Zdravljenje depresij starejših
Treatment of depression in elderly
Blanka Kores Plesničar
Izvleček Pri večina depresivnih epizod je potrebno medikamentozno zdravljenje, ne glede na to, v kateri starostni skupini se pojavljajo. Glavni pogoj za uvedbo le-tega je pravilna diagnoza ob sočasnem upoštevanju bolnikovih demografskih karakteristik in njegovega somatskega stanja. To pa je pogosto prva visoka stopnica v celotnem procesu zdravljenja, saj se depresivne motnje lahko komorbidno ali kosimptomatsko prekrivajo z drugimi psihičnimi motnjami ali pa so prepletene s somatskimi obolenji. Le pravilno izbrano antidepresivno zdravljenje zadosti kriterijem dobrega zdravljenja (zmanjšanje simptomov in znakov depresije, zmanjšanje nevarnosti ponovitve motnje, boljša kvaliteta življenja, zmanjšanje morbiditete in mortalitete ter znižanje stroškov zdravljenja). Antidepresivna zdravila imajo dokaj podobno klinično učinkovitost, zato je pri izbiri antidepresivne terapije starostnikov vedno prvi in odločilni profil stranskih učinkov teh zdravil. Starostniki so nanje še posebno občutljivi, nas pa pogosto zavedejo, da jih pripišemo poslabšanju osnovne motnje. Podobno velja tudi za višino odmerkov antidepresivnih zdravil in njihovega višanja oz. prilagajanja. Polifarmacija pri starostnikih je velikokrat omenjena, a žal premalo upoštevana.Abstract
Most depressive episodes require pharmacological treatment, regardless of the age group. Principal requirement to begin with this treatment is a correct diagnosis and consideration of patient's demographic characteristics and his/hers physical status. However, this might prove to be quite a big step in the whole treatment process since depressive disorders can appear co-morbidly or co-symptomatically with other mental disorders, or they can be interwoven with somatic illnesses. Only the correct choice of antidepressive treatment can meet the criteria of good treatment (reduced symptoms and signs of depression, reduced risk of recurrence, increased quality of life, reduced morbidity and mortality and reduced costs of treatment). Clinical efficacy of various antidepressive agents is quite comparable, therefore the first and deciding factor in chosing antidepressive treatment for the elderly is their side effects profile, namely, the elderly are particularly sensitive to these side effects. Sometimes we can be misled to ascribe them to the deterioration of the primary condition. The same goes also for the dosage of antidepressive agents, i.e. increasing and/or adapting the doses. Polipharmacy in the elderly is frequently mentioned but it is not given enough consideration.