osgGA::UFOManipulator Class Reference

A UFO manipulator driven with keybindings. More...

Inheritance diagram for osgGA::UFOManipulator:

osgGA::MatrixManipulator osgGA::GUIEventHandler osg::NodeCallback osg::Drawable::EventCallback osg::Object osg::Object osg::Referenced osg::Referenced List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 UFOManipulator ()
virtual const char * className () const
virtual void setByMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
virtual void setByInverseMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &invmat)
virtual osg::Matrixd getMatrix () const
virtual osg::Matrixd getInverseMatrix () const
virtual void setNode (osg::Node *node)
virtual const osg::NodegetNode () const
virtual osg::NodegetNode ()
virtual void computeHomePosition ()
virtual void home (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &)
void home (double)
virtual void init (const GUIEventAdapter &, GUIActionAdapter &)
bool handle (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &aa)
void getUsage (osg::ApplicationUsage &usage) const
void getCurrentPositionAsLookAt (osg::Vec3 &eye, osg::Vec3 &center, osg::Vec3 &up)
void setMinHeight (double in_min_height)
double getMinHeight () const
void setMinDistance (double in_min_dist)
double getMinDistance () const
void setForwardSpeed (double in_fs)
double getForwardSpeed () const
void setSideSpeed (double in_ss)
double getSideSpeed () const
void setRotationSpeed (double in_rot_speed)
double getRotationSpeed () const

Protected Member Functions

void _stop ()
void _keyDown (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &)
void _keyUp (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &)
void _frame (const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter &ea, osgGA::GUIActionAdapter &)
void _adjustPosition ()

Protected Attributes

osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node_node
float _viewAngle
osg::Matrixd _matrix
osg::Matrixd _inverseMatrix
osg::Matrixd _offset
double _minHeightAboveGround
double _minDistanceInFront
double _speedEpsilon
double _forwardSpeed
double _sideSpeed
double _upSpeed
double _speedAccelerationFactor
double _speedDecelerationFactor
bool _decelerateUpSideRate
double _directionRotationEpsilon
double _directionRotationRate
double _directionRotationAcceleration
double _directionRotationDeceleration
double _viewOffsetDelta
double _pitchOffsetRate
double _pitchOffset
double _yawOffsetRate
double _yawOffset
double _t0
double _dt
osg::Vec3 _direction
osg::Vec3 _position
bool _shift
bool _ctrl
bool _decelerateOffsetRate
bool _straightenOffset

Detailed Description

A UFO manipulator driven with keybindings.

The UFOManipulator is better suited for applications that employ architectural walk-throughs, or situations where the eyepoint motion model must move slowly, deliberately and well controlled.

The UFO Manipulator allows the following movements with the listed Key combinations:

UpArrow Acceleration forward.
DownArrow Acceleration backward (or deceleration forward).
LeftArrow Rotate view and direction of travel to the left.
RightArrow Rotate view and direction of travel to the right.
SpaceBar Brake. Gradually decelerates linear and rotational movement.
Shift/UpArrow Accelerate up.
Shift/DownArrow Accelerate down.
Shift/LeftArrow Accelerate (linearly) left.
Shift/RightArrow Accelerate (linearly) right.
Shift/SpaceBar Instant brake. Immediately stop all linear and rotational movement.
When the Shift key is released, up, down, linear left and/or linear right movement is decelerated.

Ctrl/UpArrow Rotate view (but not direction of travel) up.
Ctrl/DownArrow Rotate view (but not direction of travel) down.
Ctrl/LeftArrow Rotate view (but not direction of travel) left.
Ctrl/RightArrow Rotate view (but not direction of travel) right.
Ctrl/Return Straightens out the view offset.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgGA::UFOManipulator::UFOManipulator (  ) 

Default constructor

Member Function Documentation

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::_adjustPosition (  )  [protected]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::_frame ( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ea,
) [protected]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::_keyDown ( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ea,
) [protected]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::_keyUp ( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ea,
) [protected]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::_stop (  )  [protected]

virtual const char* osgGA::UFOManipulator::className (  )  const [virtual]

return className

returns constant "UFO"

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::computeHomePosition (  )  [virtual]

Computes the home position based on the extents and scale of the scene graph rooted at node

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::getCurrentPositionAsLookAt ( osg::Vec3 eye,
osg::Vec3 center,
osg::Vec3 up 

Report the current position as LookAt vectors

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::getForwardSpeed (  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgGA::UFOManipulator::getInverseMatrix (  )  const [virtual]

Get the current inverse view matrix

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual osg::Matrixd osgGA::UFOManipulator::getMatrix (  )  const [virtual]

Get the current viewmatrix

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::getMinDistance (  )  const [inline]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::getMinHeight (  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Node* osgGA::UFOManipulator::getNode (  )  [virtual]

Get the root node of the subgraph this manipulator is driving the eye through

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual const osg::Node* osgGA::UFOManipulator::getNode (  )  const [virtual]

Get the root node of the subgraph this manipulator is driving the eye through (const)

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::getRotationSpeed (  )  const [inline]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::getSideSpeed (  )  const [inline]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::getUsage ( osg::ApplicationUsage usage  )  const [virtual]

Reports Usage parameters to the application

Reimplemented from osgGA::GUIEventHandler.

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::handle ( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ea,
osgGA::GUIActionAdapter aa 
) [virtual]

Handles incoming osgGA events

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::home ( double   )  [virtual]

Move the camera to the default position. This version does not require GUIEventAdapter and GUIActionAdapter so may be called from somewhere other than a handle() method in GUIEventHandler. Application must be aware of implications.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::home ( const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter ,
) [virtual]

Sets the viewpoint matrix to the home position

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::init ( const GUIEventAdapter ,
) [virtual]

Start/restart the manipulator. FIXME: what does this actually mean? Provide examples.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setByInverseMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd invmat  )  [virtual]

Set the current position with the invers matrix

invmat The inverse of a viewpoint matrix

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setByMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [virtual]

Set the current position with a matrix

matrix A viewpoint matrix.

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setForwardSpeed ( double  in_fs  )  [inline]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setMinDistance ( double  in_min_dist  )  [inline]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setMinHeight ( double  in_min_height  )  [inline]

virtual void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setNode ( osg::Node node  )  [virtual]

Set the subgraph this manipulator is driving the eye through.

node root of subgraph

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setRotationSpeed ( double  in_rot_speed  )  [inline]

void osgGA::UFOManipulator::setSideSpeed ( double  in_ss  )  [inline]

Member Data Documentation

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::_ctrl [protected]

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::_decelerateOffsetRate [protected]

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::_decelerateUpSideRate [protected]

osg::Vec3 osgGA::UFOManipulator::_direction [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_directionRotationAcceleration [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_directionRotationDeceleration [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_directionRotationEpsilon [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_directionRotationRate [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_dt [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_forwardSpeed [protected]

osg::Matrixd osgGA::UFOManipulator::_inverseMatrix [protected]

osg::Matrixd osgGA::UFOManipulator::_matrix [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_minDistanceInFront [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_minHeightAboveGround [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgGA::UFOManipulator::_node [protected]

osg::Matrixd osgGA::UFOManipulator::_offset [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_pitchOffset [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_pitchOffsetRate [protected]

osg::Vec3 osgGA::UFOManipulator::_position [protected]

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::_shift [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_sideSpeed [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_speedAccelerationFactor [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_speedDecelerationFactor [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_speedEpsilon [protected]

bool osgGA::UFOManipulator::_straightenOffset [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_t0 [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_upSpeed [protected]

float osgGA::UFOManipulator::_viewAngle [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_viewOffsetDelta [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_yawOffset [protected]

double osgGA::UFOManipulator::_yawOffsetRate [protected]

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