osgSim::SphereSegment Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osgSim::SphereSegment:

osg::Geode osg::Node osg::Object osg::Referenced List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<
osg::Vec3Array > > 
 SURFACE = 0x00000001
 Draw the specified area on the sphere's surface.
 SPOKES = 0x00000002
 Draw the spokes from the sphere's centre to the surface's corners.
 EDGELINE = 0x00000008
 Draw the line round the edge of the area on the sphere's surface.
 SIDES = 0x00000010
 Draw the planes from the sphere's centre to the edge of the sphere's surface.
 ALL = 0xffffffff
 Draw every part of the sphere segment.
enum  DrawMask {
  SURFACE = 0x00000001, SPOKES = 0x00000002, EDGELINE = 0x00000008, SIDES = 0x00000010,
  ALL = 0xffffffff

Public Member Functions

 SphereSegment ()
 SphereSegment (const osg::Vec3 &centre, float radius, float azMin, float azMax, float elevMin, float elevMax, int density)
 SphereSegment (const osg::Vec3 &centre, float radius, const osg::Vec3 &vec, float azRange, float elevRange, int density)
 SphereSegment (const SphereSegment &rhs, const osg::CopyOp &co)
void setCentre (const osg::Vec3 &c)
const osg::Vec3getCentre () const
void setRadius (float r)
float getRadius () const
void setArea (const osg::Vec3 &vec, float azRange, float elevRange)
void getArea (osg::Vec3 &vec, float &azRange, float &elevRange) const
void setArea (float azMin, float azMax, float elevMin, float elevMax)
void getArea (float &azMin, float &azMax, float &elevMin, float &elevMax) const
void setDensity (int d)
int getDensity () const
void setDrawMask (DrawMask dm)
DrawMask getDrawMask () const
void setSurfaceColor (const osg::Vec4 &c)
osg::Vec4 getSurfaceColor () const
void setSpokeColor (const osg::Vec4 &c)
osg::Vec4 getSpokeColor () const
void setEdgeLineColor (const osg::Vec4 &c)
osg::Vec4 getEdgeLineColor () const
void setSideColor (const osg::Vec4 &c)
osg::Vec4 getSideColor () const
void setAllColors (const osg::Vec4 &c)
 META_Node (osgSim, SphereSegment)
LineList computeIntersection (const osg::Matrixd &matrix, osg::Node *subgraph)
LineList computeIntersection (const osg::Matrixd &matrix, osg::Drawable *drawable)
osg::NodecomputeIntersectionSubgraph (const osg::Matrixd &matrix, osg::Node *subgraph)
osg::NodecomputeIntersectionSubgraph (const osg::Matrixd &matrix, osg::Drawable *drawable)


class Surface
class EdgeLine
class Side
class Spoke

Detailed Description

A SphereSegment is a Geode to represent an portion of a sphere (potentially the whole sphere). The sphere is aligned such that the line through the sphere's poles is parallel to the z axis. The sphere segment may be rendered various components switched on or off:


Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> > osgSim::SphereSegment::LineList

A list of vertex arrays representing a list of lines.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osgSim::SphereSegment::DrawMask

DrawMask represents a bit field, the values of which may be OR'ed together to specify which parts of the sphere segment should be drawn. E.g.

SURFACE  Draw the specified area on the sphere's surface.
SPOKES  Draw the spokes from the sphere's centre to the surface's corners.
EDGELINE  Draw the line round the edge of the area on the sphere's surface.
SIDES  Draw the planes from the sphere's centre to the edge of the sphere's surface.
ALL  Draw every part of the sphere segment.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgSim::SphereSegment::SphereSegment (  )  [inline]

Default constructor.

osgSim::SphereSegment::SphereSegment ( const osg::Vec3 centre,
float  radius,
float  azMin,
float  azMax,
float  elevMin,
float  elevMax,
int  density 
) [inline]

Construct by angle ranges. Note that the azimuth 'zero' is the Y axis; specifying an azimuth range from azMin -osgPI/2.0f to azMax osg::PI/2.0f will cover the 'top half' of the circle in the XY plane. The elev angles are 'out' of the 'zero' XY plane with +ve angles above the plane, and -ve angles below.

centre sphere centre
radius radius of sphere
azMin azimuth minimum
azMax azimuth maximum
elevMin elevation minimum
elevMax elevation maximum
density number of units to divide the azimuth and elevation ranges into

osgSim::SphereSegment::SphereSegment ( const osg::Vec3 centre,
float  radius,
const osg::Vec3 vec,
float  azRange,
float  elevRange,
int  density 

Construct by vector.

centre sphere centre
radius radius of sphere
vec vector pointing from sphere centre to centre point of rendered area on sphere surface
azRange azimuth range in radians (with centre along vec)
elevRange elevation range in radians (with centre along vec)
density number of units to divide the azimuth and elevation ranges into

osgSim::SphereSegment::SphereSegment ( const SphereSegment rhs,
const osg::CopyOp co 
) [inline]

Copy constructor

Member Function Documentation

LineList osgSim::SphereSegment::computeIntersection ( const osg::Matrixd matrix,
osg::Drawable drawable 

Compute the interesection lines between specified drawable and this sphere segment. The matrix is the transform that takes the subgraph into the same coordiante frame as the sphere segment. The resulting intersections are in the coordinate frame of the sphere segment.

LineList osgSim::SphereSegment::computeIntersection ( const osg::Matrixd matrix,
osg::Node subgraph 

Compute the interesection lines between subgraph and this sphere segment. The matrix is the transform that takes the subgraph into the same coordiante frame as the sphere segment. The resulting intersections are in the coordinate frame of the sphere segment.

osg::Node* osgSim::SphereSegment::computeIntersectionSubgraph ( const osg::Matrixd matrix,
osg::Drawable drawable 

Compute the interesection lines between specified drawable and this sphere segment. The matrix is the transform that takes the subgraph into the same coordiante frame as the sphere segment. The resulting intersections are in the coordinate frame of the sphere segment.

osg::Node* osgSim::SphereSegment::computeIntersectionSubgraph ( const osg::Matrixd matrix,
osg::Node subgraph 

Compute the interesection lines between subgraph and this sphere segment. The matrix is the transform that takes the subgraph into the same coordiante frame as the sphere segment. The resulting intersections are in the coordinate frame of the sphere segment.

void osgSim::SphereSegment::getArea ( float &  azMin,
float &  azMax,
float &  elevMin,
float &  elevMax 
) const

Get the area of the sphere segment

azMin azimuth minimum
azMax azimuth maximum
elevMin elevation minimum
elevMax elevation maximum

void osgSim::SphereSegment::getArea ( osg::Vec3 vec,
float &  azRange,
float &  elevRange 
) const

Get the area of the sphere segment

vec vector pointing from sphere centre to centre point of rendered area on sphere surface (normalized)
azRange azimuth range in radians (with centre along vec)
elevRange elevation range in radians (with centre along vec)

const osg::Vec3& osgSim::SphereSegment::getCentre (  )  const

Get the centre point of the SphereSegment

int osgSim::SphereSegment::getDensity (  )  const

Get the density of the sphere segment

DrawMask osgSim::SphereSegment::getDrawMask (  )  const [inline]

Get the DrawMask

osg::Vec4 osgSim::SphereSegment::getEdgeLineColor (  )  const [inline]

Get the color of the edge line.

float osgSim::SphereSegment::getRadius (  )  const

Get the radius of the SphereSegment

osg::Vec4 osgSim::SphereSegment::getSideColor (  )  const [inline]

Get the color of the planes.

osg::Vec4 osgSim::SphereSegment::getSpokeColor (  )  const [inline]

Get the color of the spokes.

osg::Vec4 osgSim::SphereSegment::getSurfaceColor (  )  const [inline]

Get the color of the surface.

osgSim::SphereSegment::META_Node ( osgSim  ,

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setAllColors ( const osg::Vec4 c  ) 

Set color of all components.

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setArea ( float  azMin,
float  azMax,
float  elevMin,
float  elevMax 

Set the area of the sphere segment

azMin azimuth minimum
azMax azimuth maximum
elevMin elevation minimum
elevMax elevation maximum

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setArea ( const osg::Vec3 vec,
float  azRange,
float  elevRange 

Set the area of the sphere segment

vec vector pointing from sphere centre to centre point of rendered area on sphere surface
azRange azimuth range in radians (with centre along vec)
elevRange elevation range in radians (with centre along vec)

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setCentre ( const osg::Vec3 c  ) 

Set the centre point of the SphereSegment

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setDensity ( int  d  ) 

Set the density of the sphere segment

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setDrawMask ( DrawMask  dm  ) 

Specify the DrawMask.

dm Bitmask specifying which parts of the sphere segment should be drawn.
See also:

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setEdgeLineColor ( const osg::Vec4 c  ) 

Set the color of the edge line.

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setRadius ( float  r  ) 

Set the radius of the SphereSegment

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setSideColor ( const osg::Vec4 c  ) 

Set the color of the planes.

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setSpokeColor ( const osg::Vec4 c  ) 

Set the color of the spokes.

void osgSim::SphereSegment::setSurfaceColor ( const osg::Vec4 c  ) 

Set the color of the surface.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class EdgeLine [friend]

friend class Side [friend]

friend class Spoke [friend]

friend class Surface [friend]

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