osgDB::DatabasePager Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osgDB::DatabasePager:

osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler osg::Referenced List of all members.

Public Types

typedef OpenThreads::Thread::ThreadPriority ThreadPriority
typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::PagedLOD > > 
typedef std::set< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::StateSet > > 
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::Drawable > > 
typedef std::pair< StateSetList,
typedef std::map< unsigned
int, DataToCompile
typedef std::set< unsigned
int > 

Public Member Functions

 DatabasePager ()
virtual void requestNodeFile (const std::string &fileName, osg::Group *group, float priority, const osg::FrameStamp *framestamp)
virtual void run ()
virtual int cancel ()
virtual void clear ()
void setDatabasePagerThreadPause (bool pause)
bool getDatabasePagerThreadPause () const
void setAcceptNewDatabaseRequests (bool acceptNewRequests)
bool getAcceptNewDatabaseRequests () const
void setUseFrameBlock (bool useFrameBlock)
bool getUseFrameBlock () const
osg::BlockgetFrameBlock ()
void setThreadPriorityDuringFrame (ThreadPriority duringFrame)
ThreadPriority getThreadPriorityDuringFrame () const
void setThreadPriorityOutwithFrame (ThreadPriority outwithFrame)
ThreadPriority getThreadPriorityOutwithFrame () const
int getNumFramesActive () const
virtual void signalBeginFrame (const osg::FrameStamp *framestamp)
virtual void signalEndFrame ()
virtual void registerPagedLODs (osg::Node *subgraph)
void setDoPreCompile (bool flag)
bool getDoPreCompile () const
void setTargetFrameRate (double tfr)
double getTargetFrameRate () const
void setMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame (double ta)
double getMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame () const
void setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame (unsigned int num)
unsigned int getMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame () const
void setExpiryDelay (double expiryDelay)
double getExpiryDelay () const
void setDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread (bool flag)
bool getDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread () const
void setDrawablePolicy (DrawablePolicy policy)
DrawablePolicy getDrawablePolicy () const
void setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy (bool changeAutoUnRef, bool valueAutoUnRef)
void getUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy (bool &changeAutoUnRef, bool &valueAutoUnRef) const
void setMaxAnisotropyPolicy (bool changeAnisotropy, float valueAnisotropy)
void getMaxAnisotropyPolicy (bool &changeAnisotropy, float &valueAnisotropy) const
bool requiresUpdateSceneGraph () const
virtual void updateSceneGraph (double currentFrameTime)
void setCompileGLObjectsForContextID (unsigned int contextID, bool on)
bool getCompileGLObjectsForContextID (unsigned int contextID)
bool requiresCompileGLObjects () const
virtual void compileGLObjects (osg::State &state, double &availableTime)
unsigned int getFileRequestListSize () const
unsigned int getDataToCompileListSize () const

Protected Types

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
DatabaseRequest > > 
typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::Object > > 

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~DatabasePager ()
void updateDatabasePagerThreadBlock ()
void updateFrameBlock (int delta)
virtual void removeExpiredSubgraphs (double currentFrameTime)
void addLoadedDataToSceneGraph (double currentFrameTime)

Protected Attributes

OpenThreads::Mutex _run_mutex
bool _startThreadCalled
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Block_databasePagerThreadBlock
bool _done
bool _acceptNewRequests
bool _databasePagerThreadPaused
bool _useFrameBlock
int _numFramesActive
OpenThreads::Mutex _numFramesActiveMutex
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Block_frameBlock
int _frameNumber
ThreadPriority _threadPriorityDuringFrame
ThreadPriority _threadPriorityOutwithFrame
DatabaseRequestList _fileRequestList
OpenThreads::Mutex _fileRequestListMutex
DatabaseRequestList _dataToCompileList
OpenThreads::Mutex _dataToCompileListMutex
DrawablePolicy _drawablePolicy
bool _changeAutoUnRef
bool _valueAutoUnRef
bool _changeAnisotropy
float _valueAnisotropy
bool _deleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread
ObjectList _childrenToDeleteList
OpenThreads::Mutex _childrenToDeleteListMutex
DatabaseRequestList _dataToMergeList
OpenThreads::Mutex _dataToMergeListMutex
PagedLODList _activePagedLODList
PagedLODList _inactivePagedLODList
double _expiryDelay
ActiveGraphicsContexts _activeGraphicsContexts
bool _doPreCompile
double _targetFrameRate
double _minimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame
unsigned int _maximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame


struct DatabaseRequest
class FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor
class FindPagedLODsVisitor
struct SortFileRequestFunctor


struct  DatabaseRequest

Detailed Description

Database paging class which manages the loading of files in a background thread, and syncronizing of loaded models with the main scene graph.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::set<unsigned int> osgDB::DatabasePager::ActiveGraphicsContexts

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<DatabaseRequest> > osgDB::DatabasePager::DatabaseRequestList [protected]

typedef std::pair<StateSetList,DrawableList> osgDB::DatabasePager::DataToCompile

typedef std::map< unsigned int, DataToCompile > osgDB::DatabasePager::DataToCompileMap

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Drawable> > osgDB::DatabasePager::DrawableList

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Object> > osgDB::DatabasePager::ObjectList [protected]

typedef std::list< osg::ref_ptr<osg::PagedLOD> > osgDB::DatabasePager::PagedLODList

typedef std::set< osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> > osgDB::DatabasePager::StateSetList

typedef OpenThreads::Thread::ThreadPriority osgDB::DatabasePager::ThreadPriority

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osgDB::DatabasePager::DrawablePolicy


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgDB::DatabasePager::DatabasePager (  ) 

virtual osgDB::DatabasePager::~DatabasePager (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void osgDB::DatabasePager::addLoadedDataToSceneGraph ( double  currentFrameTime  )  [protected]

Add the loaded data to the scene graph.

virtual int osgDB::DatabasePager::cancel (  )  [virtual]

Cancel the database pager thread.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::clear (  )  [virtual]

Clear all internally cached structures.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::compileGLObjects ( osg::State state,
double &  availableTime 
) [virtual]

Compile the rendering objects (display lists,texture objects, VBO's) on loaded subgraph. note, should only be called from the draw thread. Note, must only be called from a valid graphics context.

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getAcceptNewDatabaseRequests (  )  const [inline]

Get whether new database request calls are accepted or ignored.

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getCompileGLObjectsForContextID ( unsigned int  contextID  ) 

Get whether the compilation of rendering objects for specfied graphics context on (true) or off(false).

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getDatabasePagerThreadPause (  )  const [inline]

Get whether the database pager thread should is paused or not.

unsigned int osgDB::DatabasePager::getDataToCompileListSize (  )  const [inline]

Report how many items are in the _dataToCompileList queue

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread (  )  const [inline]

Get whether the removed subgraphs should be deleted in the database thread or not.

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getDoPreCompile (  )  const [inline]

Get whether the database pager should pre compile OpenGL objects before allowing them to be merged into the scene graph.

DrawablePolicy osgDB::DatabasePager::getDrawablePolicy (  )  const [inline]

Get how loaded drawables should be handled w.r.t their display list/vertex buffer object/vertex array settings.

double osgDB::DatabasePager::getExpiryDelay (  )  const [inline]

Get the amount of time that a subgraph will be kept without being visited in the cull traversal before being removed.

unsigned int osgDB::DatabasePager::getFileRequestListSize (  )  const [inline]

Report how many items are in the _fileRequestList queue

osg::Block* osgDB::DatabasePager::getFrameBlock (  )  [inline]

void osgDB::DatabasePager::getMaxAnisotropyPolicy ( bool &  changeAnisotropy,
float &  valueAnisotropy 
) const [inline]

Set whether newly loaded textures should have their MaxAnisotopy set to a specified value.

unsigned int osgDB::DatabasePager::getMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame (  )  const [inline]

Get the maximum number of OpenGL objects that the page should attempt to compile per frame.

double osgDB::DatabasePager::getMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame (  )  const [inline]

Get the minimum amount of time that should be made available for compiling and delete OpenGL objects per frame. For usage see notes in setTargetFrameRate.

int osgDB::DatabasePager::getNumFramesActive (  )  const [inline]

Get the number of frames that are currently active.

double osgDB::DatabasePager::getTargetFrameRate (  )  const [inline]

Get the target frame rate that the DatabasePager should assume.

ThreadPriority osgDB::DatabasePager::getThreadPriorityDuringFrame (  )  const [inline]

Get the priority of the database pager thread during the frame

ThreadPriority osgDB::DatabasePager::getThreadPriorityOutwithFrame (  )  const [inline]

Get the priority of the database pager thread when the frame is not being exectuted.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::getUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy ( bool &  changeAutoUnRef,
bool &  valueAutoUnRef 
) const [inline]

Get whether newly loaded textures should have their UnrefImageDataAfterApply set to a specified value.

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::getUseFrameBlock (  )  const [inline]

Get the whether UseFrameBlock is on or off.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::registerPagedLODs ( osg::Node subgraph  )  [virtual]

Find all PagedLOD nodes in a subgraph and register them with the DatabasePager so it can keep track of expired nodes. note, should be only be called from the update thread.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::removeExpiredSubgraphs ( double  currentFrameTime  )  [protected, virtual]

Iterate through the active PagedLOD nodes children removing children which havn't been visited since specified expiryTime. note, should be only be called from the update thread.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::requestNodeFile ( const std::string &  fileName,
osg::Group group,
float  priority,
const osg::FrameStamp framestamp 
) [virtual]

Add a request to load a node file to end the the database request list.

Implements osg::NodeVisitor::DatabaseRequestHandler.

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::requiresCompileGLObjects (  )  const

Return true if there are pending compile operations that are required. If requiresCompileGLObjects() return true the application should call compileGLObjects() .

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::requiresUpdateSceneGraph (  )  const

Return true if there are pending updates to the scene graph that require a call to updateSceneGraph(double).

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::run (  )  [virtual]

Run does the database paging.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setAcceptNewDatabaseRequests ( bool  acceptNewRequests  )  [inline]

Set whether new database request calls are accepted or ignored.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setCompileGLObjectsForContextID ( unsigned int  contextID,
bool  on 

Turn the compilation of rendering objects for specfied graphics context on (true) or off(false).

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setDatabasePagerThreadPause ( bool  pause  ) 

Set whether the database pager thread should be paused or not.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setDeleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread ( bool  flag  )  [inline]

Set whether the removed subgraphs should be deleted in the database thread or not.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setDoPreCompile ( bool  flag  )  [inline]

Set whether the database pager should pre compile OpenGL objects before allowing them to be merged into the scene graph. Pre compilation helps reduce the chances of frame drops, but also slows the speed at which tiles are merged as they have to be compiled first.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setDrawablePolicy ( DrawablePolicy  policy  )  [inline]

Set how loaded drawables should be handled w.r.t their display list/vertex buffer object/vertex array settings.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setExpiryDelay ( double  expiryDelay  )  [inline]

Set the amount of time that a subgraph will be kept without being visited in the cull traversal before being removed.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setMaxAnisotropyPolicy ( bool  changeAnisotropy,
float  valueAnisotropy 
) [inline]

Set whether newly loaded textures should have their MaxAnisotopy set to a specified value.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setMaximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame ( unsigned int  num  )  [inline]

Set the maximum number of OpenGL objects that the page should attempt to compile per frame. Note, Lower values reduces chances of a frame drop but lower the rate that database will be paged in at. Default value is 8.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setMinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame ( double  ta  )  [inline]

Set the minimum amount of time (in seconds) that should be made available for compiling and delete OpenGL objects per frame. Default value is 0.001 (1 millisecond). For usage see notes in setTargetFrameRate.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setTargetFrameRate ( double  tfr  )  [inline]

Set the target frame rate that the DatabasePager should assume. Typically one would set this to the value refresh rate of your display system i.e. 60Hz. Default value is 100. Usage notes. The TargetFrameRate and the MinimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame parameters are not directly used by DatabasePager, but are should be used as a guide for how long to set aside per frame for compiling and deleting OpenGL objects - ie. the value to use when calling DatabasePager::compileGLObjectgs(state,availableTime,). The longer amount of time to set aside cthe faster databases will be paged in but with increased chance of frame drops, the lower the amount of time the set aside the slower databases will paged it but with better chance of avoid any frame drops. The default values are chosen to achieve the later when running on a modern mid to high end PC. The way to compute the amount of available time use a scheme such as : availableTime = maximum(1.0/targetFrameRate - timeTakenDuringUpdateCullAndDraw, minimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame).

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setThreadPriorityDuringFrame ( ThreadPriority  duringFrame  )  [inline]

Set the priority of the database pager thread during the frame (i.e. while cull and draw are running.)

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setThreadPriorityOutwithFrame ( ThreadPriority  outwithFrame  )  [inline]

Set the priority of the database pager thread when the frame is not being exectuted (i.e. before or after cull and draw have run.)

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy ( bool  changeAutoUnRef,
bool  valueAutoUnRef 
) [inline]

Set whether newly loaded textures should have their UnrefImageDataAfterApply set to a specified value.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::setUseFrameBlock ( bool  useFrameBlock  )  [inline]

Set the use of the frame block which, if enabled, blocks the DatabasePager from executing which the current frame is being drawn. When a single processor machine is being used it can be useful to block on frame to help prevent the database paging thread from slowing the cull and draw traversals which in turn can cause frame drops.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::signalBeginFrame ( const osg::FrameStamp framestamp  )  [virtual]

Signal the database thread that the update, cull and draw has begun for a new frame. Note, this is called by the application so that the database pager can go to sleep while the CPU is busy on the main rendering threads.

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::signalEndFrame (  )  [virtual]

Signal the database thread that the update, cull and draw dispatch has completed. Note, this is called by the application so that the database pager can go to wake back up now the main rendering threads are iddle waiting for the next frame.

void osgDB::DatabasePager::updateDatabasePagerThreadBlock (  )  [inline, protected]

void osgDB::DatabasePager::updateFrameBlock ( int  delta  )  [inline, protected]

virtual void osgDB::DatabasePager::updateSceneGraph ( double  currentFrameTime  )  [inline, virtual]

Merge the changes to the scene graph by calling calling removeExpiredSubgraphs then addLoadedDataToSceneGraph. Note, must only be called from single thread update phase.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend struct DatabaseRequest [friend]

friend class FindCompileableGLObjectsVisitor [friend]

friend class FindPagedLODsVisitor [friend]

friend struct SortFileRequestFunctor [friend]

Member Data Documentation

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_acceptNewRequests [protected]

ActiveGraphicsContexts osgDB::DatabasePager::_activeGraphicsContexts [protected]

PagedLODList osgDB::DatabasePager::_activePagedLODList [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_changeAnisotropy [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_changeAutoUnRef [protected]

ObjectList osgDB::DatabasePager::_childrenToDeleteList [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_childrenToDeleteListMutex [mutable, protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Block> osgDB::DatabasePager::_databasePagerThreadBlock [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_databasePagerThreadPaused [protected]

DatabaseRequestList osgDB::DatabasePager::_dataToCompileList [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_dataToCompileListMutex [mutable, protected]

DatabaseRequestList osgDB::DatabasePager::_dataToMergeList [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_dataToMergeListMutex [mutable, protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_deleteRemovedSubgraphsInDatabaseThread [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_done [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_doPreCompile [protected]

DrawablePolicy osgDB::DatabasePager::_drawablePolicy [protected]

double osgDB::DatabasePager::_expiryDelay [protected]

DatabaseRequestList osgDB::DatabasePager::_fileRequestList [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_fileRequestListMutex [mutable, protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Block> osgDB::DatabasePager::_frameBlock [protected]

int osgDB::DatabasePager::_frameNumber [protected]

PagedLODList osgDB::DatabasePager::_inactivePagedLODList [protected]

unsigned int osgDB::DatabasePager::_maximumNumOfObjectsToCompilePerFrame [protected]

double osgDB::DatabasePager::_minimumTimeAvailableForGLCompileAndDeletePerFrame [protected]

int osgDB::DatabasePager::_numFramesActive [protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_numFramesActiveMutex [mutable, protected]

OpenThreads::Mutex osgDB::DatabasePager::_run_mutex [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_startThreadCalled [protected]

double osgDB::DatabasePager::_targetFrameRate [protected]

ThreadPriority osgDB::DatabasePager::_threadPriorityDuringFrame [protected]

ThreadPriority osgDB::DatabasePager::_threadPriorityOutwithFrame [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_useFrameBlock [protected]

float osgDB::DatabasePager::_valueAnisotropy [protected]

bool osgDB::DatabasePager::_valueAutoUnRef [protected]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Oct 1 13:17:09 2006 for openscenegraph by  doxygen 1.4.7