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Virgil de Voldère is proud to present its second solo exhibition with Brody Condon. In the three works on view, the artist digitally reconstructs a trio of well-known late-medieval paintings from northern Europe by Hans Memling, Dieric Bouts, and Gerard David. By re-imagining the religious content of the original works, the artist presents calm scenes of transcendence that slowly give way to anxiety and spiritual trauma.
For 3 Modifications, Condon modifies current computer games with strategies and tools taken directly from online participatory subcultures to create slowly animated, transfigured works that function as moving paintings. The subversive tactics of hacking and the intervention into commercial computer games that characterize the artist's previous work, however, have given way to a critical examination of the politics of representation. Read more here
For some retarded reason Tekken Torture Tournament, C-Level's completely rad performance-game-mod never made it into this version of the archive. c-level 2001 Tekken Torture Tournament was a performance event combining the latest video game technology, untapped public aggression and painful electric shock. Willing participants were wired into a custom fighting system - a modified Playstation (running Tekken 3) which converts virtual on screen damage into bracing, non-lethal, electric shocks. C-Level appear to have disbanded now, but the physically brutal memories live on at their website: http://www.c-level.cc/tekken1.html
archive: Nude Avatar Descending a Staircase
archive: The Narrative Exploration Engine
The Narrative Exploration Engine Beta 1 is a game modification for Quake 3 Arena. The aim is to shift the games focus from violence to a more simple exploration experience. The first release comes with two sets of maps, A Short Story About Falling, and Its Root must Hold the Sky. Both offer 5 to 10 minutes of gameplay, meant to immerse the player in a new environment whilst delivering a tale. Taking advantage of plain surfaces, these 3d worlds look strangely flat. Users are then propelled through the story by their own initiative, curiosity or by simply following a single path. Produced by Alone, a visual and audio artist working in Cardiff, Wales. http://www.alone-music.co.uk for more information http://www.alone-music.co.uk/nee.zip Direct Download (55meg) link. Requires Quake 3 version 1.32 to run.
Game Over by PEZ is a lovely animated reinterpretation of retro games using everyday household items. The audio effects alone make it for me, evoking a youth lost (possibly found) at the local milk bar. Via Kotaku.
archive: New movie added to archive: q3apd at Lovebytes06
As promised, here's a clip of 'q3apd' as presented at Lovebytes06. I've added it to the Movies archive. It's 84M and in the Ogg Theora format. It'll play with VLC on a Linux, Windows or Macintosh machine.
The work was presented for two weeks during which the 'game' autoplayed continuously - ie there was no human input. Four bots fight each other, dying and respawning, over and over again. One of the four bots sends all of it's control data to PureData which in turn is used to drive a score. It's through the ears of this bot that we hear the composition, driven by elements such as global-position in the map, weapon-state, damage-state and jump-pad events. For this reason game-objects and architectural elements were carefully positioned so that the flow of combat would produce common points of return (phrases) and the orchestration sounded right overall.
The scene was heavily graphically reduced so as to prioritise sound within the sensorial mix.
Anonymous writes " Arsdoom is a Doom II game modification made by Orhan Kipcak and his team for the 1995 edition of the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, Austria. In Arsdoom the player becomes an active part of the ongoing exhibition, both by being able to explore a digital version of the Brucknerhaus venue and by having the power to kill off digital representations of the exhibiting artists, thus destroying them and their work. "
archive: The Exposition of Mimsy - Preview May 19, Melbourne Australia
Contributing to the recent rise in interest in independent computer games culture, students of RMIT's School of Creative Media's Animation and Interactive Media (AIM) postgraduate program are excited to announce the creation of "The Exposition of Mimsy", an innovative realtime 3D multiplayer play space. "The Exposition of Mimsy" is a fun play space were users can interact with each other and the various games within the space. Set in a giant gorge, the colourful "Exposition of Mimsy" is an exaggerated fantasy world where players encounter ideas of floating, suspension and magic. A screening is taking place at 6pm on May 19th at the AIM studio Building 9, Level 3, Room 22 RMIT University, City Campus. Crn LaTrobe and Swanston Streets, Melbourne. The project draws on themes from Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass" and Expositions as the past's view of the future. Operating as an exploratory multiplayer space, the game invites players to jive in the disco area, follow the twists and turns of the hedge maze, have fun with the giant ball area, explore the dense jungle and fantasy forest and race their friends in the bubble car track. It also showcases floating islands and a hanging lake, which encourages users to suspend their disbelief and embrace a world where anything is possible. The aesthetic sensibility takes inspiration from Art Nouveau but in a bright childlike way. http://www.rmit.edu.au/aim/mimsy
Anonymous writes "
Mod for Wolfenstein 3d which moves the setting to Guantanamo Bay detention center. Orange jumpsuits, black bags on the head, zip ties on the hands of the player/prisoner. New duds for the guards and a new portrait on the wall. Crucifixes and attack dogs unchanged. http://a.parsons.edu/~evan/school/?q=node/29 "

Chit Chat National Park is a full MOD of Unreal Tournament 04 engine made in 2005 by students at AIM RMIT. It is a 3D Real time Multiplayer ChatRoom / Playground, allowing users to append game-like expressions to their chat interactions, such as sending an animation with their chat message, and adopting 3D avatars. Chit Chat requires UT to run. We are looking at setting up a server on Selectparks to run it online, but if someone beats us to it please let us know.
Chit Chat has an incredible graphic style; applying superflat to a 3d environment. The teletubby-esque characters are adorable and sound like squeaky rubber toys. A rich visual stylization has been applied to vegetation and other natural elements. In a world this cute its easy to understand the lack of need for authored game play, as hanging out in the space is fun enough as it is.
Toshi Endo (Creative Director)
Christian Rubino (Technical Director)
John Power (Producer)
Download Mod Files
Short trailer showcasing the environment only
Full trailer
Help Files including installation instructions, in game instructions, explanation of mods made to game, and suggested settings.
archive: More HL2 Rube Goldberg device
HL2 Rube Goldberg device linkage.
Many of the experiments seem to be down, although its worth trawling if you're
into the genre. This
one's a doozy.
Ben Fry has made some great visualisations of Atari Cartridge game code, where go-to commands are represented by curves linking functions, and data is shown as blocks of on/off bytes (in orange).
Says Ben: "The original version of these images are a series of 13x19" prints where you can actually read the individual bits of text. I modified a version of distella to produce disassembled text output in the format that I wanted, and then used Processing to write a second program that creates the image of the output."
archive: Hacking consumer electronics devices
More on topic... Gizmodo
reports on Ibars' hacked vintage console game controlers. "Instead
of repurposing or altering the objects themselves, Ibars connects one or more
devices up to one another in order to challenge the relationship between branding
and consumption."
I-F-E-A-R is a project exploring an interesting, if not ambitious thesis. From the project page:
I propose to explore aspects of infrasound and their connection to emotion. Infrasound is synonymous with negative emotion, but how well can this emotion be controlled. Is it possible to use infrasound to specify definite emotions? To accomplish this I will use a corridor installation which will represent my virtual environment. This will be used to translate emotional events from a virtual world (the video game Doom 3) into the real world. I am going to control infrasound through eversion of data, so someone else will be defining the experience for the participant relinquishing control.
Brought to you via Chris of the excellent PIxelSumo.
Paul Robertson, game animator, has an extended collection of short-movie length animations which roam the outer galaxies of his subconscious. Check out some images and gif animations here, or his film clip for Architecture in Helsinki "do the whirlwind" here.
tech: Real-world effects game character
G-Link is
a student project by Ross O'Shea. His device records real-world data and applies
it to your Morrowind game character. I'd like to think we're going to see more
cross-over functionality between 1st and 2nd worlds. Maybe we could track emotional
state and blood pressure along side movement? I still get spooked when my SecondLife
avatar types when I do.