  ConnectedParticleSystem
class  ConstantRateCounter
class  Counter
class  Emitter
class  ExplosionDebrisEffect
class  ExplosionEffect
class  FireEffect
class  FluidFrictionOperator
class  FluidProgram
class  ForceOperator
class  Interpolator
 An abstract base class for implementing interpolators. More...
class  LinearInterpolator
 A linear interpolator. More...
class  ModularEmitter
class  ModularProgram
class  MultiSegmentPlacer
class  Operator
class  Particle
class  ParticleEffect
class  ParticleProcessor
class  ParticleSystem
class  ParticleSystemUpdater
class  Placer
class  PointPlacer
class  PrecipitationEffect
class  Program
class  RadialShooter
class  RandomRateCounter
struct  range
class  SectorPlacer
class  SegmentPlacer
class  Shooter
class  SmokeEffect
class  SmokeTrailEffect
class  VariableRateCounter


typedef range< float > rangef
 Range of floats.
typedef range< osg::Vec2rangev2
 Range of osg::Vec2s.
typedef range< osg::Vec3rangev3
 Range of osg::Vec3s.
typedef range< osg::Vec4rangev4
 Range of osg::Vec4s.

Detailed Description

The osgParticle is a NodeKit library that extends the core scene graph to support particle effects.

Typedef Documentation

typedef range<float> osgParticle::rangef

Range of floats.

typedef range<osg::Vec2> osgParticle::rangev2

Range of osg::Vec2s.

typedef range<osg::Vec3> osgParticle::rangev3

Range of osg::Vec3s.

typedef range<osg::Vec4> osgParticle::rangev4

Range of osg::Vec4s.

Generated on Sun Oct 1 13:17:12 2006 for openscenegraph by  doxygen 1.4.7