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  Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight  Popular
Description: 12 Minute narrative animation. Recursive Machinima.
Version: Filesize: 112.97 MB
Added on: 20-Apr-2006 Downloads: 140792
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Category: Movies/VCDPal

  Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight  Popular
Description: Paul Robertson's awesome animation.
Version: Filesize: 18.74 Kb
Added on: 20-Apr-2006 Downloads: 33071
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Category: Bittorrents

  NES Emulators  Popular
Description: List of NES emulators.
Version: Filesize: 0 bytes
Added on: 02-Apr-2005 Downloads: 9247
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Category: Emulations

  Second Person Shooter (Windows Version)  Popular
Description: A prototype Second Person Shooter.

In this take on the 2nd Person Perspective, you control yourself through the eyes of the bot, but you do not control the bot. Your eyes have effectively been switched. Naturally this makes action difficult when you aren't within the bot's field of view; thus both you and the bot (or other player) will need to work together, to combat each other.

Here, both you and the bot (or other player) are really just a displaced projection of first person agency, outside the first, looking inward at it from the second and third perspectives. When you start the game you are looking through the eyes of a bot that is trying to find and shoot you. That bot is you. This bot is not very good at this, largely because it's really just a place holder for a two-player mode I'm currently working on; the bot will get lost and/or stuck on walls and will occassionally need a nudge to become unstuck. When you shoot the bot (you) it will flee, trying to put some distance between itself and the other you.

Make sure you see the article/project page for play instructions.

If you have any problems mail me julian<at this site>.

Version: alpha9n Filesize: 1.71 MB
Added on: 30-Aug-2005 Downloads: 7187
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Category: Standalone

  911 Survivor  Popular
Single Player.
More info.
Install the 2225 patch, the Epic Bonus Pack, and the Digital Extremes Bonus Pack, all from http://www.unrealtournament2003.com/news.php
Version: Filesize: 20.21 MB
Added on: 06-Jul-2004 Downloads: 5579 Rating: 10.0 (2 Votes)
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Category: Mods/Unreal Tournament 2003

  Max Miptex  Popular
Description: For a description of the piece, see the page in the art archive.
Version: Filesize: 55.26 MB
Added on: 06-Jul-2004 Downloads: 5189
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Category: Movies

  Super Kid Fighter 
Description: More txt in the archive.

Super Kid Fighter, by the Critical Art Ensemble and the Carbon Defense League is based on the premise that due to the ideological influence of games in childhood development - children should be the primary target of tactical media activism, making a game boy hack a perfect tool for perpetration.
Version: Filesize: 162.25 Kb
Added on: 06-Jul-2004 Downloads: 4369
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Category: Emulations

Description: Information here http://selectparks.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=396
Version: Filesize: 38.50 Kb
Added on: 17-Jan-2006 Downloads: 4307
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Category: Standalone

Description: Description in the archive here.
This version is a light web version of the original installation.
VRML and images are under the following Creative Commons License.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Please note that the audio is copyright 2004, right-protected by IDDN IDDN.FR.010.0103729.000.R.P.2004.035.41400. All rights protected.
Version: Filesize: 268.14 MB
Added on: 09-Nov-2004 Downloads: 4191
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Category: Standalone

Description: here
Version: Filesize: 25.39 Kb
Added on: 25-Apr-2005 Downloads: 3895
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Category: Movies/VCDPal

  The Buff And The Brutal 
Description: The Buff and The Brutal is a Machinima soap-opera parody. In it the very tough, mutant characters of Quake 3 Arena become emotionally vulnerable, jealous, gay lovers caught in an intricate web of treachery and deceit. Fragging is synonymous with sex, linking in-game pleasure/pain responses to S&M sexuality.
Version: Filesize: 53.83 MB
Added on: 06-Jul-2004 Downloads: 3775
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Category: Movies

  The Kill Yourself Game 
Description: More info about this game is available here: http://selectparks.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=449

Instructions: Download the .jad to your Mobile Phone. The .jar phone should automatically follow.

If you are downloading the game to your mobile via WAP, use the following url:


If you are viewing it on an emulator, you can manually grab the jar file from here. Sony Ericsson on the WTK2 emulator works. Use the "Run MIDP Application" and pick the JAD.

This is the final version now; no more changes. It was fun while it was. Thanks to everyone's suggestions, have fun dieing.
Version: 2 Filesize: 71.22 Kb
Added on: 23-Aug-2005 Downloads: 3578 Rating: 5.0 (3 Votes)
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Category: Mobile Games/J2ME

Description: A description can be found in the art archive.
Version: Filesize: 13.32 MB
Added on: 09-Jul-2004 Downloads: 3538
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Category: Movies

  Escape From Woomera 
Description: A break out game based upon Australia's internationally condemned, real-life refugee detention centre, Woomera. 
Version: Filesize: 19.71 MB
Added on: 15-Jul-2004 Downloads: 3471
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Category: Mods/Half Life

Description: Single player map.

Description available in the art archive.
Version: Filesize: 42.06 MB
Added on: 14-Jul-2004 Downloads: 3403
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Category: Mods/Unreal Tournament 2003

  Second Person Shooter (Linux Version) 
Description: A prototype Second Person Shooter.

In this take on the 2nd Person Perspective, you control yourself through the eyes of the bot, but you do not control the bot. Your eyes have effectively been switched. Naturally this makes action difficult when you aren't within the bot's field of view; thus both you and the bot (or other player) will need to work together, to combat each other.

Here, both you and the bot (or other player) are really just a displaced projection of first person agency, outside the first, looking inward at it from the second and third perspectives. When you start the game you are looking through the eyes of a bot that is trying to find and shoot you. That bot is you. This bot is not very good at this, largely because it's really just a place holder for a two-player mode I'm currently working on; the bot will get lost and/or stuck on walls and will occassionally need a nudge to become unstuck. When you shoot the bot (you) it will flee, trying to put some distance between itself and the other you.

Make sure you see the article/project page for play instructions.

If you have any problems mail me julian<at this site>.

Version: alpha9n Filesize: 3.09 MB
Added on: 30-Aug-2005 Downloads: 3329
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Category: Standalone

Description: 'A vacuous art-zombie town'. Video documentation of the LA Chinatown mod-based installation at C-Level. More information here
Version: Filesize: 14.05 MB
Added on: 16-Jun-2005 Downloads: 3321
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Category: Movies/VCDPal

  Diaspora, Track2 
Description: Track2 of 2003 game based audio album, 'Diaspora' by Julian Oliver (aka delire).

Some post processing but largely live. Used Pure Data and a bunch of games. It get's pretty noisy toward the end.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Version: Filesize: 8.30 MB
Added on: 30-Aug-2005 Downloads: 3246
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Category: Sonichima

  stop bush! 
Description: STOP BUSH is 90 seconds of cathartic firing accusations at an army of Bushes and Cheney attack dogs, all to the rocking beat of Rage Against the Machine.
Version: 1.0 Filesize: 4.77 MB
Added on: 19-Sep-2004 Downloads: 3191 Rating: 10.0 (1 Vote)
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Category: Standalone

  fijuu - game based a/v performance engine 
Description: fijuu is a 3D, audio/visual performance engine. Using a game engine, the player(s) of fijuu dynamically manipulate 3D instruments with PlayStation2-style gamepads to make improvised music.

MPEG1 = 65MB
Version: 3 Filesize: 61.99 MB
Added on: 08-Aug-2004 Downloads: 3160
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Category: Movies

  Graf War 
Description: Computer game modification, 2001

A single-player first-person shooter game modification using the Half-Life engine. Inspired by the State of California's 2001 initiative making vandalism a felony...
Version: Filesize: 110.17 MB
Added on: 13-Apr-2005 Downloads: 3124
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Category: Movies

  Adam Killer 
Description: Documentation of Brody Condon's Adam Killer performance art / mod.
Version: Filesize: 6.07 MB
Added on: 23-Aug-2005 Downloads: 3124
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Category: Movies/VCDPal

  Chit Chat National Park 
Description: Chit Chat National Park is a full MOD of Unreal Tournament engine made in 2005 by students at AIM RMIT. It is a 3D Real time Multiplayer ChatRoom / Playground, allowing users to append game-like expressions to their chat interactions, such as sending an animation with their chat message, and adopting 3D avatars. Chit Chat requires UT to run. We are looking at setting up a server on Selectparks to run it online, but if someone beats us to it please let us know.

Chit Chat has an incredible graphic style; applying super flat to a 3d environment. The teletubby-esque characters are adorable and sound like squeaky rubber toys. A rich visual stylization has been applied to vegetation and other natural elements. In a world this cute its easy to understand the lack of need for authored game play, as hanging out in the space is fun enough as it is.

More information here.
Version: Filesize: 67.53 MB
Added on: 19-Mar-2006 Downloads: 3093
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Category: Mods/UT04

Description: Gorgeous organic space exhibiting the reflexive association between user and gaming environment. the relationship focuses on "will" and "intent" by establishing participant-driven events which call attention to the participation itself. runs in Q3A
Version: Filesize: 2.62 MB
Added on: 21-Mar-2005 Downloads: 3079
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Category: Mods/Quake 3 Arena

  Butoh Cone 
Description: Sample of abstract machinima by Julian Oliver using the Fijuu realtime performance instrument.
Version: Filesize: 2.70 MB
Added on: 30-Oct-2005 Downloads: 3057
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Category: Movies/VCDPal

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top 10 downloads
· 1: Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight
· 2: Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight
· 3: NES Emulators
· 4: Second Person Shooter (Windows Version)
· 5: 911 Survivor
· 6: Max Miptex
· 7: Super Kid Fighter
· 8: Cloud
· 9: Zoo
· 10: AcmiPark

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