osgGA::FlightManipulator Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for osgGA::FlightManipulator:

osgGA::MatrixManipulator osgGA::GUIEventHandler osg::NodeCallback osg::Drawable::EventCallback osg::Object osg::Object osg::Referenced osg::Referenced List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

 FlightManipulator ()
virtual const char * className () const
virtual void setByMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
virtual void setByInverseMatrix (const osg::Matrixd &matrix)
virtual osg::Matrixd getMatrix () const
virtual osg::Matrixd getInverseMatrix () const
virtual void setNode (osg::Node *)
virtual const osg::NodegetNode () const
virtual osg::NodegetNode ()
virtual void home (const GUIEventAdapter &ea, GUIActionAdapter &us)
virtual void init (const GUIEventAdapter &ea, GUIActionAdapter &us)
virtual bool handle (const GUIEventAdapter &ea, GUIActionAdapter &us)
virtual void getUsage (osg::ApplicationUsage &usage) const
void setYawControlMode (YawControlMode ycm)
void setModelScale (double in_ms)
double getModelScale () const
void setAcceleration (double in_acc)
double getAcceleration () const
void setVelocity (double in_vel)
double getVelocity () const

Protected Member Functions

virtual ~FlightManipulator ()
void flushMouseEventStack ()
void addMouseEvent (const GUIEventAdapter &ea)
void computePosition (const osg::Vec3 &eye, const osg::Vec3 &lv, const osg::Vec3 &up)
bool calcMovement ()

Protected Attributes

osg::ref_ptr< const GUIEventAdapter_ga_t1
osg::ref_ptr< const GUIEventAdapter_ga_t0
osg::ref_ptr< osg::Node_node
double _modelScale
double _acceleration
double _velocity
YawControlMode _yawMode
osg::Vec3d _eye
osg::Quat _rotation
double _distance

Detailed Description

FlightManipulator is a MatrixManipulator which provides flight simulator-like updating of the camera position & orientation. By default, the left mouse button accelerates, the right mouse button decelerates, and the middle mouse button (or left and right simultaneously) stops dead.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum osgGA::FlightManipulator::YawControlMode


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

osgGA::FlightManipulator::FlightManipulator (  ) 

virtual osgGA::FlightManipulator::~FlightManipulator (  )  [protected, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::addMouseEvent ( const GUIEventAdapter ea  )  [protected]

Add the current mouse GUIEvent to internal stack.

bool osgGA::FlightManipulator::calcMovement (  )  [protected]

For the give mouse movement calculate the movement of the camera. Return true is camera has moved and a redraw is required.

virtual const char* osgGA::FlightManipulator::className (  )  const [inline, virtual]

return the name of the object's class type. Must be defined by derived classes.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::computePosition ( const osg::Vec3 eye,
const osg::Vec3 lv,
const osg::Vec3 up 
) [protected]

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::flushMouseEventStack (  )  [protected]

Reset the internal GUIEvent stack.

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::getAcceleration (  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Matrixd osgGA::FlightManipulator::getInverseMatrix (  )  const [virtual]

get the position of the manipulator as a inverse matrix of the manipulator, typically used as a model view matrix.

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual osg::Matrixd osgGA::FlightManipulator::getMatrix (  )  const [virtual]

get the position of the manipulator as 4x4 Matrix.

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::getModelScale (  )  const [inline]

virtual osg::Node* osgGA::FlightManipulator::getNode (  )  [virtual]

Return node if attached.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual const osg::Node* osgGA::FlightManipulator::getNode (  )  const [virtual]

Return const node if attached.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::getUsage ( osg::ApplicationUsage usage  )  const [virtual]

Get the keyboard and mouse usage of this manipulator.

Reimplemented from osgGA::GUIEventHandler.

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::getVelocity (  )  const [inline]

virtual bool osgGA::FlightManipulator::handle ( const GUIEventAdapter ea,
GUIActionAdapter us 
) [virtual]

Handle events, return true if handled, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::home ( const GUIEventAdapter ea,
GUIActionAdapter us 
) [virtual]

Move the camera to the default position. May be ignored by manipulators if home functionality is not appropriate.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::init ( const GUIEventAdapter ea,
GUIActionAdapter us 
) [virtual]

Start/restart the manipulator. FIXME: what does this actually mean? Provide examples.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setAcceleration ( double  in_acc  )  [inline]

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setByInverseMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [inline, virtual]

set the position of the matrix manipulator using a 4x4 Matrix.

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setByMatrix ( const osg::Matrixd matrix  )  [virtual]

set the position of the matrix manipulator using a 4x4 Matrix.

Implements osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setModelScale ( double  in_ms  )  [inline]

virtual void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setNode ( osg::Node  )  [virtual]

Attach a node to the manipulator, automatically detaching any previously attached node. setNode(NULL) detaches previous nodes. May be ignored by manipulators which do not require a reference model.

Reimplemented from osgGA::MatrixManipulator.

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setVelocity ( double  in_vel  )  [inline]

void osgGA::FlightManipulator::setYawControlMode ( YawControlMode  ycm  )  [inline]

Configure the Yaw control for the flight model.

Member Data Documentation

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::_acceleration [protected]

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::_distance [protected]

osg::Vec3d osgGA::FlightManipulator::_eye [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> osgGA::FlightManipulator::_ga_t0 [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<const GUIEventAdapter> osgGA::FlightManipulator::_ga_t1 [protected]

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::_modelScale [protected]

osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> osgGA::FlightManipulator::_node [protected]

osg::Quat osgGA::FlightManipulator::_rotation [protected]

double osgGA::FlightManipulator::_velocity [protected]

YawControlMode osgGA::FlightManipulator::_yawMode [protected]

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