Welcome to the 'box community'. You entered a closed text/html collaboration project. This project refers to 'version 2.2', a media art exhibition and symposium at St.Gervais in Genève, Switzerland. This event was documentated through a card box instead of a catalogue. |
Our contribution for the box was a kind of visting card, which points to this site. It is only accessable for people like you, who got the version 2.2 box, where a card points to this adress, or to special persons which can be invited by the box owners. The starting point are 225 boxes, which were given to the participant artists of the exhibition and to the people, who buy a box at 'St.Gervais'. This project started on December 4th, 1996 and its intention is to continue and "complete" a starting story. The aim is to produce a collaborative storyboard for a movie. |
© Internationale Stadt 1996 |