archive: New movie added to archive: q3apd at Lovebytes06
Posted on Friday, June 02 @ 14:49:14 CEST by julian |
As promised, here's a clip of 'q3apd' as presented at Lovebytes06. I've added it to the Movies archive. It's 84M and in the Ogg Theora format. It'll play with VLC on a Linux, Windows or Macintosh machine.
The work was presented for two weeks during which the 'game' autoplayed continuously - ie there was no human input. Four bots fight each other, dying and respawning, over and over again. One of the four bots sends all of it's control data to PureData which in turn is used to drive a score. It's through the ears of this bot that we hear the composition, driven by elements such as global-position in the map, weapon-state, damage-state and jump-pad events. For this reason game-objects and architectural elements were carefully positioned so that the flow of combat would produce common points of return (phrases) and the orchestration sounded right overall.
The scene was heavily graphically reduced so as to prioritise sound within the sensorial mix.
Had we had more speakers, we would've dedicated a stereo pair for each bot, thus placing the audience at the 'acoustic center' of the combat. This we will explore at some point.
q3apd is a set of modules that allows events in Quake3 to send messages over a network using Open Sound Control. Quake3 can then be used to drive any network aware process, from PD/MaxMSP and even realworld systems like machines.
For more information see here. The software is opensource and can be freely downloaded.
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