osgUtil::Statistics Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osgUtil::Statistics:

osg::PrimitiveFunctor List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, unsigned int > 
typedef std::map< GLenum,
typedef std::map< GLenum,
unsigned int > 
enum  StatsType {

Public Member Functions

 Statistics ()
void reset ()
void setType (StatsType t)
virtual void setVertexArray (unsigned int count, const osg::Vec3 *)
virtual void setVertexArray (unsigned int count, const osg::Vec2 *)
virtual void setVertexArray (unsigned int count, const osg::Vec4 *)
virtual void drawArrays (GLenum mode, GLint, GLsizei count)
 Mimics the OpenGL glDrawArrays() function.
virtual void drawElements (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, const GLubyte *)
 Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.
virtual void drawElements (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, const GLushort *)
 Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.
virtual void drawElements (GLenum mode, GLsizei count, const GLuint *)
 Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.
virtual void begin (GLenum mode)
 Mimics the OpenGL glBegin() function.
void vertex ()
virtual void vertex (float, float, float)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void vertex (const osg::Vec3 &)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void vertex (const osg::Vec2 &)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void vertex (const osg::Vec4 &)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void vertex (float, float)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void vertex (float, float, float, float)
 Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".
virtual void end ()
 Mimics the OpenGL glEnd() function.
void addDrawable ()
void addMatrix ()
void addLight (int np)
void addImpostor (int np)
int getBins ()
void setDepth (int d)
void addBins (int np)
void setBinNo (int n)
void add (const Statistics &stats)
PrimitiveCountMap::iterator GetPrimitivesBegin ()
PrimitiveCountMap::iterator GetPrimitivesEnd ()

Public Attributes

int numDrawables
int nummat
int nbins
int nlights
int depth
int _binNo
StatsType stattype
int nimpostor
unsigned int _vertexCount
PrimitiveValueMap _primitiveCount
GLenum _currentPrimitiveFunctorMode

Detailed Description

Statistics base class. Used to extract primitive information from the renderBin(s). Add a case of getStats(osgUtil::Statistics *stat) for any new drawable (or drawable derived class) that you generate (eg see Geometry.cpp). There are 20 types of drawable counted - actually only 14 cases can occur in reality. these represent sets of GL_POINTS, GL_LINES GL_LINESTRIPS, LOOPS, TRIANGLES, TRI-fans, tristrips, quads, quadstrips etc The number of triangles rendered is inferred: each triangle = 1 triangle (number of vertices/3) each quad = 2 triangles (nverts/2) each trifan or tristrip = (length-2) triangles and so on.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<GLenum, unsigned int> osgUtil::Statistics::PrimitiveCountMap

typedef std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> osgUtil::Statistics::PrimitivePair

typedef std::map<GLenum,PrimitivePair> osgUtil::Statistics::PrimitiveValueMap

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osgUtil::Statistics::StatsType


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgUtil::Statistics::Statistics (  )  [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void osgUtil::Statistics::add ( const Statistics stats  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::addBins ( int  np  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::addDrawable (  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::addImpostor ( int  np  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::addLight ( int  np  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::addMatrix (  )  [inline]

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::begin ( GLenum  mode  )  [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glBegin() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::drawArrays ( GLenum  mode,
GLint  ,
GLsizei  count 
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glDrawArrays() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::drawElements ( GLenum  mode,
GLsizei  count,
const GLuint *   
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::drawElements ( GLenum  mode,
GLsizei  count,
const GLushort *   
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::drawElements ( GLenum  mode,
GLsizei  count,
const GLubyte *   
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glDrawElements() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::end (  )  [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glEnd() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

int osgUtil::Statistics::getBins (  )  [inline]

PrimitiveCountMap::iterator osgUtil::Statistics::GetPrimitivesBegin (  )  [inline]

PrimitiveCountMap::iterator osgUtil::Statistics::GetPrimitivesEnd (  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::reset (  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::setBinNo ( int  n  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::setDepth ( int  d  )  [inline]

void osgUtil::Statistics::setType ( StatsType  t  )  [inline]

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::setVertexArray ( unsigned int  count,
const osg::Vec4  
) [inline, virtual]

Sets the array of vertices used to describe the primitives. Somehow mimics the OpenGL glVertexPointer() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::setVertexArray ( unsigned int  count,
const osg::Vec2  
) [inline, virtual]

Sets the array of vertices used to describe the primitives. Somehow mimics the OpenGL glVertexPointer() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::setVertexArray ( unsigned int  count,
const osg::Vec3  
) [inline, virtual]

Sets the array of vertices used to describe the primitives. Somehow mimics the OpenGL glVertexPointer() function.

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( float  ,
float  ,
float  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( float  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( const osg::Vec4  )  [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( const osg::Vec2  )  [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( const osg::Vec3  )  [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

virtual void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex ( float  ,
float  ,
) [inline, virtual]

Mimics the OpenGL glVertex() "family of functions".

Implements osg::PrimitiveFunctor.

void osgUtil::Statistics::vertex (  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

int osgUtil::Statistics::_binNo

GLenum osgUtil::Statistics::_currentPrimitiveFunctorMode

PrimitiveValueMap osgUtil::Statistics::_primitiveCount

unsigned int osgUtil::Statistics::_vertexCount

int osgUtil::Statistics::depth

int osgUtil::Statistics::nbins

int osgUtil::Statistics::nimpostor

int osgUtil::Statistics::nlights

int osgUtil::Statistics::numDrawables

int osgUtil::Statistics::nummat

StatsType osgUtil::Statistics::stattype

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