23cm PSK packet-radio RTX for 1.2Mbit/s user access
Matjaz Vidmar, S53MV
1. Why biphase PSK modulation?
Upgrading the packet-radio network to higher data-rates also
requires using more efficient modulation and demodulation
techniques both to reduce the signal bandwidth and to increase
the radio range of the system. In particular, inefficient
modems coupled to standard FM transceivers have to be replaced
with custom-designed radios for data transmission. Considering
the bandwidth and TX power available to radio-amateurs, it is
necessary to switch to coherent demodulation techniques at
data-rates around 100 kbit/s in terrestrial packet-radio and
at even lower data-rates in satellite communications.
One of the simpliest forms of digital modulation, that can be
demodulated in a coherent way, is biphase PSK. The usual
amateur approach to implement biphase PSK is to use already
exsisting equipment like linear transverters or SSB
transceivers coupled to custom-designed modems operating
at an intermediate frequency. While this approach may be
acceptable for satellite work, it is rather complex and
inconvenient for conventional terrestrial packet-radio.
On the other hand, professionals developed very simple and
efficient digital radios like GSM cellular telephones.
Professionals also found out that they can not use the
frequency spectrum efficiently with narrowband FM radios:
all new cellular phone sistem use high-speed TDMA techniques
or even spread-spectrum modulation. If we radio-amateurs
want to improve our digital communication, it is therefore
necessary to develop and build new equipment. The only place
for obsolete narrowband FM equipment is a museum!
Maybe PSK modulation is not considered very efficient by many
amateurs, since it is used on satellites at data rates of
only 400 bit/s or 1200 bit/s. On the other hand, in Slovenia
(S5) we installed our first 1.2 Mbit/s PSK links in 1995,
operating in the 13cm amateur band at 2360MHz. This equipment
resulted very reliable and the PSK links never failed, even
when the 70cm and 23cm 38.4 kbit/s links were out due to heavy
snowfall in the 1995/96 winter.
The 13cm PSK 1.2 Mbit/s link transceiver used in these links
(shown in Weinheim in September 1995) was only the first
attempt towards a dedicated PSK radio. The 13cm transmitter
was simplified by using direct PSK modulation on the output
frequency, but the 13cm receiver is still using a double
downconversion followed by a conventional IF squaring-loop
PSK demodulator. The construction of this transceiver is
not simple: there are several shielded modules and especially
the double-conversion receiver requires lots of tuning.
2. Direct-conversion PSK data transceiver
Similarly to a SSB transceiver, a PSK transceiver can also be
built as a direct-conversion radio as shown on Fig.1 The
Costas-loop demodulator can be extended to include most of
the amplification in the receiving chain. Since such a receiver
does not require narrow bandpass filters, the construction and
alignment can be much simplified. In addition, some receiver
stages can also be used in the transmitter (like the local
oscillator chain) to further simplify the overall transceiver.
A direct-conversion PSK receiver also has some problems.
Limiting is generally not harmful in the signal amplifier,
however it increases the noise in the error amplifier chain.
In practice the loop bandwidth has to be decreased, if no AGC
is used and both amplifiers operate in the limiting regime.
It is also very difficult to have both amplifiers DC coupled
as required by the theory. If AC coupled amplifiers are used,
randomization (scrambling) has to be applied to the data
stream and some additional noise is generated. However, in
a well-designed, direct-conversion PSK receiver the
signal-to-noise ratio degradation due to AC coupling can be
kept sufficiently small.
Building a real-world, direct-conversion PSK receiver one
should also consider other unwanted effects. For example, the
Costas-loop demodulator includes very high-gain stages.
Unwanted effects like AM modulation on the VCO or FM-to-AM
conversion in the multiplier stages can lead to unwanted
feedback loops. However, the most critical component seems
to be the VCO.
In a practical microwave PSK transceiver the VCO is built as
a VCXO followed by a multiplier chain. Although the static
frequency-pulling range of fundamental-resonance and
third-overtone crystals is sufficient for this application,
their dynamic response is totally unpredictable above 1kHz.
The latter may be enough for full-duplex, continuous-carrier
microwave links, but it is insufficient for CSMA packet-radio,
where a very fast signal acquisition is required.
3. Zero-IF PSK data transceiver
Most of the problems of a direct-conversion PSK receiver can
be overcome in a so called "zero-IF" PSK receiver, as shown on
Fig.2 Incidentally, a zero-IF PSK transceiver requires very
similar hardware to a direct-conversion PSK transceiver. The
main difference is in the local oscillator. A zero-IF PSK
receiver has a fixed-frequency, free-running local oscillator,
while the demodulation is only performed after the main
receiver gain stages.
A zero-IF PSK receiver includes a quadrature mixer that
provides two output signals I' and Q' with the same bandwidth
as in a direct-conversion RX. The signals I' and Q' contain
all of the information of the input RF signal, but they do
not represent the demodulated signal yet. Since the zero-IF RX
contains a free-running LO, its phase is certainly not matched
to the transmitter. Further, if there is a difference between
the frequencies of the transmitter and of the receiver, the
phasor represented by the I' and Q' signals will rotate at a
rate corresponding to the difference of the two frequencies.
To demodulate the information, the I' and Q' signals have to
be fed to a phase shifter to counterrotate the phasor. The
phase shifter is kept synchronized to the correct phase and
rate by a Costas-loop feedback. Since the whole Costas-loop
demodulator operates at high signal levels and at relatively
low frequencies, it can be built with inexpensive 74HCxxx
logic circuits that require no tuning at all!
A zero-IF PSK receiver requires linear amplification of the
I' and Q' signals. Limiting of the I' and Q' signals is very
harmful to the overall signal-to-noise ratio. If the zero-IF
amplifiers are AC coupled, data randomization (scrambling)
is required. On the other hand, a zero-IF PSK transceiver
does not include any critical stages or unstable feedback
loops and is therefore easily reproducible.
Searching for a simple PSK transceiver design I attempted to
build both a direct-conversion and a zero-IF PSK transceiver
for 23cm. The 23cm band offers sufficient bandwidth for
1.2Mbit/s operation. Further, the whole transceiver can
be built on conventional, inexpensive glassfiber-epoxy
laminate FR4. Finally, the propagation losses without
optical visibility are smaller in the 23cm band than at higher
microwave frequencies.
A direct-conversion PSK transceiver for 23cm resulted very
simple. The signal and error amplifiers used just one LM311
voltage comparator each, operating as a limiting amplifier.
The only limitation of this transceiver was the VCXO. Due
to the undefined dynamic response of the VCXO, the capturing
range of the Costas-loop RX was only about +/-5kHz. Further,
even this figure was hardly reproducible, since even two
crystals from the same manufacturing batch had a quite
different dynamic response in the VCXO.
A zero-IF 23cm PSK transceiver resulted slightly more complex,
due to the linear IF amplification with AGC and the additional
Costas-loop demodulator. On the other hand, the zero-IF 23cm
PSK RTX resulted fully reproducible, since there are no
critical parts or unstable circuits built in. Since the
additional complexity of the zero-IF RTX is in the IF part,
using only cheap components and no tuning points, it does
not add much to the overall complexity of the transceiver.
3. Design of the zero-IF 23cm PSK transceiver
In this article I am therefore going to describe the
abovementioned successful design of a zero-IF PSK data
transceiver. The transceiver is built on seven printed-circuit
boards, four of which (the RF part) are installed in metal
shielded enclosures. The RF part is built mainly as microstrip
circuits on 0.8mm thick glassfiber-epoxy laminate FR4.
Subharmonic mixers are used both in the transmitter modulator
and in the receiver quadrature mixer. Subharmonic mixers with
two antiparallel diodes are simple to build. Since the LO
signal is at half of the RF frequency, RF signals are easier
to decouple and less shielding is required. Finally, it is
very easy to build two identical subharmonic mixers for the
receiver quadrature mixer.
The whole transceiver therefore requires a single local
oscillator operating at half of the RF frequency or at about
635MHz for operation in the 23cm amateur band. The local
oscillator including a crystal oscillator and multiplier
stages is shown on Fig.3.
The LO module is built on a single-sided PCB, as shown on
Fig.4 and
To speed-up the TX/RX switching, the receiving mixers are
powered on and are receiving the LO signal all of the time.
On the other hand, the LO signal feeding the modulator has
to be turned off to avoid any interference during reception.
Therefore the LO signal is fed to the receiving mixers through
a directional coupler located in the 1270MHz PSK modulator
module as shown on
Only a small fraction of the LO power (-20dB) is fed to a
separation amplifier stage (BFP183). The 635MHz BPF
ensures a good residual carrier suppression (>30dB) in the
PSK modulator. The 1.27GHz BPF is used to suppress the 635MHz
LO signal and its unwanted harmonics. Finally, a two-stage
MMIC amplifier (INA-10386) is used to boost the signal level
to +14dBm.
The 1270MHz PSK modulator is a microstrip circuit built on a
double-sided PCB as shown on Fig.7
and Fig.8.
The bottom
side of the PCB is not etched to serve as a groundplane for
the microstrip circuit. The RF signal losses in the FR4
laminate are rather high at 1.27GHz. For example, the 1.27GHz
BPF has a passband insertion loss of about 5dB. On the other
hand, all of the microstrip bandpass filters are designed
for a bandwidth of more than 10% of the center frequency
and therefore require no tuning considering the laminate and
etching tolerances.
The RF front-end of the 23cm PSK transceiver, shown on
includes a TX power amplifier with a CLY5 power GaAsFET to
boost the TX output power to about 1W (+30dBm), a PIN diode
antenna switch (BAR63-03W and BAR80) and a receiving RF
amplifier with a BFP181. The latter has about 15dB gain, but
the following 1.27GHz BPF has about 3dB passband loss. The
RF front-end is also built as a microstrip circuit on a
double-sided PCB as shown on Fig.10 and
The quadrature I/Q mixer for 1270MHz, shown on
Fig.12, includes
an additional gain stage at 1.27GHz (26dB MMIC INA-03184), two
bandpass filters at 1.27GHz (3dB insertion loss each), a
quadrature hybrid for the RF signal at 1.27GHz, an in-phase
power splitter for the LO signal at 635MHz, two identical
subharmonic mixers (two BAT14-099R schottky quads) and two
identical IF preamplifiers (two BF199).
Since the termination impedances of the subharmonic mixers
depend on the LO signal power, the difference ports of both
the quadrature (RF) and in-phase (LO) power splitters have
to be terminated to ensure the correct phase and amplitude
relationships. Considering the manufacturing tolerances of
the microstrip PCB shown on Fig.13 and
Fig.14, the amplitude
matching is usually within 5% and the phase shift is within
+/- 5 degrees from the nominal 90degrees.
A zero-IF receiver requires a dual IF amplifier with two
identical amplification channels, but a single, common AGC.
Since DC-coupled amplifiers can not be built, the lower
frequency limit of AC-coupled stages has to be set
sufficiently low. At a data rate of 1.2Mbit/s, a convenient
choice is a lower frequency limit of 1kHz. The latter
allows all of the time constants in the range of 1ms
(TX/RX switching time!) and causes a distortion of about
4% of the amplitude of the IF signal.
Of course the AGC time constant should also be in the same
range around 1ms. Such a fast AGC can only be applied to low
gain stages to avoid unwanted feedback. A simple technical
solution is to use more than one AGC in the IF amplifier
chain. The I/Q dual amplifier shown on Fig.15 has three
identical dual amplifier stages and each of these dual
stages has its own AGC circuit using MOS transistors (4049UB)
as variable resistors.
The I/Q dual amplifier module also includes two identical
lowpass filters on the input (that define the receiver
bandwidth) and two phase inversion stages on the output to
obtain a four-phase output signal (+I, +Q, -I and -Q) to
drive the following phase shifter. The I/Q dual amplifier
is built on a single-sided PCB as shown on Fig.16 and
The Costas-loop I/Q PSK demodulator is built entirely using
cheap 74HCxxx logic as shown on Fig.18. The four-phase input
signal (+I, +Q, -I and -Q) feeds a resistor network that
generates a multiphase system with a large number (16) of
phases. Two 74HC4067 analog switches are then used to select
the desired signal phase. The inputs of the two analog
selectors are offset by 4 to provide the required 90-degree
phase shift between the signal and error outputs.
Both the signal and error are first fed through two lowpass
filters (to suppress the 74HC4067 switching transients) and
finally to two LM311 voltage comparators to obtain TLL-level
signals. The signal and error are then multiplied in an EXOR
gate and feed a digital VCO. The digital VCO includes a
6.144MHz clock oscillator and two 74HC191 up/down counters.
The up/down control is used as the VCO control input. If the
latter is at a logical ZERO, the up/down counter rotates the
two 74HC4067 switches FORWARD with a frequency of 24kHz.
If the input is at a logical ONE, the up/down counter rotates
the two 74HC4067 switches BACKWARD with a frequency of 24kHz.
Finally, if the control input toggles, the result depends
on the ON/OFF ratio of the control signal. At 50% duty the
74HC4067 switches stay in the same position.
The overall circuit therefore operates as a first-order,
Costas phase-locked loop that is able to correct
carrier-frequency errors between -24kHz and +24kHz.
The loop gain is defined by the dividing ratio of the
74HC191 up/down counters and the clock frequency. If a wider
capturing range is desired, the clock frequency can be
increased up to 20MHz, but the resulting higher loop gain
also increases the phase noise!
The Costas-loop demodulator is built on a double-sided PCB
as shown on Fig.19 and
Fig.20. The circuit includes its own
+5V regulator and an output stage capable of feeding a 75-ohm
cable with the demodulated RX data.
The overall PSK transceiver requires a few additional
interface circuits (shown on Fig.21)
including a supply
voltage switch and a modulator driver. The modulator driver
includes a lowpass filter to decrease the high-order sidelobes
of the modulation spectrum. The supply switch interface is
built on a single-sided PCB as shown on Fig.22 and
The overall PSK transceiver is enclosed in an aluminum box
with the dimensions of 320mm (width) X 175mm (depth) X
32mm (height). The location of the single modules is shown
on Fig.24. The four RF modules are additionally shielded
in small boxes made of 0.5mm thick brass sheet as shown on
Fig.25. The groundplane of the PCBs is soldered along all
four sides to the brass frame to ensure a good electrical
Special care should be devoted to the assembly of the
microstrip circuits. The microstrip resonators are grounded
at the marked positions using 0.6mm thick CuAg wire. The SMD
components (shown on Fig.26) are grounded through 2.5mm,
3.2mm or 5mm diameter holes at the marked positions. The
holes are first covered with a piece of thin copper sheet
on the groundplane side, then they are filled with solder
and finally the SMD part is soldered in place.
The assembled PSK transceiver requires little tuning. The
only module that needs to be tuned in any case is the
local oscillator module. Since most of the stages are just
frequency doublers, it is very difficult to tune this module
to the wrong harmonic. The TX power amplifier may need some
tuning to get the maximum output power. As printed on the
circuit board, L1 in the RF power amplifier should not
require any tuning if the interconnecting 50-ohm teflon cable
from the modulator is exactly 12cm long. Tuning L3 and L6
the output power can only be increased by less than 100mW.
All of the other microstrip resonators should not be tuned.
Finally, the 250ohm trimmer in the supply switch interface
is adjusted for the maximum TX output power (usually 2/3 of
the full scale).
5. Interfacing the 1.2Mbit/s PSK transceiver
Amateur packet-radio interfaces for data-rates above
100kbit/s are not very popular. One of the most popular
serial interfaces, the Zilog Z8530 SCC, only includes a
DPLL for RX clock recovery that can operate up to about
250kbit/s. Other integrated circuits, like the old Z80SIO,
the MC68302 used in the TNC3 or the new MC68360 do not
include any clock recovery circuits at all. In addition to
the RX clock recovery, data scrambling/descrambling and
sometimes even NRZ/NRZI differential encoding/decoding
have to be provided by external circuits.
The circuit shown on Fig.27 was specially designed to
interface the described PSK transceiver to a Z8530 SCC,
although it will probably work with other serial HDLC
controllers as well. The circuit includes an interpolation
DPLL that only requires an 8-times higher clock frequency
(9.8304MHz), although provides the resolution of a /256
conventional DPLL with a 315MHz clock.
The scrambler/descrambler uses a shift register with a linear
feedback with EXOR gates. The scrambling polynomial is the
same as the one used in K9NG/G3RUH modems:
Due to the redundancy in the AX.25 data stream (zero insertion
and deletion), a simple polynomial scrambler is completely
sufficient to overcome the AC coupling limitation of the
described PSK transceivers.
The interface circuit also includes 75-ohm line drivers and
receivers, if the PSK transceiver is installed at some distance
from the interface. However, connections have to be kept short
on the side towards the computer serial port. The described
interface only provides one clock signal, since it is intended
for simplex operation with the described PSK transceiver.
Of course the DPLL is disabled during transmission, so that
the circuit supplies a stable clock to the transmitter. The
polarity of the clock signal can be selected with a jumper.
When using the Z8530 RTxC or TRxC clock inputs, this jumper
should be connected to ground.
The bit-synchronization/scrambler circuit is built on a
single-sided PCB as shown on Fig.28 and
Fig.29. It only
requires one adjustment, the DCD treshold, and the latter can
only be performed when noise is present on the RXM input.
List of figures:
Fig. 1 - Direct-conversion PSK data transceiver.
Fig. 2 - Zero-IF PSK data transceiver.
Fig. 3 - 635MHz local oscillator.
Fig. 4 - 635MHz LO PCB (0.8mm single-sided FR4).
Fig. 5 - 635MHz LO component location.
Fig. 6 - 1270MHz PSK modulator.
Fig. 7 - 1270MHz PSK modulator PCB (0.8mm double-sided FR4).
Fig. 8 - 1270MHz PSK modulator component location.
Fig. 9 - 23cm PSK transceiver, RF front-end.
Fig. 10 - RF front-end PCB (0.8mm double-sided FR4).
Fig. 11 - RF front-end component location.
Fig. 12 - Quadrature I/Q mixer for 1270MHz.
Fig. 13 - Quadrature mixer PCB (0.8mm double-sided FR4).
Fig. 14 - Quadrature mixer component location.
Fig. 15 - I/Q dual amplifier with common AGC stages.
Fig. 16 - I/Q dual amplifier PCB (1.6mm single-sided FR4).
Fig. 17 - I/Q dual amplifier component location.
Fig. 18 - Costas-loop I/Q PSK demodulator.
Fig. 19 - Costas-loop demodulator PCB (1.6mm double-sided FR4).
Fig. 20 - Costas-loop demodulator component location.
Fig. 21 - Supply switch interface circuit diagram.
Fig. 22 - Supply switch interface PCB (1.6mm single-sided FR4).
Fig. 23 - Supply switch interface component location.
Fig. 24 - 23cm PSK transceiver module location.
Fig. 25 - 23cm PSK transceiver shielded module enclosure.
Fig. 26 - SMD semiconductor packages and pinouts.
Fig. 27 - Bit-synchronization/scrambler circuit diagram.
Fig. 28 - Bit-sync/scrambler PCB (1.6mm single-sided FR4).
Fig. 29 - Bit-sync/scrambler component location.