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selectparks: Digital Imaging

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hello: Long exposure games
Digital Imaging

Rosemarie Fiore's long exposure prints reveal the architectural beauty behind some classic 80's games. Gyruss 1 (above) is close to the retinal scarring I have from too many tabletop games as a kid.

Posted by christo on Wednesday, February 21 @ 00:18:09 CET ( )
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archive: Weapons Of Choice
Digital Imaging

Weapons Of Choice is a beautiful series of paintings by Australian artist Mark McCarthy, whose work is influenced by the imagery of computer games. This series is his most mature to date, with a refined approach to abstraction not seen in his earlier works; for example the pixellated pop-collage installation The Opponent.

Weapons Of Choice provides some of the most abstract interpretations of 3D gaming sculptural forms I've seen. Geometric basics appear suspended on a gravity-free sterile plane. Cold green shadows vie with warm yellow highlights for the dominant emotional field. Moments of textural richness offset vector-clean surfaces and these resonating contrasts are further punctuated by the matt-arcrylic and oil-gloss polish.

An intriguing yet uncomfortable beauty lies between these dualities. It is a similar discord to the phenomenology of deconstructed polys. These foundational blocks of a fabricless universe suggest the processes of functional construction found in the analogue world. Stripped bare, reduced to constituent components these vacuous facets reveal the underlying nature of virtuality's fatuous void.

Mark has generously provided us with permission to host photos of these beautiful paintings.

Posted by rebecca on Saturday, June 17 @ 00:00:00 CEST ( )
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archive: Mauro Ceolin's Contemporary Emblems
Digital Imaging

Mauro Ceolin has some very cool b/w Contemporary Emblems which question the tradition of power-holding institutions in a world where information is filtered through search engines and life takes on an increasingly virtual format - for example by living in games. Via WeMakeMoneyNotArt

Posted by rebecca on Saturday, June 17 @ 00:00:00 CEST ( )
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archive: The Front Line
Digital Imaging

Besos Marta!

Posted by julian on Wednesday, August 03 @ 09:03:43 CEST ( )
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archive: Gamics
Digital Imaging
Gamics follow the lineage of Machinima, using pre-existing games as environments for the creation of new artworks. In this case, for the creation of comics which explore both the characters and worlds of the games themselves, and other newly created narratives.
This affordable production method has granted space for innovative comic-book techniques, but few Gamics, if any, have embraced the digital nature of the medium for anything more than special affects and compositing.
In most cases, references to the original games seem naive in their simplicity. But perhaps this is a sign that po-mo is finally over, and the simple art of storytelling can finally get along without having to appropriate parodically.

Posted by rebecca on Monday, May 23 @ 00:00:00 CEST ( )
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archive: Cosplayers: When Life Imitates Game
Digital Imaging

A new breed of Creative Anachronists?

Cheers Chad!

Posted by julian on Wednesday, March 02 @ 20:08:00 CET ( )
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archive: CFGOA Report: Hacking the Deep
Digital Imaging
This image is from a marine biology page documenting the apparent recent discovery of a new kind of squid. Biologists have discovered the creature is extremely dangerous, able to latch onto the head and use the human as a host in the manner of infant Aliens, or Half-Life's angry roast chickens.

In an ongoing project to disturb myself with propoganda about tentacular horrors of the deep (yes, I have serious issues there - Lovecraft was right), I came across this page. While retching in a complex mix of horror and fascination, I noticed a familiar URL was being used to resource the image.. UbiSoft..

Instead of the acid-soaked mythos (think Phillip K. Dick) we saw with the I-Love-Bees ad-meme for Halo2, UbiSoft, producers of the upcoming title 'Cold Fear', chose brute-force-realism, deploying psuedo-scientific material as a viral link to their game. Cold Fear features the same creatures crawling into the heads of victims in the game - you can see a trailer in the site linked above.

A vast majority of the spoof's links are authentic (Marine Classification page, biological references etc), thus taking the proverbial cake as the most thorough hack of margins between fact and fiction I've seen yet online..

Congrats, you had me squirming.

Posted by julian on Tuesday, February 22 @ 16:11:20 CET ( )
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archive: 'The White Room' - John Paul Bichard
Digital Imaging Anonymous writes "
John Paul Bichard's recent artwork: The White Room, is a set of photographic prints resulting from an in-game photo shoot that documents a series of constructed disasters. These interiors were set up by the artist using the videogame Max Payne 2, a 'Film Noir' thriller that tells a tale of lost love, deception and betrayal.

The shoot took place within the game's developer mode using the GOD and GETALLWEAPONS cheats and BenDMan'S 'bloody mod 1.2'. By transforming the game environment into a ready-made urban studio space, the objects and interiors were altered using the in-game weapons with the gore from dead enemies being used to 'paint' the sets before being unceremoniously blasted out of view and the scene captured. "

Posted by julian on Tuesday, November 02 @ 15:17:06 CET ( )
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archive: The Sims2 - Recursion
Digital Imaging

Playing the Sims, in Sims2. Thanks Wonderland.

Posted by julian on Saturday, September 25 @ 12:08:48 CEST ( )
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