Therefore I invite all internet users to do the following:
1. go to your favourite file, it doesn't have to be art
2. extract one pixel that best represents your appreciation for that file, you don't have to tell me the source
3. send that pixel to me somehow, you will find the way
4. tell me how you want to be signed and if you want your name to be a link, ad the URL
5. I will publish it on the cover of my important home page
Vuk, your internet friend
///// 31.10. - 03.11.2019. /////
01010010011000010111000101110101011001010110110000100000010011010110010101111001011001010111001001110011 --> <--
///// 04.11. - 07.11.2019. /////
Domenico Dom Barra
[Ugliest Color in the World] --> <--
///// 07.11. - 11.11.2019. /////
Marisa Olson --> <--
///// 12.11. - ? /////
Paul Wehby and Jeremy Hight --> <--
This is a part of the White Page Gallery Network, a global dominance initiative