_boundingSphere | osg::Node | [mutable, protected] |
_boundingSphereComputed | osg::Node | [mutable, protected] |
_children | osg::Group | [protected] |
_computeBoundCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_cullCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_cullingActive | osg::Node | [protected] |
_dataVariance | osg::Object | [protected] |
_descriptions | osg::Node | [protected] |
_eventCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_initialBound | osg::Node | [protected] |
_name | osg::Object | [protected] |
_nodeMask | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenRequiringEventTraversal | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenWithCullingDisabled | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenWithOccluderNodes | osg::Node | [protected] |
_observers | osg::Referenced | [protected] |
_parents | osg::Node | [protected] |
_refCount | osg::Referenced | [mutable, protected] |
_refMutex | osg::Referenced | [mutable, protected] |
_stateset | osg::Node | [protected] |
_updateCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_userData | osg::Object | [protected] |
accept(NodeVisitor &nv) | osg::Node | [virtual] |
addChild(Node *child) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
addDescription(const std::string &desc) | osg::Node | [inline] |
addObserver(Observer *observer) | osg::Referenced | |
addParent(osg::Group *node) | osg::Node | [protected] |
addTechnique(Technique *tech) | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
ascend(NodeVisitor &nv) | osg::Node | [virtual] |
asGroup() | osg::Group | [inline, virtual] |
asGroup() const | osg::Group | [inline, virtual] |
asTransform() | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
asTransform() const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
AUTO_DETECT enum value | osgFX::Effect | |
childInserted(unsigned int) | osg::Group | [inline, protected, virtual] |
childRemoved(unsigned int, unsigned int) | osg::Group | [inline, protected, virtual] |
className() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
clone(const CopyOp ©op) const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
cloneType() const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
computeBound() const | osg::Group | [virtual] |
containsNode(const Node *node) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
containsOccluderNodes() const | osg::Node | |
DataVariance enum name | osg::Object | |
define_techniques() | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [protected, virtual] |
DeleteHandler class | osg::Referenced | [friend] |
DescriptionList typedef | osg::Node | |
dirtyBound() | osg::Node | |
dirtyTechniques() | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
DYNAMIC enum value | osg::Object | |
Effect() | osgFX::Effect | |
Effect(const Effect ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osgFX::Effect | |
effectAuthor() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
effectDescription() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
effectName() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
getBound() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getChild(unsigned int i) | osg::Group | [inline] |
getChild(unsigned int i) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getChildIndex(const Node *node) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getComputeBoundingSphereCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getComputeBoundingSphereCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullingActive() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDataVariance() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getDeleteHandler() | osg::Referenced | [static] |
getDescription(unsigned int i) const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescription(unsigned int i) | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescriptions() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescriptions() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getEnabled() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getEventCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getEventCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getInitialBound() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getLightNumber() const | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
getName() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getNodeMask() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildren() const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumDescriptions() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumParents() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumTechniques() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getOrCreateStateSet() | osg::Node | |
getParent(unsigned int i) | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParent(unsigned int i) const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParentalNodePaths(osg::Node *haltTraversalAtNode=0) const | osg::Node | |
getParents() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParents() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getSelectedTechnique() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getSpecularColor() const | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
getSpecularExponent() const | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
getStateSet() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getStateSet() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getTechnique(int i) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getTechnique(int i) const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getTextureUnit() const | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
getThreadSafeReferenceCounting() | osg::Referenced | [static] |
getThreadSafeRefUnref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
getUpdateCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getUpdateCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getUserData() | osg::Object | [inline] |
getUserData() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getWorldMatrices(osg::Node *haltTraversalAtNode=0) const | osg::Node | |
Group() | osg::Group | |
Group(const Group &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Group | |
inherited_traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
insertChild(unsigned int index, Node *child) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
isCullingActive() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
isSameKindAs(const osg::Object *obj) const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
libraryName() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
META_Effect(osgFX, SpecularHighlights,"Specular Highlights","This effect applies additive specular highlights at fragment level (instead ""of OpenGL's vertex-level lighting) by using a cube map and reflective texgen. ""A texture matrix is computed to rotate the cube map automatically; this makes ""the specular effect consistent with respect to view direction and light position. ""The user can choose which light should be used to compute the texture matrix.\n""This effect requires the GL_ARB_texture_env_add extension and one of the cube map ""extensions (GL_EXT_texture_cube_map, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map or OpenGL v1.3).","Marco Jez") | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | |
META_Node(osg, Group) | osg::Group | |
Node() | osg::Node | |
Node(const Node &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Node | |
NodeMask typedef | osg::Node | |
Object() | osg::Object | [inline] |
Object(bool threadSafeRefUnref) | osg::Object | [inline, explicit] |
Object(const Object &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Object | |
operator=(const SpecularHighlights &) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline, protected] |
osgFX::Effect::operator=(const Effect &) | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
osg::Referenced::operator=(const Referenced &) | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
osg::Drawable class | osg::Node | [friend] |
osg::Group class | osg::Node | [friend] |
osg::StateSet class | osg::Node | [friend] |
ParentList typedef | osg::Node | |
ref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
referenceCount() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
Referenced() | osg::Referenced | |
Referenced(bool threadSafeRefUnref) | osg::Referenced | [explicit] |
Referenced(const Referenced &) | osg::Referenced | |
releaseGLObjects(osg::State *=0) const | osg::Group | [virtual] |
removeChild(Node *child) | osg::Group | [inline] |
removeChild(unsigned int pos, unsigned int numChildrenToRemove=1) | osg::Group | [inline] |
removeChildren(unsigned int pos, unsigned int numChildrenToRemove) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
removeObserver(Observer *observer) | osg::Referenced | |
removeParent(osg::Group *node) | osg::Node | [protected] |
replaceChild(Node *origChild, Node *newChild) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
selectTechnique(int i=AUTO_DETECT) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
setChild(unsigned int i, Node *node) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
setComputeBoundingSphereCallback(ComputeBoundingSphereCallback *callback) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setCullCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setCullingActive(bool active) | osg::Node | |
setDataVariance(DataVariance dv) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler *handler) | osg::Referenced | [static] |
setDescriptions(const DescriptionList &descriptions) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setEnabled(bool v) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
setEventCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | |
setInitialBound(const osg::BoundingSphere &bsphere) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setLightNumber(int n) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
setName(const std::string &name) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setName(const char *name) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setNodeMask(NodeMask nm) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setSpecularColor(const osg::Vec4 &color) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
setSpecularExponent(float e) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
setStateSet(osg::StateSet *stateset) | osg::Node | |
setTextureUnit(int n) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline] |
setThreadSafeReferenceCounting(bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting) | osg::Referenced | [static] |
setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe) | osg::Referenced | |
setUpdateCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | |
setUpDemo() | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
setUserData(Referenced *obj) | osg::Object | [inline] |
SpecularHighlights() | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | |
SpecularHighlights(const SpecularHighlights ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | |
STATIC enum value | osg::Object | |
TechniqueSelection enum name | osgFX::Effect | |
traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) | osgFX::Effect | [virtual] |
unref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
unref_nodelete() const | osg::Referenced | |
~Effect() | osgFX::Effect | [protected, virtual] |
~Group() | osg::Group | [protected, virtual] |
~Node() | osg::Node | [protected, virtual] |
~Object() | osg::Object | [inline, protected, virtual] |
~Referenced() | osg::Referenced | [protected, virtual] |
~SpecularHighlights() | osgFX::SpecularHighlights | [inline, protected, virtual] |