ZRS - Zveza Radioamaterjev Slovenije

Projects : Hardware
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Hardware projects

Not all the ham equipment can be bought on the market. Especially high speed packet radio equipment, RTX's for over 1.3 GHz, ATV equipment, etc...

Fortenatelly, hams in S5 are inventive enough to project and produce their own solutions, which are often on higher quality level than commercial versions available (if available at all).

Here we present just a few projects from the hudge selection - but new projects will be added constantly.

To start with packet radio, you need at least TCM 1200 bps "BayCom" modem.

You can than upgrade to TNC-2, clone of the basic TNC - Terminal Node Controller, built around Zilog Z80CPU and, with manchester modem suitable for speeds up to 76800 bps.

Alternative to TNC2 is USCC (ISA) card with two modems on it, one slow 1200 bps AFSK modem and one medium speed 2400 - 76800 bps manchester modem.

To be able to use medium speed (up to 76800 bps) packet radio network in Slovenia, you will need WBFM Wide Band FM RTX.

If you are eager for even higher speeds, than you wil have to use PSK RTX, with speed set at 1.2288 Mbps and new SCC-DMA (ISA) card with one medium speed (up to 76800 bps) and one high speed (1.2288 Mpbs) channel.

Of course, our network needs diferent kind of equipment too. So, first replacement for small TheNet node (digipiter) was Mini SuperVozelj, shrank version of his big brother, SuperVozelj network node computer, home made system based on 68010/68320 processor with up to 10 channels of diferent speeds from 1200 bps up to 1.2288 Mbps.

Ad-on for SuperVozelj is Frame Grabber, an interface for CCD camera.

Not every project is for digital communication; Matjaz, S53MV, has developed some very interesting projects.

There are 1296, 2304, 5760MHz SSB/CW RTX and 3cm SSB/CW RTX.
             Design by Bajko (c)2002