osgUtil::SceneView Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osgUtil::SceneView:

osg::Referenced osg::CullSettings List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Options LightingMode
 SKY_LIGHT = 0x2
enum  Options {
enum  ActiveUniforms {

Public Member Functions

 SceneView (osg::DisplaySettings *ds=NULL)
void setDefaults (unsigned int options=STANDARD_SETTINGS)
void setCamera (osg::CameraNode *camera)
osg::CameraNodegetCamera ()
const osg::CameraNodegetCamera () const
void setSceneData (osg::Node *node)
osg::NodegetSceneData (unsigned int childNo=0)
const osg::NodegetSceneData (unsigned int childNo=0) const
unsigned int getNumSceneData () const
void setViewport (osg::Viewport *viewport)
void setViewport (int x, int y, int width, int height)
osg::ViewportgetViewport ()
const osg::ViewportgetViewport () const
void getViewport (int &x, int &y, int &width, int &height) const
void setDisplaySettings (osg::DisplaySettings *vs)
const osg::DisplaySettingsgetDisplaySettings () const
osg::DisplaySettingsgetDisplaySettings ()
void setClearColor (const osg::Vec4 &color)
const osg::Vec4getClearColor () const
void setRedrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask (bool flag)
bool getRedrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask () const
void setGlobalStateSet (osg::StateSet *state)
osg::StateSetgetGlobalStateSet ()
const osg::StateSetgetGlobalStateSet () const
void setLocalStateSet (osg::StateSet *state)
osg::StateSetgetLocalStateSet ()
const osg::StateSetgetLocalStateSet () const
void setActiveUniforms (int activeUniforms)
int getActiveUniforms () const
void updateUniforms ()
void setLightingMode (LightingMode mode)
LightingMode getLightingMode () const
void setLight (osg::Light *light)
osg::LightgetLight ()
const osg::LightgetLight () const
void setState (osg::State *state)
osg::StategetState ()
const osg::StategetState () const
void setProjectionMatrix (const osg::Matrixf &matrix)
void setProjectionMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
void setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D (double left, double right, double bottom, double top)
void setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum (double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)
void setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective (double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)
osg::MatrixdgetProjectionMatrix ()
const osg::MatrixdgetProjectionMatrix () const
bool getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho (double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar) const
bool getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum (double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar) const
bool getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective (double &fovy, double &aspectRatio, double &zNear, double &zFar) const
void setViewMatrix (const osg::Matrixf &matrix)
void setViewMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
void setViewMatrixAsLookAt (const osg::Vec3 &eye, const osg::Vec3 &center, const osg::Vec3 &up)
osg::MatrixdgetViewMatrix ()
const osg::MatrixdgetViewMatrix () const
void getViewMatrixAsLookAt (osg::Vec3 &eye, osg::Vec3 &center, osg::Vec3 &up, float lookDistance=1.0f) const
void setInitVisitor (osg::NodeVisitor *av)
osg::NodeVisitorgetInitVisitor ()
const osg::NodeVisitorgetInitVisitor () const
void setUpdateVisitor (osg::NodeVisitor *av)
osg::NodeVisitorgetUpdateVisitor ()
const osg::NodeVisitorgetUpdateVisitor () const
void setCullVisitor (osgUtil::CullVisitor *cv)
osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitor ()
const osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitor () const
void setCullVisitorLeft (osgUtil::CullVisitor *cv)
osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitorLeft ()
const osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitorLeft () const
void setCullVisitorRight (osgUtil::CullVisitor *cv)
osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitorRight ()
const osgUtil::CullVisitorgetCullVisitorRight () const
void setCollectOccludersVisitor (osg::CollectOccludersVisitor *cov)
osg::CollectOccludersVisitorgetCollectOccludersVisitor ()
const osg::CollectOccludersVisitorgetCollectOccludersVisitor () const
void setStateGraph (osgUtil::StateGraph *rg)
osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraph ()
const osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraph () const
void setStateGraphLeft (osgUtil::StateGraph *rg)
osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraphLeft ()
const osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraphLeft () const
void setStateGraphRight (osgUtil::StateGraph *rg)
osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraphRight ()
const osgUtil::StateGraphgetStateGraphRight () const
void setRenderStage (osgUtil::RenderStage *rs)
osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStage ()
const osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStage () const
void setRenderStageLeft (osgUtil::RenderStage *rs)
osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStageLeft ()
const osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStageLeft () const
void setRenderStageRight (osgUtil::RenderStage *rs)
osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStageRight ()
const osgUtil::RenderStagegetRenderStageRight () const
void setDrawBufferValue (GLenum drawBufferValue)
GLenum getDrawBufferValue () const
void setFusionDistance (FusionDistanceMode mode, float value=1.0f)
FusionDistanceMode getFusionDistanceMode () const
float getFusionDistanceValue () const
void setPrioritizeTextures (bool pt)
bool getPrioritizeTextures () const
void setComputeStereoMatricesCallback (ComputeStereoMatricesCallback *callback)
ComputeStereoMatricesCallbackgetComputeStereoMatricesCallback ()
const ComputeStereoMatricesCallbackgetComputeStereoMatricesCallback () const
bool projectWindowIntoObject (const osg::Vec3 &window, osg::Vec3 &object) const
bool projectWindowXYIntoObject (int x, int y, osg::Vec3 &near_point, osg::Vec3 &far_point) const
bool projectObjectIntoWindow (const osg::Vec3 &object, osg::Vec3 &window) const
void setFrameStamp (osg::FrameStamp *fs)
const osg::FrameStampgetFrameStamp () const
osg::Matrixd computeLeftEyeProjection (const osg::Matrixd &projection) const
osg::Matrixd computeLeftEyeView (const osg::Matrixd &view) const
osg::Matrixd computeRightEyeProjection (const osg::Matrixd &projection) const
osg::Matrixd computeRightEyeView (const osg::Matrixd &view) const
virtual osg::Matrixd computeLeftEyeProjectionImplementation (const osg::Matrixd &projection) const
virtual osg::Matrixd computeLeftEyeViewImplementation (const osg::Matrixd &view) const
virtual osg::Matrixd computeRightEyeProjectionImplementation (const osg::Matrixd &projection) const
virtual osg::Matrixd computeRightEyeViewImplementation (const osg::Matrixd &view) const
virtual void init ()
virtual void update ()
virtual void cull ()
virtual void draw ()
virtual void releaseAllGLObjects ()
virtual void flushAllDeletedGLObjects ()
virtual void flushDeletedGLObjects (double &availableTime)
bool getStats (Statistics &primStats)

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~SceneView ()
virtual void cullStage (const osg::Matrixd &projection, const osg::Matrixd &modelview, osgUtil::CullVisitor *cullVisitor, osgUtil::StateGraph *rendergraph, osgUtil::RenderStage *renderStage)
const osg::Matrix computeMVPW () const
void clearArea (int x, int y, int width, int height, const osg::Vec4 &color)

Protected Attributes

osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet_localStateSet
osg::ref_ptr< osg::State_state
bool _initCalled
osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor_initVisitor
osg::ref_ptr< osg::NodeVisitor_updateVisitor
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::CullVisitor_cullVisitor
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::StateGraph_rendergraph
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderStage_renderStage
osg::ref_ptr< ComputeStereoMatricesCallback_computeStereoMatricesCallback
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::CullVisitor_cullVisitorLeft
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::StateGraph_rendergraphLeft
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderStage_renderStageLeft
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::CullVisitor_cullVisitorRight
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::StateGraph_rendergraphRight
osg::ref_ptr< osgUtil::RenderStage_renderStageRight
osg::ref_ptr< osg::CollectOccludersVisitor_collectOccludersVisistor
osg::ref_ptr< osg::FrameStamp_frameStamp
osg::ref_ptr< osg::CameraNode_camera
osg::ref_ptr< osg::StateSet_globalStateSet
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Light_light
osg::ref_ptr< osg::DisplaySettings_displaySettings
FusionDistanceMode _fusionDistanceMode
float _fusionDistanceValue
LightingMode _lightingMode
bool _prioritizeTextures
GLenum _drawBufferValue
bool _requiresFlush
int _activeUniforms
double _previousFrameTime
bool _redrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask
int _interlacedStereoStencilWidth
int _interlacedStereoStencilHeight


struct  ComputeStereoMatricesCallback

Detailed Description

SceneView is literaly a view of a scene, encapsulating the 'camera' (not to be confused with Producer::Camera) (modelview+projection matrices), global state, lights and the scene itself. Provides methods for setting up the view and rendering it.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Options osgUtil::SceneView::LightingMode

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osgUtil::SceneView::ActiveUniforms


enum osgUtil::SceneView::FusionDistanceMode

FusionDistanceMode is used only when working in stereo.

USE_FUSION_DISTANCE_VALUE  Use fusion distance from the value set on the SceneView.
PROPORTIONAL_TO_SCREEN_DISTANCE  Compute the fusion distance by multiplying the screen distance by the fusion distance value.

enum osgUtil::SceneView::Options


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgUtil::SceneView::SceneView ( osg::DisplaySettings ds = NULL  ) 

Construct a default scene view.

virtual osgUtil::SceneView::~SceneView (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void osgUtil::SceneView::clearArea ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height,
const osg::Vec4 color 
) [protected]

osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeLeftEyeProjection ( const osg::Matrixd projection  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeLeftEyeProjectionImplementation ( const osg::Matrixd projection  )  const [virtual]

osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeLeftEyeView ( const osg::Matrixd view  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeLeftEyeViewImplementation ( const osg::Matrixd view  )  const [virtual]

const osg::Matrix osgUtil::SceneView::computeMVPW (  )  const [protected]

osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeRightEyeProjection ( const osg::Matrixd projection  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeRightEyeProjectionImplementation ( const osg::Matrixd projection  )  const [virtual]

osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeRightEyeView ( const osg::Matrixd view  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgUtil::SceneView::computeRightEyeViewImplementation ( const osg::Matrixd view  )  const [virtual]

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::cull (  )  [virtual]

Do cull traversal of attached scene graph using Cull NodeVisitor.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::cullStage ( const osg::Matrixd projection,
const osg::Matrixd modelview,
osgUtil::CullVisitor cullVisitor,
osgUtil::StateGraph rendergraph,
osgUtil::RenderStage renderStage 
) [protected, virtual]

Do cull traversal of attached scene graph using Cull NodeVisitor.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::draw (  )  [virtual]

Do draw traversal of draw bins generated by cull traversal.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::flushAllDeletedGLObjects (  )  [virtual]

Flush all deleted OpenGL objects, such as texture objects, display lists etc.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::flushDeletedGLObjects ( double &  availableTime  )  [virtual]

Flush deleted OpenGL objects, such as texture objects, display lists etc within specified available time.

int osgUtil::SceneView::getActiveUniforms (  )  const [inline]

Get the uniforms that SceneView should set set up on each frame.

const osg::CameraNode* osgUtil::SceneView::getCamera (  )  const [inline]

Get the const camera used to represent the camera view of this SceneView.

osg::CameraNode* osgUtil::SceneView::getCamera (  )  [inline]

Get the camera used to represent the camera view of this SceneView.

const osg::Vec4& osgUtil::SceneView::getClearColor (  )  const [inline]

Get the color used in glClearColor.

const osg::CollectOccludersVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCollectOccludersVisitor (  )  const [inline]

osg::CollectOccludersVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCollectOccludersVisitor (  )  [inline]

const ComputeStereoMatricesCallback* osgUtil::SceneView::getComputeStereoMatricesCallback (  )  const [inline]

ComputeStereoMatricesCallback* osgUtil::SceneView::getComputeStereoMatricesCallback (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitor (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitor (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitorLeft (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitorLeft (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitorRight (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::CullVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getCullVisitorRight (  )  [inline]

osg::DisplaySettings* osgUtil::SceneView::getDisplaySettings (  )  [inline]

Get the DisplaySettings

const osg::DisplaySettings* osgUtil::SceneView::getDisplaySettings (  )  const [inline]

Get the const DisplaySettings

GLenum osgUtil::SceneView::getDrawBufferValue (  )  const [inline]

Get the draw buffer value used at the start of each frame draw.

const osg::FrameStamp* osgUtil::SceneView::getFrameStamp (  )  const [inline]

Get the frame stamp for the current frame.

FusionDistanceMode osgUtil::SceneView::getFusionDistanceMode (  )  const [inline]

Get the FusionDistanceMode.

float osgUtil::SceneView::getFusionDistanceValue (  )  const [inline]

Get the FusionDistanceValue. Note, only used for USE_FUSION_DISTANCE_VALUE & PROPORTIONAL_TO_SCREEN_DISTANCE modes.

const osg::StateSet* osgUtil::SceneView::getGlobalStateSet (  )  const [inline]

osg::StateSet* osgUtil::SceneView::getGlobalStateSet (  )  [inline]

const osg::NodeVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getInitVisitor (  )  const [inline]

osg::NodeVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getInitVisitor (  )  [inline]

const osg::Light* osgUtil::SceneView::getLight (  )  const [inline]

osg::Light* osgUtil::SceneView::getLight (  )  [inline]

LightingMode osgUtil::SceneView::getLightingMode (  )  const [inline]

const osg::StateSet* osgUtil::SceneView::getLocalStateSet (  )  const [inline]

osg::StateSet* osgUtil::SceneView::getLocalStateSet (  )  [inline]

unsigned int osgUtil::SceneView::getNumSceneData (  )  const [inline]

Get the number of scene data subgraphs added to the SceneView's camera.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getPrioritizeTextures (  )  const [inline]

Get whether the draw method should call renderer->prioritizeTexture.

const osg::Matrixd& osgUtil::SceneView::getProjectionMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Get the const projection matrix.

osg::Matrixd& osgUtil::SceneView::getProjectionMatrix (  )  [inline]

Get the projection matrix.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum ( double &  left,
double &  right,
double &  bottom,
double &  top,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar 
) const

Get the frustum setting of a perspective projection matrix. Returns false if matrix is not a perspective matrix, where parameter values are undefined.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getProjectionMatrixAsOrtho ( double &  left,
double &  right,
double &  bottom,
double &  top,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar 
) const

Get the orthographic settings of the orthographic projection matrix. Returns false if matrix is not an orthographic matrix, where parameter values are undefined.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getProjectionMatrixAsPerspective ( double &  fovy,
double &  aspectRatio,
double &  zNear,
double &  zFar 
) const

Get the frustum setting of a symmetric perspective projection matrix. Returns false if matrix is not a perspective matrix, where parameter values are undefined. Note, if matrix is not a symmetric perspective matrix then the shear will be lost. Asymmetric matrices occur when stereo, power walls, caves and reality center display are used. In these configurations one should use the 'getProjectionMatrixAsFrustum' method instead.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getRedrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask (  )  const [inline]

Get the redraw interlaced stereo stencil mask request flag.

const osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStage (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStage (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStageLeft (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStageLeft (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStageRight (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::RenderStage* osgUtil::SceneView::getRenderStageRight (  )  [inline]

const osg::Node* osgUtil::SceneView::getSceneData ( unsigned int  childNo = 0  )  const [inline]

Get the const scene data which to view. The data will typically be an osg::Scene but can be any osg::Node type.

osg::Node* osgUtil::SceneView::getSceneData ( unsigned int  childNo = 0  )  [inline]

Get the scene data to view. The data will typically be an osg::Scene but can be any osg::Node type.

const osg::State* osgUtil::SceneView::getState (  )  const [inline]

osg::State* osgUtil::SceneView::getState (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraph (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraph (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraphLeft (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraphLeft (  )  [inline]

const osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraphRight (  )  const [inline]

osgUtil::StateGraph* osgUtil::SceneView::getStateGraphRight (  )  [inline]

bool osgUtil::SceneView::getStats ( Statistics primStats  ) 

Extract stats for current draw list.

const osg::NodeVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getUpdateVisitor (  )  const [inline]

osg::NodeVisitor* osgUtil::SceneView::getUpdateVisitor (  )  [inline]

const osg::Matrixd& osgUtil::SceneView::getViewMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Get the const view matrix.

osg::Matrixd& osgUtil::SceneView::getViewMatrix (  )  [inline]

Get the view matrix.

void osgUtil::SceneView::getViewMatrixAsLookAt ( osg::Vec3 eye,
osg::Vec3 center,
osg::Vec3 up,
float  lookDistance = 1.0f 
) const

Get to the position and orientation of a modelview matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

void osgUtil::SceneView::getViewport ( int &  x,
int &  y,
int &  width,
int &  height 
) const [inline]

Get the viewport of the scene view.

const osg::Viewport* osgUtil::SceneView::getViewport (  )  const [inline]

Get the const viewport.

osg::Viewport* osgUtil::SceneView::getViewport (  )  [inline]

Get the viewport.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::init (  )  [virtual]

Do init traversal of attached scene graph using Init NodeVisitor. The init traversal is called once for each SceneView, and should be used to compile display list, texture objects intialize data not otherwise intialized during scene graph loading. Note, is called automatically by update & cull if it hasn't already been called elsewhere. Also init() should only ever be called within a valid graphics context.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::projectObjectIntoWindow ( const osg::Vec3 object,
osg::Vec3 window 
) const

Calculate, via glProject, the object coordinates of a window. Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. Consistent with OpenGL windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window, whereas window API's normally have the top left as the origin, so you may need to pass in (mouseX,window_height-mouseY,...). Returns true on successful projection.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::projectWindowIntoObject ( const osg::Vec3 window,
osg::Vec3 object 
) const

Calculate, via glUnProject, the object coordinates of a window point. Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. Consistent with OpenGL windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window. Returns true on successful projection.

bool osgUtil::SceneView::projectWindowXYIntoObject ( int  x,
int  y,
osg::Vec3 near_point,
osg::Vec3 far_point 
) const

Calculate, via glUnProject, the object coordinates of a window x,y when projected onto the near and far planes. Note, current implementation requires that SceneView::draw() has been previously called for projectWindowIntoObject to produce valid values. Consistent with OpenGL windows coordinates are calculated relative to the bottom left of the window. Returns true on successful projection.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::releaseAllGLObjects (  )  [virtual]

Release all OpenGL objects from the scene graph, such as texture objects, display lists etc. These released scene graphs placed in the respective delete GLObjects cache, which then need to be deleted in OpenGL by SceneView::flushAllDeleteGLObjects().

void osgUtil::SceneView::setActiveUniforms ( int  activeUniforms  )  [inline]

Set the uniforms that SceneView should set set up on each frame.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setCamera ( osg::CameraNode camera  ) 

Set the camera used to represent the camera view of this SceneView.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setClearColor ( const osg::Vec4 color  )  [inline]

Set the color used in glClearColor(). Defaults to an off blue color.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setCollectOccludersVisitor ( osg::CollectOccludersVisitor cov  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setComputeStereoMatricesCallback ( ComputeStereoMatricesCallback callback  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setCullVisitor ( osgUtil::CullVisitor cv  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setCullVisitorLeft ( osgUtil::CullVisitor cv  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setCullVisitorRight ( osgUtil::CullVisitor cv  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setDefaults ( unsigned int  options = STANDARD_SETTINGS  ) 

Set scene view to use default global state, light, camera and render visitor.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setDisplaySettings ( osg::DisplaySettings vs  )  [inline]

Set the DisplaySettings.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setDrawBufferValue ( GLenum  drawBufferValue  )  [inline]

Set the draw buffer value used at the start of each frame draw. Note, overridden in quad buffer stereo mode

void osgUtil::SceneView::setFrameStamp ( osg::FrameStamp fs  )  [inline]

Set the frame stamp for the current frame.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setFusionDistance ( FusionDistanceMode  mode,
float  value = 1.0f 
) [inline]

Set the FusionDistanceMode and Value. Note, is used only when working in stereo.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setGlobalStateSet ( osg::StateSet state  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setInitVisitor ( osg::NodeVisitor av  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setLight ( osg::Light light  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setLightingMode ( LightingMode  mode  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setLocalStateSet ( osg::StateSet state  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setPrioritizeTextures ( bool  pt  )  [inline]

Set whether the draw method should call renderer->prioritizeTexture.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [inline]

Set the projection matrix. Can be thought of as setting the lens of a camera.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrix ( const osg::Matrixf matrix  )  [inline]

Set the projection matrix. Can be thought of as setting the lens of a camera.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrixAsFrustum ( double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top,
double  zNear,
double  zFar 

Set to a perspective projection. See OpenGL glFrustum documentation for further details.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho ( double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top,
double  zNear,
double  zFar 

Set to an orthographic projection. See OpenGL glOrtho for documentation further details.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrixAsOrtho2D ( double  left,
double  right,
double  bottom,
double  top 

Set to a 2D orthographic projection. See OpenGL glOrtho2D documentation for further details.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective ( double  fovy,
double  aspectRatio,
double  zNear,
double  zFar 

Create a symmetrical perspective projection, See OpenGL gluPerspective documentation for further details. Aspect ratio is defined as width/height.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setRedrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask ( bool  flag  )  [inline]

Manually set the redraw interlaced stereo stencil mask request flag to control whether to redraw the stencil buffer on the next frame.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setRenderStage ( osgUtil::RenderStage rs  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setRenderStageLeft ( osgUtil::RenderStage rs  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setRenderStageRight ( osgUtil::RenderStage rs  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setSceneData ( osg::Node node  ) 

Set the data to view. The data will typically be an osg::Scene but can be any osg::Node type.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setState ( osg::State state  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setStateGraph ( osgUtil::StateGraph rg  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setStateGraphLeft ( osgUtil::StateGraph rg  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setStateGraphRight ( osgUtil::StateGraph rg  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setUpdateVisitor ( osg::NodeVisitor av  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::SceneView::setViewMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [inline]

Set the view matrix. Can be thought of as setting the position of the world relative to the camera in camera coordinates.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setViewMatrix ( const osg::Matrixf matrix  )  [inline]

Set the view matrix. Can be thought of as setting the position of the world relative to the camera in camera coordinates.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setViewMatrixAsLookAt ( const osg::Vec3 eye,
const osg::Vec3 center,
const osg::Vec3 up 

Set to the position and orientation of view matrix, using the same convention as gluLookAt.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setViewport ( int  x,
int  y,
int  width,
int  height 
) [inline]

Set the viewport of the scene view to specified dimensions.

void osgUtil::SceneView::setViewport ( osg::Viewport viewport  )  [inline]

Set the viewport of the scene view to use specified osg::Viewport.

virtual void osgUtil::SceneView::update (  )  [virtual]

Do app traversal of attached scene graph using App NodeVisitor.

void osgUtil::SceneView::updateUniforms (  ) 

Member Data Documentation

int osgUtil::SceneView::_activeUniforms [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::CameraNode> osgUtil::SceneView::_camera [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::CollectOccludersVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_collectOccludersVisistor [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<ComputeStereoMatricesCallback> osgUtil::SceneView::_computeStereoMatricesCallback [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::CullVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_cullVisitor [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::CullVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_cullVisitorLeft [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::CullVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_cullVisitorRight [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::DisplaySettings> osgUtil::SceneView::_displaySettings [protected]

GLenum osgUtil::SceneView::_drawBufferValue [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::FrameStamp> osgUtil::SceneView::_frameStamp [protected]

FusionDistanceMode osgUtil::SceneView::_fusionDistanceMode [protected]

float osgUtil::SceneView::_fusionDistanceValue [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> osgUtil::SceneView::_globalStateSet [protected]

bool osgUtil::SceneView::_initCalled [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::NodeVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_initVisitor [protected]

int osgUtil::SceneView::_interlacedStereoStencilHeight [protected]

int osgUtil::SceneView::_interlacedStereoStencilWidth [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Light> osgUtil::SceneView::_light [protected]

LightingMode osgUtil::SceneView::_lightingMode [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> osgUtil::SceneView::_localStateSet [protected]

double osgUtil::SceneView::_previousFrameTime [protected]

bool osgUtil::SceneView::_prioritizeTextures [protected]

bool osgUtil::SceneView::_redrawInterlacedStereoStencilMask [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::StateGraph> osgUtil::SceneView::_rendergraph [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::StateGraph> osgUtil::SceneView::_rendergraphLeft [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::StateGraph> osgUtil::SceneView::_rendergraphRight [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::RenderStage> osgUtil::SceneView::_renderStage [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::RenderStage> osgUtil::SceneView::_renderStageLeft [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osgUtil::RenderStage> osgUtil::SceneView::_renderStageRight [protected]

bool osgUtil::SceneView::_requiresFlush [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::State> osgUtil::SceneView::_state [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::NodeVisitor> osgUtil::SceneView::_updateVisitor [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Oct 1 13:17:14 2006 for openscenegraph by  doxygen 1.4.7