archive: ALT-CTRL
Posted on Tuesday, October 12 @ 20:42:28 CEST by julian |
Alt-Ctrl kicks off at the Beall Center (Uni of California Irvine) today and looks to be the most comprehensive show in the field yet. More than just an exhibition of the usual suspects, Alt-Ctrl represents divergent game development practices from hardware modding right through to machinima.
"Over 20 works will be shown, including modded games, hot-rodded game machines, net-based games, and installations.
A special screening of machinima films will also be included; these
films, made "on location" in various games, highlight the sheer
inventiveness with which game artists are expanding their field".
Invited artists include: Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn , Brody Condon, c-level, collapsicon, delire and pix, Eddo Stern, gameLab, Geoffrey Thomas, Indie Game Jam, Maia Engeli and Nina Czegledy, Molleindustria, Nick Montfort, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Josh Carroll, Robert Coover, Shawn
Greenless, and Andrew McClain, Olaf Val Mignon, Pappy Boyington, Rebecca Cannon, RSG, THE JAB,
Check here for some lovely installation snaps.
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