osg::RefMatrixf Member List

This is the complete list of members for osg::RefMatrixf, including all inherited members.

_dataVarianceosg::Object [protected]
_matosg::Matrixf [protected]
_nameosg::Object [protected]
_observersosg::Referenced [protected]
_refCountosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_refMutexosg::Referenced [mutable, protected]
_userDataosg::Object [protected]
addObserver(Observer *observer)osg::Referenced
className() const osg::RefMatrixf [inline, virtual]
clone(const CopyOp &) const osg::RefMatrixf [inline, virtual]
cloneType() const osg::RefMatrixf [inline, virtual]
compare(const Matrixf &m) const osg::Matrixf
DataVariance enum nameosg::Object
DeleteHandler classosg::Referenced [friend]
DYNAMIC enum valueosg::Object
frustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
getDataVariance() const osg::Object [inline]
getDeleteHandler()osg::Referenced [static]
getFrustum(double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar) const osg::Matrixf
getLookAt(Vec3f &eye, Vec3f &center, Vec3f &up, value_type lookDistance=1.0f) const osg::Matrixf
getLookAt(Vec3d &eye, Vec3d &center, Vec3d &up, value_type lookDistance=1.0f) const osg::Matrixf
getName() const osg::Object [inline]
getOrtho(double &left, double &right, double &bottom, double &top, double &zNear, double &zFar) const osg::Matrixf
getPerspective(double &fovy, double &aspectRatio, double &zNear, double &zFar) const osg::Matrixf
getRotate() const osg::Matrixf
getScale() const osg::Matrixf [inline]
getThreadSafeReferenceCounting()osg::Referenced [static]
getThreadSafeRefUnref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
getTrans() const osg::Matrixf [inline]
getUserData()osg::Object [inline]
getUserData() const osg::Object [inline]
identity(void)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
inverse(const Matrixf &matrix)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
invert(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf [inline]
invert_4x3(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf
invert_4x4(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf
isNaN() const osg::Matrixf [inline]
isSameKindAs(const Object *obj) const osg::RefMatrixf [inline, virtual]
libraryName() const osg::RefMatrixf [inline, virtual]
lookAt(const Vec3f &eye, const Vec3f &center, const Vec3f &up)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
lookAt(const Vec3d &eye, const Vec3d &center, const Vec3d &up)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
makeFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf
makeLookAt(const Vec3d &eye, const Vec3d &center, const Vec3d &up)osg::Matrixf
makeOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf
makeOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)osg::Matrixf [inline]
makePerspective(double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(const Vec3f &from, const Vec3f &to)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(const Vec3d &from, const Vec3d &to)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(value_type angle, const Vec3f &axis)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(value_type angle, const Vec3d &axis)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(value_type angle, value_type x, value_type y, value_type z)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(const Quat &)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(value_type angle1, const Vec3f &axis1, value_type angle2, const Vec3f &axis2, value_type angle3, const Vec3f &axis3)osg::Matrixf
makeRotate(value_type angle1, const Vec3d &axis1, value_type angle2, const Vec3d &axis2, value_type angle3, const Vec3d &axis3)osg::Matrixf
makeScale(const Vec3f &)osg::Matrixf
makeScale(const Vec3d &)osg::Matrixf
makeScale(value_type, value_type, value_type)osg::Matrixf
makeTranslate(const Vec3f &)osg::Matrixf
makeTranslate(const Vec3d &)osg::Matrixf
makeTranslate(value_type, value_type, value_type)osg::Matrixf
Matrixf()osg::Matrixf [inline]
Matrixf(const Matrixf &mat)osg::Matrixf [inline]
Matrixf(const Matrixd &mat)osg::Matrixf
Matrixf(float const *const ptr)osg::Matrixf [inline, explicit]
Matrixf(double const *const ptr)osg::Matrixf [inline, explicit]
Matrixf(const Quat &quat)osg::Matrixf [inline, explicit]
Matrixf(value_type a00, value_type a01, value_type a02, value_type a03, value_type a10, value_type a11, value_type a12, value_type a13, value_type a20, value_type a21, value_type a22, value_type a23, value_type a30, value_type a31, value_type a32, value_type a33)osg::Matrixf
mult(const Matrixf &, const Matrixf &)osg::Matrixf
Object()osg::Object [inline]
Object(bool threadSafeRefUnref)osg::Object [inline, explicit]
Object(const Object &, const CopyOp &copyop=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)osg::Object
operator *(const Vec3f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator *(const Vec3d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator *(const Vec4f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator *(const Vec4d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator *(const Matrixf &m) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator *=(const Matrixf &other)osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator!=(const Matrixf &m) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator()(int row, int col)osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator()(int row, int col) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
operator<(const Matrixf &m) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
osg::Referenced::operator=(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced [inline]
osg::Matrixf::operator=(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf [inline]
osg::Matrixf::operator=(const Matrixd &other)osg::Matrixf
operator==(const Matrixf &m) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
ortho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
ortho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
orthoNormal(const Matrixf &matrix)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
orthoNormalize(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf
perspective(double fovy, double aspectRatio, double zNear, double zFar)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
postMult(const Vec3f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
postMult(const Vec3d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
postMult(const Vec4f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
postMult(const Vec4d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
postMult(const Matrixf &)osg::Matrixf
preMult(const Vec3f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
preMult(const Vec3d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
preMult(const Vec4f &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
preMult(const Vec4d &v) const osg::Matrixf [inline]
preMult(const Matrixf &)osg::Matrixf
ptr()osg::Matrixf [inline]
ptr() const osg::Matrixf [inline]
ref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
referenceCount() const osg::Referenced [inline]
Referenced(bool threadSafeRefUnref)osg::Referenced [explicit]
Referenced(const Referenced &)osg::Referenced
RefMatrixf()osg::RefMatrixf [inline]
RefMatrixf(const Matrixf &other)osg::RefMatrixf [inline]
RefMatrixf(const Matrixd &other)osg::RefMatrixf [inline]
RefMatrixf(const RefMatrixf &other)osg::RefMatrixf [inline]
RefMatrixf(Matrixf::value_type const *const def)osg::RefMatrixf [inline, explicit]
RefMatrixf(Matrixf::value_type a00, Matrixf::value_type a01, Matrixf::value_type a02, Matrixf::value_type a03, Matrixf::value_type a10, Matrixf::value_type a11, Matrixf::value_type a12, Matrixf::value_type a13, Matrixf::value_type a20, Matrixf::value_type a21, Matrixf::value_type a22, Matrixf::value_type a23, Matrixf::value_type a30, Matrixf::value_type a31, Matrixf::value_type a32, Matrixf::value_type a33)osg::RefMatrixf [inline]
releaseGLObjects(osg::State *=0) const osg::Object [inline, virtual]
removeObserver(Observer *observer)osg::Referenced
rotate(const Vec3f &from, const Vec3f &to)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(const Vec3d &from, const Vec3d &to)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(value_type angle, value_type x, value_type y, value_type z)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(value_type angle, const Vec3f &axis)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(value_type angle, const Vec3d &axis)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(value_type angle1, const Vec3f &axis1, value_type angle2, const Vec3f &axis2, value_type angle3, const Vec3f &axis3)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(value_type angle1, const Vec3d &axis1, value_type angle2, const Vec3d &axis2, value_type angle3, const Vec3d &axis3)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
rotate(const Quat &quat)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
scale(const Vec3f &sv)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
scale(const Vec3d &sv)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
scale(value_type sx, value_type sy, value_type sz)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
set(const Matrixf &rhs)osg::Matrixf [inline]
set(const Matrixd &rhs)osg::Matrixf
set(float const *const ptr)osg::Matrixf [inline]
set(double const *const ptr)osg::Matrixf [inline]
set(value_type a00, value_type a01, value_type a02, value_type a03, value_type a10, value_type a11, value_type a12, value_type a13, value_type a20, value_type a21, value_type a22, value_type a23, value_type a30, value_type a31, value_type a32, value_type a33)osg::Matrixf
setDataVariance(DataVariance dv)osg::Object [inline]
setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler *handler)osg::Referenced [static]
setName(const std::string &name)osg::Object [inline]
setName(const char *name)osg::Object [inline]
setRotate(const Quat &q)osg::Matrixf
setThreadSafeReferenceCounting(bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting)osg::Referenced [static]
setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe)osg::Referenced
setTrans(value_type tx, value_type ty, value_type tz)osg::Matrixf
setTrans(const Vec3f &v)osg::Matrixf
setTrans(const Vec3d &v)osg::Matrixf
setUserData(Referenced *obj)osg::Object [inline]
STATIC enum valueosg::Object
transform3x3(const Vec3f &v, const Matrixf &m)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
transform3x3(const Vec3d &v, const Matrixf &m)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
transform3x3(const Matrixf &m, const Vec3f &v)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
transform3x3(const Matrixf &m, const Vec3d &v)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
translate(const Vec3f &dv)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
translate(const Vec3d &dv)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
translate(value_type x, value_type y, value_type z)osg::Matrixf [inline, static]
unref() const osg::Referenced [inline]
unref_nodelete() const osg::Referenced
valid() const osg::Matrixf [inline]
value_type typedefosg::Matrixf
~Matrixf()osg::Matrixf [inline]
~Object()osg::Object [inline, protected, virtual]
~Referenced()osg::Referenced [protected, virtual]
~RefMatrixf()osg::RefMatrixf [inline, protected, virtual]

Generated on Sun Oct 1 13:17:06 2006 for openscenegraph by  doxygen 1.4.7