osg::Geometry Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osg::Geometry:

osg::Drawable osg::Object osg::Referenced osgUtil::DelaunayConstraint List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ArrayDataArrayList
typedef std::vector< ref_ptr<
PrimitiveSet > > 
enum  AttributeBinding {

Public Member Functions

 Geometry ()
 Geometry (const Geometry &geometry, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)
virtual ObjectcloneType () const
virtual Objectclone (const CopyOp &copyop) const
virtual bool isSameKindAs (const Object *obj) const
virtual const char * libraryName () const
virtual const char * className () const
virtual GeometryasGeometry ()
virtual const GeometryasGeometry () const
bool empty () const
void setVertexArray (Array *array)
ArraygetVertexArray ()
const ArraygetVertexArray () const
void setVertexIndices (IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetVertexIndices ()
const IndexArraygetVertexIndices () const
void setVertexData (const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetVertexData ()
const ArrayDatagetVertexData () const
void setNormalBinding (AttributeBinding ab)
AttributeBinding getNormalBinding () const
void setNormalArray (Array *array)
ArraygetNormalArray ()
const ArraygetNormalArray () const
void setNormalIndices (IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetNormalIndices ()
const IndexArraygetNormalIndices () const
void setNormalData (const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetNormalData ()
const ArrayDatagetNormalData () const
void setColorBinding (AttributeBinding ab)
AttributeBinding getColorBinding () const
void setColorArray (Array *array)
ArraygetColorArray ()
const ArraygetColorArray () const
void setColorIndices (IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetColorIndices ()
const IndexArraygetColorIndices () const
void setColorData (const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetColorData ()
const ArrayDatagetColorData () const
void setSecondaryColorBinding (AttributeBinding ab)
AttributeBinding getSecondaryColorBinding () const
void setSecondaryColorArray (Array *array)
ArraygetSecondaryColorArray ()
const ArraygetSecondaryColorArray () const
void setSecondaryColorIndices (IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetSecondaryColorIndices ()
const IndexArraygetSecondaryColorIndices () const
void setSecondaryColorData (const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetSecondaryColorData ()
const ArrayDatagetSecondaryColorData () const
void setFogCoordBinding (AttributeBinding ab)
AttributeBinding getFogCoordBinding () const
void setFogCoordArray (Array *array)
ArraygetFogCoordArray ()
const ArraygetFogCoordArray () const
void setFogCoordIndices (IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetFogCoordIndices ()
const IndexArraygetFogCoordIndices () const
void setFogCoordData (const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetFogCoordData ()
const ArrayDatagetFogCoordData () const
void setTexCoordArray (unsigned int unit, Array *)
ArraygetTexCoordArray (unsigned int unit)
const ArraygetTexCoordArray (unsigned int unit) const
void setTexCoordIndices (unsigned int unit, IndexArray *)
IndexArraygetTexCoordIndices (unsigned int unit)
const IndexArraygetTexCoordIndices (unsigned int unit) const
void setTexCoordData (unsigned int index, const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetTexCoordData (unsigned int index)
const ArrayDatagetTexCoordData (unsigned int index) const
unsigned int getNumTexCoordArrays () const
ArrayListgetTexCoordArrayList ()
const ArrayListgetTexCoordArrayList () const
void setVertexAttribArray (unsigned int index, Array *array)
ArraygetVertexAttribArray (unsigned int index)
const ArraygetVertexAttribArray (unsigned int index) const
void setVertexAttribIndices (unsigned int index, IndexArray *array)
IndexArraygetVertexAttribIndices (unsigned int index)
const IndexArraygetVertexAttribIndices (unsigned int index) const
void setVertexAttribBinding (unsigned int index, AttributeBinding ab)
AttributeBinding getVertexAttribBinding (unsigned int index) const
void setVertexAttribNormalize (unsigned int index, GLboolean norm)
GLboolean getVertexAttribNormalize (unsigned int index) const
void setVertexAttribData (unsigned int index, const ArrayData &arrayData)
ArrayDatagetVertexAttribData (unsigned int index)
const ArrayDatagetVertexAttribData (unsigned int index) const
unsigned int getNumVertexAttribArrays () const
ArrayListgetVertexAttribArrayList ()
const ArrayListgetVertexAttribArrayList () const
void setPrimitiveSetList (const PrimitiveSetList &primitives)
PrimitiveSetListgetPrimitiveSetList ()
const PrimitiveSetListgetPrimitiveSetList () const
unsigned int getNumPrimitiveSets () const
PrimitiveSetgetPrimitiveSet (unsigned int pos)
const PrimitiveSetgetPrimitiveSet (unsigned int pos) const
bool addPrimitiveSet (PrimitiveSet *primitiveset)
bool setPrimitiveSet (unsigned int i, PrimitiveSet *primitiveset)
bool insertPrimitiveSet (unsigned int i, PrimitiveSet *primitiveset)
bool removePrimitiveSet (unsigned int i, unsigned int numElementsToRemove=1)
unsigned int getPrimitiveSetIndex (const PrimitiveSet *primitiveset) const
void setFastPathHint (bool on)
bool getFastPathHint () const
bool areFastPathsUsed () const
bool computeFastPathsUsed ()
bool verifyBindings () const
void computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes ()
bool suitableForOptimization () const
void copyToAndOptimize (Geometry &target)
void computeInternalOptimizedGeometry ()
void removeInternalOptimizedGeometry ()
void setInternalOptimizedGeometry (osg::Geometry *geometry)
osg::GeometrygetInternalOptimizedGeometry ()
const osg::GeometrygetInternalOptimizedGeometry () const
virtual unsigned int getGLObjectSizeHint () const
virtual void drawImplementation (State &state) const
virtual bool supports (const AttributeFunctor &) const
virtual void accept (AttributeFunctor &af)
virtual bool supports (const ConstAttributeFunctor &) const
virtual void accept (ConstAttributeFunctor &af) const
virtual bool supports (const PrimitiveFunctor &) const
virtual void accept (PrimitiveFunctor &pf) const
virtual bool supports (const PrimitiveIndexFunctor &) const
virtual void accept (PrimitiveIndexFunctor &pf) const

Static Public Attributes

static const ArrayData s_InvalidArrayData

Protected Member Functions

Geometryoperator= (const Geometry &)
virtual ~Geometry ()
bool verifyBindings (const ArrayData &arrayData) const
bool verifyBindings (const Vec3ArrayData &arrayData) const
void computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes (ArrayData &arrayData, const char *arrayName)
void computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes (Vec3ArrayData &arrayData, const char *arrayName)

Protected Attributes

PrimitiveSetList _primitives
ArrayData _vertexData
ArrayData _normalData
ArrayData _colorData
ArrayData _secondaryColorData
ArrayData _fogCoordData
ArrayList _texCoordList
ArrayList _vertexAttribList
bool _fastPath
bool _fastPathHint
ref_ptr< Geometry_internalOptimizedGeometry


struct  ArrayData
struct  Vec3ArrayData

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< ArrayData > osg::Geometry::ArrayList

typedef std::vector< ref_ptr<PrimitiveSet> > osg::Geometry::PrimitiveSetList

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osg::Geometry::AttributeBinding


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osg::Geometry::Geometry (  ) 

osg::Geometry::Geometry ( const Geometry geometry,
const CopyOp copyop = CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY 

Copy constructor using CopyOp to manage deep vs shallow copy.

virtual osg::Geometry::~Geometry (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void osg::Geometry::accept ( PrimitiveIndexFunctor pf  )  const [virtual]

Accept a PrimitiveFunctor and call its methods to tell it about the interal primitives that this Drawable has.

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual void osg::Geometry::accept ( PrimitiveFunctor pf  )  const [virtual]

Accept a PrimitiveFunctor and call its methods to tell it about the interal primitives that this Drawable has.

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual void osg::Geometry::accept ( ConstAttributeFunctor &  af  )  const [virtual]

Accept a ConstAttributeFunctor and call its methods to tell it about the interal attributes that this Drawable has.

virtual void osg::Geometry::accept ( AttributeFunctor &  af  )  [virtual]

Accept an AttributeFunctor and call its methods to tell it about the interal attributes that this Drawable has.

bool osg::Geometry::addPrimitiveSet ( PrimitiveSet primitiveset  ) 

Add a primitive set to the geometry.

bool osg::Geometry::areFastPathsUsed (  )  const [inline]

Return true if OpenGL fast paths will be used with drawing this Geometry. Fast paths use vertex arrays, and glDrawArrays/glDrawElements. Slow paths use glBegin()/glVertex.../glEnd(). Use of per primitive bindings or per vertex indexed arrays will drop the rendering path off the fast path.

virtual const Geometry* osg::Geometry::asGeometry (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Convert 'const this' into a const Geometry pointer if Drawable is a Geometry, otherwise return 0. Equivalent to dynamic_cast<const Geometry*>(this).

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual Geometry* osg::Geometry::asGeometry (  )  [inline, virtual]

Convert 'this' into a Geometry pointer if Drawable is a Geometry, otherwise return 0. Equivalent to dynamic_cast<Geometry*>(this).

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual const char* osg::Geometry::className (  )  const [inline, virtual]

return the name of the object's class type. Must be defined by derived classes.

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual Object* osg::Geometry::clone ( const CopyOp copyop  )  const [inline, virtual]

Clone an object, with Object* return type. Must be defined by derived classes.

Implements osg::Object.

virtual Object* osg::Geometry::cloneType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Clone the type of an object, with Object* return type. Must be defined by derived classes.

Implements osg::Object.

void osg::Geometry::computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes ( Vec3ArrayData arrayData,
const char *  arrayName 
) [protected]

void osg::Geometry::computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes ( ArrayData arrayData,
const char *  arrayName 
) [protected]

void osg::Geometry::computeCorrectBindingsAndArraySizes (  ) 

bool osg::Geometry::computeFastPathsUsed (  ) 

void osg::Geometry::computeInternalOptimizedGeometry (  ) 

void osg::Geometry::copyToAndOptimize ( Geometry target  ) 

virtual void osg::Geometry::drawImplementation ( State state  )  const [virtual]

Draw Geometry directly ignoring an OpenGL display list which could be attached. This is the internal draw method which does the drawing itself, and is the method to override when deriving from Geometry for user-drawn objects.

Implements osg::Drawable.

bool osg::Geometry::empty (  )  const

const Array* osg::Geometry::getColorArray (  )  const [inline]

Array* osg::Geometry::getColorArray (  )  [inline]

AttributeBinding osg::Geometry::getColorBinding (  )  const [inline]

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getColorData (  )  const [inline]

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getColorData (  )  [inline]

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getColorIndices (  )  const [inline]

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getColorIndices (  )  [inline]

bool osg::Geometry::getFastPathHint (  )  const [inline]

Get whether fast paths should be used when supported.

const Array* osg::Geometry::getFogCoordArray (  )  const [inline]

Array* osg::Geometry::getFogCoordArray (  )  [inline]

AttributeBinding osg::Geometry::getFogCoordBinding (  )  const [inline]

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getFogCoordData (  )  const [inline]

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getFogCoordData (  )  [inline]

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getFogCoordIndices (  )  const [inline]

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getFogCoordIndices (  )  [inline]

virtual unsigned int osg::Geometry::getGLObjectSizeHint (  )  const [virtual]

Return the estimated size of GLObjects (display lists/vertex buffer objects) that are associated with this drawable. This size is used a hint for reuse of deleteed display lists/vertex buffer objects.

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

const osg::Geometry* osg::Geometry::getInternalOptimizedGeometry (  )  const [inline]

osg::Geometry* osg::Geometry::getInternalOptimizedGeometry (  )  [inline]

const Array* osg::Geometry::getNormalArray (  )  const [inline]

Array* osg::Geometry::getNormalArray (  )  [inline]

AttributeBinding osg::Geometry::getNormalBinding (  )  const [inline]

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getNormalData (  )  const [inline]

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getNormalData (  )  [inline]

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getNormalIndices (  )  const [inline]

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getNormalIndices (  )  [inline]

unsigned int osg::Geometry::getNumPrimitiveSets (  )  const [inline]

unsigned int osg::Geometry::getNumTexCoordArrays (  )  const [inline]

unsigned int osg::Geometry::getNumVertexAttribArrays (  )  const [inline]

const PrimitiveSet* osg::Geometry::getPrimitiveSet ( unsigned int  pos  )  const [inline]

PrimitiveSet* osg::Geometry::getPrimitiveSet ( unsigned int  pos  )  [inline]

unsigned int osg::Geometry::getPrimitiveSetIndex ( const PrimitiveSet primitiveset  )  const

Get the index number of a primitive set, return a value between 0 and getNumPrimitiveSet()-1 if found, if not found then return getNumPrimitiveSet(). When checking for a valid find value use if ((value=geometry->getPrimitiveSetIndex(primitive))!=geometry.getNumPrimitiveSet())

const PrimitiveSetList& osg::Geometry::getPrimitiveSetList (  )  const [inline]

PrimitiveSetList& osg::Geometry::getPrimitiveSetList (  )  [inline]

const Array* osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorArray (  )  const [inline]

Array* osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorArray (  )  [inline]

AttributeBinding osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorBinding (  )  const [inline]

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorData (  )  const [inline]

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorData (  )  [inline]

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorIndices (  )  const [inline]

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getSecondaryColorIndices (  )  [inline]

const Array* osg::Geometry::getTexCoordArray ( unsigned int  unit  )  const

Array* osg::Geometry::getTexCoordArray ( unsigned int  unit  ) 

const ArrayList& osg::Geometry::getTexCoordArrayList (  )  const [inline]

ArrayList& osg::Geometry::getTexCoordArrayList (  )  [inline]

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getTexCoordData ( unsigned int  index  )  const

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getTexCoordData ( unsigned int  index  ) 

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getTexCoordIndices ( unsigned int  unit  )  const

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getTexCoordIndices ( unsigned int  unit  ) 

const Array* osg::Geometry::getVertexArray (  )  const [inline]

Array* osg::Geometry::getVertexArray (  )  [inline]

const Array* osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribArray ( unsigned int  index  )  const

Array* osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribArray ( unsigned int  index  ) 

const ArrayList& osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribArrayList (  )  const [inline]

ArrayList& osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribArrayList (  )  [inline]

AttributeBinding osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribBinding ( unsigned int  index  )  const

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribData ( unsigned int  index  )  const

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribData ( unsigned int  index  ) 

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribIndices ( unsigned int  index  )  const

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribIndices ( unsigned int  index  ) 

GLboolean osg::Geometry::getVertexAttribNormalize ( unsigned int  index  )  const

const ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getVertexData (  )  const [inline]

ArrayData& osg::Geometry::getVertexData (  )  [inline]

const IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getVertexIndices (  )  const [inline]

IndexArray* osg::Geometry::getVertexIndices (  )  [inline]

bool osg::Geometry::insertPrimitiveSet ( unsigned int  i,
PrimitiveSet primitiveset 

Insert a primitive set to the specified position in geometry's primitive set list.

virtual bool osg::Geometry::isSameKindAs ( const Object obj  )  const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual const char* osg::Geometry::libraryName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

return the name of the object's library. Must be defined by derived classes. The OpenSceneGraph convention is that the namespace of a library is the same as the library name.

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

Geometry& osg::Geometry::operator= ( const Geometry  )  [inline, protected]

void osg::Geometry::removeInternalOptimizedGeometry (  )  [inline]

bool osg::Geometry::removePrimitiveSet ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  numElementsToRemove = 1 

Remove primitive set(s) from the specified position in geometry's primitive set list.

void osg::Geometry::setColorArray ( Array array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setColorBinding ( AttributeBinding  ab  ) 

void osg::Geometry::setColorData ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setColorIndices ( IndexArray array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setFastPathHint ( bool  on  )  [inline]

Set whether fast paths should be used when supported.

void osg::Geometry::setFogCoordArray ( Array array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setFogCoordBinding ( AttributeBinding  ab  ) 

void osg::Geometry::setFogCoordData ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setFogCoordIndices ( IndexArray array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setInternalOptimizedGeometry ( osg::Geometry geometry  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setNormalArray ( Array array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setNormalBinding ( AttributeBinding  ab  ) 

void osg::Geometry::setNormalData ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setNormalIndices ( IndexArray array  )  [inline]

bool osg::Geometry::setPrimitiveSet ( unsigned int  i,
PrimitiveSet primitiveset 

Set a primitive set to the specified position in geometry's primitive set list.

void osg::Geometry::setPrimitiveSetList ( const PrimitiveSetList primitives  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setSecondaryColorArray ( Array array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setSecondaryColorBinding ( AttributeBinding  ab  ) 

void osg::Geometry::setSecondaryColorData ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setSecondaryColorIndices ( IndexArray array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setTexCoordArray ( unsigned int  unit,

void osg::Geometry::setTexCoordData ( unsigned int  index,
const ArrayData arrayData 

void osg::Geometry::setTexCoordIndices ( unsigned int  unit,

void osg::Geometry::setVertexArray ( Array array  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setVertexAttribArray ( unsigned int  index,
Array array 

void osg::Geometry::setVertexAttribBinding ( unsigned int  index,
AttributeBinding  ab 

void osg::Geometry::setVertexAttribData ( unsigned int  index,
const ArrayData arrayData 

void osg::Geometry::setVertexAttribIndices ( unsigned int  index,
IndexArray array 

void osg::Geometry::setVertexAttribNormalize ( unsigned int  index,
GLboolean  norm 

void osg::Geometry::setVertexData ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  [inline]

void osg::Geometry::setVertexIndices ( IndexArray array  )  [inline]

bool osg::Geometry::suitableForOptimization (  )  const

virtual bool osg::Geometry::supports ( const PrimitiveIndexFunctor  )  const [inline, virtual]

Return true, osg::Geometry does support accept(PrimitiveIndexFunctor&).

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual bool osg::Geometry::supports ( const PrimitiveFunctor  )  const [inline, virtual]

Return true, osg::Geometry does support accept(PrimitiveFunctor&).

Reimplemented from osg::Drawable.

virtual bool osg::Geometry::supports ( const ConstAttributeFunctor &   )  const [inline, virtual]

Return true, osg::Geometry does support accept(ConstAttributeFunctor&).

virtual bool osg::Geometry::supports ( const AttributeFunctor &   )  const [inline, virtual]

Return true, osg::Geometry does support accept(AttributeFunctor&).

bool osg::Geometry::verifyBindings ( const Vec3ArrayData arrayData  )  const [protected]

bool osg::Geometry::verifyBindings ( const ArrayData arrayData  )  const [protected]

bool osg::Geometry::verifyBindings (  )  const

Member Data Documentation

ArrayData osg::Geometry::_colorData [protected]

bool osg::Geometry::_fastPath [mutable, protected]

bool osg::Geometry::_fastPathHint [protected]

ArrayData osg::Geometry::_fogCoordData [protected]

ref_ptr<Geometry> osg::Geometry::_internalOptimizedGeometry [protected]

ArrayData osg::Geometry::_normalData [protected]

PrimitiveSetList osg::Geometry::_primitives [protected]

ArrayData osg::Geometry::_secondaryColorData [protected]

ArrayList osg::Geometry::_texCoordList [protected]

ArrayList osg::Geometry::_vertexAttribList [protected]

ArrayData osg::Geometry::_vertexData [protected]

const ArrayData osg::Geometry::s_InvalidArrayData [static]

Static ArrayData which is returned from getTexCoordData(i) const and getVertexAttribData(i) const when i is out of range.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Oct 1 13:17:06 2006 for openscenegraph by  doxygen 1.4.7