_boundingSphere | osg::Node | [mutable, protected] |
_boundingSphereComputed | osg::Node | [mutable, protected] |
_children | osg::Group | [protected] |
_computeBoundCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_cullCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_cullingActive | osg::Node | [protected] |
_dataVariance | osg::Object | [protected] |
_descriptions | osg::Node | [protected] |
_eventCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_initialBound | osg::Node | [protected] |
_name | osg::Object | [protected] |
_nodeMask | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenRequiringEventTraversal | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenWithCullingDisabled | osg::Node | [protected] |
_numChildrenWithOccluderNodes | osg::Node | [protected] |
_observers | osg::Referenced | [protected] |
_parents | osg::Node | [protected] |
_refCount | osg::Referenced | [mutable, protected] |
_refMutex | osg::Referenced | [mutable, protected] |
_stateset | osg::Node | [protected] |
_updateCallback | osg::Node | [protected] |
_userData | osg::Object | [protected] |
accept(NodeVisitor &nv) | osg::Node | [virtual] |
addChild(Node *child) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
addDescription(const std::string &desc) | osg::Node | [inline] |
addObserver(Observer *observer) | osg::Referenced | |
addParent(osg::Group *node) | osg::Node | [protected] |
addTechnique(Technique *tech) | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
ascend(NodeVisitor &nv) | osg::Node | [virtual] |
asGroup() | osg::Group | [inline, virtual] |
asGroup() const | osg::Group | [inline, virtual] |
asTransform() | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
asTransform() const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
AUTO_DETECT enum value | osgFX::Effect | |
BumpMapping() | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
BumpMapping(const BumpMapping ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
childInserted(unsigned int) | osg::Group | [inline, protected, virtual] |
childRemoved(unsigned int, unsigned int) | osg::Group | [inline, protected, virtual] |
className() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
clone(const CopyOp ©op) const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
cloneType() const | osg::Node | [inline, virtual] |
computeBound() const | osg::Group | [virtual] |
containsNode(const Node *node) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
containsOccluderNodes() const | osg::Node | |
DataVariance enum name | osg::Object | |
define_techniques() | osgFX::BumpMapping | [protected, virtual] |
DeleteHandler class | osg::Referenced | [friend] |
DescriptionList typedef | osg::Node | |
dirtyBound() | osg::Node | |
dirtyTechniques() | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
DYNAMIC enum value | osg::Object | |
Effect() | osgFX::Effect | |
Effect(const Effect ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osgFX::Effect | |
effectAuthor() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
effectDescription() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
effectName() const =0 | osgFX::Effect | [pure virtual] |
getBound() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getChild(unsigned int i) | osg::Group | [inline] |
getChild(unsigned int i) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getChildIndex(const Node *node) const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getComputeBoundingSphereCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getComputeBoundingSphereCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getCullingActive() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDataVariance() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getDeleteHandler() | osg::Referenced | [static] |
getDescription(unsigned int i) const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescription(unsigned int i) | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescriptions() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDescriptions() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getDiffuseTextureUnit() const | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getEnabled() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getEventCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getEventCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getInitialBound() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getLightNumber() const | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getName() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getNodeMask() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNormalMapTextureUnit() const | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getNumChildren() const | osg::Group | [inline] |
getNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumDescriptions() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumParents() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getNumTechniques() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getOrCreateStateSet() | osg::Node | |
getOverrideDiffuseTexture() | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getOverrideDiffuseTexture() const | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getOverrideNormalMapTexture() | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getOverrideNormalMapTexture() const | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
getParent(unsigned int i) | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParent(unsigned int i) const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParentalNodePaths(osg::Node *haltTraversalAtNode=0) const | osg::Node | |
getParents() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getParents() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getSelectedTechnique() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getStateSet() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getStateSet() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getTechnique(int i) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getTechnique(int i) const | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
getThreadSafeReferenceCounting() | osg::Referenced | [static] |
getThreadSafeRefUnref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
getUpdateCallback() | osg::Node | [inline] |
getUpdateCallback() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
getUserData() | osg::Object | [inline] |
getUserData() const | osg::Object | [inline] |
getWorldMatrices(osg::Node *haltTraversalAtNode=0) const | osg::Node | |
Group() | osg::Group | |
Group(const Group &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Group | |
inherited_traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
insertChild(unsigned int index, Node *child) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
isCullingActive() const | osg::Node | [inline] |
isSameKindAs(const osg::Object *obj) const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
libraryName() const | osgFX::Effect | [inline, virtual] |
META_Effect(osgFX, BumpMapping,"Bump Mapping","This effect makes surfaces appear bumpy. Children nodes must use two textures, ""one for diffuse color and one for the normal map (which can be created ""from a height map with tools like nVIDIA's normal map generator). Furthermore, ""tangent-space basis vectors must be created and assigned to each Geometry; this ""can be done quickly by calling BumpMapping::prepareChildren(). Note that both ""diffuse and normal map textures must have corresponding UV maps defined in ""Geometry objects.\n""This effect defines a preferred technique which uses ARB vertex & fragment ""programs, and a fallback technique which doesn't use fragment programs. The ""latter is more limited though since it can't handle ambient and specular ""components.","Marco Jez") | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
META_Node(osg, Group) | osg::Group | |
Node() | osg::Node | |
Node(const Node &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Node | |
NodeMask typedef | osg::Node | |
Object() | osg::Object | [inline] |
Object(bool threadSafeRefUnref) | osg::Object | [inline, explicit] |
Object(const Object &, const CopyOp ©op=CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) | osg::Object | |
operator=(const BumpMapping &) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline, protected] |
osgFX::Effect::operator=(const Effect &) | osgFX::Effect | [inline, protected] |
osg::Referenced::operator=(const Referenced &) | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
osg::Drawable class | osg::Node | [friend] |
osg::Group class | osg::Node | [friend] |
osg::StateSet class | osg::Node | [friend] |
ParentList typedef | osg::Node | |
prepareChildren() | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
prepareGeometry(osg::Geometry *geo) | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
prepareNode(osg::Node *node) | osgFX::BumpMapping | |
ref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
referenceCount() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
Referenced() | osg::Referenced | |
Referenced(bool threadSafeRefUnref) | osg::Referenced | [explicit] |
Referenced(const Referenced &) | osg::Referenced | |
releaseGLObjects(osg::State *=0) const | osg::Group | [virtual] |
removeChild(Node *child) | osg::Group | [inline] |
removeChild(unsigned int pos, unsigned int numChildrenToRemove=1) | osg::Group | [inline] |
removeChildren(unsigned int pos, unsigned int numChildrenToRemove) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
removeObserver(Observer *observer) | osg::Referenced | |
removeParent(osg::Group *node) | osg::Node | [protected] |
replaceChild(Node *origChild, Node *newChild) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
selectTechnique(int i=AUTO_DETECT) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
setChild(unsigned int i, Node *node) | osg::Group | [virtual] |
setComputeBoundingSphereCallback(ComputeBoundingSphereCallback *callback) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setCullCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setCullingActive(bool active) | osg::Node | |
setDataVariance(DataVariance dv) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setDeleteHandler(DeleteHandler *handler) | osg::Referenced | [static] |
setDescriptions(const DescriptionList &descriptions) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setDiffuseTextureUnit(int n) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
setEnabled(bool v) | osgFX::Effect | [inline] |
setEventCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | |
setInitialBound(const osg::BoundingSphere &bsphere) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setLightNumber(int n) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
setName(const std::string &name) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setName(const char *name) | osg::Object | [inline] |
setNodeMask(NodeMask nm) | osg::Node | [inline] |
setNormalMapTextureUnit(int n) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
setNumChildrenRequiringEventTraversal(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenRequiringUpdateTraversal(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenWithCullingDisabled(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setNumChildrenWithOccluderNodes(unsigned int num) | osg::Node | [protected] |
setOverrideDiffuseTexture(osg::Texture2D *texture) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
setOverrideNormalMapTexture(osg::Texture2D *texture) | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline] |
setStateSet(osg::StateSet *stateset) | osg::Node | |
setThreadSafeReferenceCounting(bool enableThreadSafeReferenceCounting) | osg::Referenced | [static] |
setThreadSafeRefUnref(bool threadSafe) | osg::Referenced | |
setUpdateCallback(NodeCallback *nc) | osg::Node | |
setUpDemo() | osgFX::BumpMapping | [virtual] |
setUserData(Referenced *obj) | osg::Object | [inline] |
STATIC enum value | osg::Object | |
TechniqueSelection enum name | osgFX::Effect | |
traverse(osg::NodeVisitor &nv) | osgFX::Effect | [virtual] |
unref() const | osg::Referenced | [inline] |
unref_nodelete() const | osg::Referenced | |
~BumpMapping() | osgFX::BumpMapping | [inline, protected, virtual] |
~Effect() | osgFX::Effect | [protected, virtual] |
~Group() | osg::Group | [protected, virtual] |
~Node() | osg::Node | [protected, virtual] |
~Object() | osg::Object | [inline, protected, virtual] |
~Referenced() | osg::Referenced | [protected, virtual] |