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selectparks: Machinima

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hello: Vimeo moves to ban Machinima, Game footage
Let's hope this isn't a trend. From the article..

The Vimeo staff does not feel that videos which are direct captures of video game play truly constitute 'creative expression.' Further, such videos may expose Vimeo to liability from the game creator(s), as we have already seen action from popular video game companies against videos such as these... Gaming videos are by nature significantly larger and longer than any other genre on Vimeo ...

It would seem the Vimeo team isn't familiar with the now-venerable of appropriation as applied to creative practice.. The more likely explanation of course is simply that they are feeling the chill of a lawsuit.

If YouTube was to follow suit what are the feasible options for distributing Machinima, speedruns and other clips employing commercial games as a function of creation? Perhaps The Internet Archive will remain our bastion of sanity here..

I'll make a post about a great initiative by The Internet Archive soon, as relating to documenting experimental/artistic game development practices.

Posted by julian on Wednesday, July 23 @ 23:40:51 CEST ( )
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archive: 1K Project vII: Traffic and the Swarm.

The 1K project vII is simple in premise, let's take a car for a drive in Trackmania Sunrise, and then add it 999 more times using the game's 'replay editor' and see what happens.

The result is somewhere between a boids experiment and a Speilbergian vision (see camera-work) of traffic rioting.

The original clip was uploaded here. For the time being, all we have is this forum thread from the author 'Blackshark' for information about the project in general.

This find came to you via Pixelsumo.

Posted by julian on Friday, September 08 @ 18:32:20 CEST ( )
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hello: 2006 Machinima Festival

The 2006 Machinima Festival web site is up and running, so sharpen those pixels and get your work in. Submissions close September 22nd and the festival happens November 4-5 at the Museum of the Moving Image in NY. Given the 2005 festival was a sell-out when it came to Melbourne, maybe ACMI could score a 2nd tour?

Which reminds me – ACMI Games Lab's Best of the Independent Games Festival is on until November 22.

Posted by christo on Monday, August 07 @ 09:01:07 CEST ( )
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archive: Who needs a zepplin?

Reminiscent of early demo runs, and Wagner James Au's 2004 The Trek Begins through Second Life, Kung's speedy ride through World of Warcraft explores the notion of virtual exploration. And this one is even trickier!

Posted by christo on Monday, July 10 @ 10:02:32 CEST ( )
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archive: An Unfair War

This clip
was made entirely in Sims2 and depicts the monologue of a victim of the American invasion of Iraq. It's telling that machinima can be used to produce such poignant and dramatic stuff - I forgot I was watching polygons almost immediately.

Cheers to you Thuyen (and to Kipper for putting me onto it).

Posted by julian on Tuesday, June 20 @ 19:03:13 CEST ( )
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archive: Extreme Sports meets Jackass Machinima

.. or that's what an SP reader 'Juego' aptly called this curious
'grenade-party' on some empty pier.. smells like the legacy of Brody.

Prepare for bodies popping like Champagne and a heavy dose of KrautMetal..

Gracias Juego!

Posted by julian on Thursday, June 01 @ 18:28:05 CEST ( )
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archive: The MDickie Show

Quite a while ago I discovered the following description by the wonderful '--Bob' about a project called MDickie. Bob wrote:

Over the last four years Matt Dickie has produced a string of games using one or another low-end game engine, and in the last few there is a recurring theme: gameplay driven by scripted machinima sequences.

Matt may not have even heard the term before, but he's becoming a pioneer in the field anyway. So far he has followed a theme of 'pro wrestling' in which dramatic sequences lead into arcade action. In the MDickie Show the premise was talk shows ala Jerry Springer, taking the machinima dramatics a step farther by inviting players to create their own perverse dialogues to be acted out.

The next MDickie project finally looks to move away from the wrestling theme into even more cinematic and dramatic territory: a game based on the overblown drama and management aspects of the music industry. Given another decade at this pace, MDicke could be redefining the art of machinima.

I don't know if anyone else in this community has stumbled across MDickie before, but if not he's worth a look. Check out demos of his games at http://www.mdickie.com
Cheers, --Bob

Posted by rebecca on Wednesday, May 17 @ 07:09:54 CEST ( )
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hello: 60 to Tank

I only have 60 minutes inside the virtual world of Second Life. Can I create the most powerful tank in the entire universe? It shall be done.

Pierce Portocarrero's 60 to Tank.

Posted by christo on Monday, May 01 @ 05:59:39 CEST ( )
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archive: Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006

Not strictly a work of Machinima; Paul Robertson's Pirate Baby's Cabana Battle Street Fight 2006 is a masterpiece animation based on the graphic look and feel of platform handhelds. A kind of machinima recursion; where animations inspired by games have inspired animations. Paul's style did actually get him a job in the games industry, but he was obsessively animating these seductively disturbing game-inspired tales before making games. His work has been shown in many galleries in Australia, but until now hasn't found a big exposure online. For me, his non-interactive animations are more about what games ought to be than what a lot of games are. The kind of indulgence which triggers all the soft spots of delicious wrongness in a way Reality just doesn't appreciate.

Pirate Baby has an awesome metal-electro sound track by Cornel Wilczek.

You just *know* its going to be a classic because it's Black and White.

mpg1 112mb
Bittorrent of mpg1 file
Paul Robertson at LiveJournal

Posted by rebecca on Thursday, April 20 @ 02:23:52 CEST ( )
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archive: Stole My Car
New Zealand's Games Lab student machinima production made by Chang Choi Hyun with GTA San Andreas, set to a parody of Misheard's 'How Bizzarre'.


Posted by rebecca on Friday, March 10 @ 00:00:00 CET ( )
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More machinima links...
Musical theatre kinda makes my skin crawl but this WoW machinima piece is worth a look.

Also, Academic Gamers are calling for The Machinima Reader submissions. The reader will be a collection of critical essays reviewing machinima's technological and cultural impact. Submissions due 3 April 2006.

Posted by christo on Monday, December 19 @ 00:03:47 CET ( )

WoW Machinima Contest
Blizzard are calling for World of Warcraft machinima movies with $10,000 up for grabs. Best drama, comedy and dance routine are the major categories, with special prizes awarded for music, dialog, action scene, pun and editing/special effects. Entries are due by January 21st 2006.

Posted by christo on Sunday, December 18 @ 23:45:38 CET ( )

2005 Machinima Film Festival Winners Announced
The 2005 Machinima Film Festival winners have been announced. Chris Burke's excellent in-game chat show, This Spartan Life, got best series, and Randall Glass's A Few Good G-Men won best virtual performance. The machinima.com portal was overloaded last time I checked – probably an indication of how much press this medium is managing to garner.

Posted by christo on Sunday, November 13 @ 23:53:02 CET ( )

hello: The Take 5 Machinima Festival
Alt-Zoom are running a monthly series of machinima festivals built and screened in SecondLife and then hosted off-world for prosperity. Tutorial links and information can be found here. They're also setting up an asset sharing library to spread artistic assets and help those of us in need of fast-tracking.

Posted by christo on Friday, November 11 @ 00:21:42 CET ( )
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This Spartan Life Talkshow
Machinima This Spartan Life Talkshow

Thanks for the fine intro Julian - its great to be on board.

For all you machinimists pushing boundaries - I'd love to hear your theories and see your work. Links and thoughts can be submitted to christo_at_machinima.com.au

This Spartan Life is a talk show hosted by Damian Lacedaemion. Its produced inside the Halo game with interviews taking place while exploring the nuances of the game. A camera crew follows the action from multiple positions. Very well executed and edited.

This interview with Peggy Ahwesh (aka She Puppet machinima) is fantastic. Watch out for an appropriate ending.

Posted by christo on Thursday, July 28 @ 02:39:02 CEST ( )

archive: ''A Few Good Men'' Half-Life 2 Machinima
Machinima Untitled Document

Built in HL2, this machinima piece is adaptation of a scene from the movie A Few Good Men. The growing interest in interactive narrative tells me we should be able to participate in the plot frag irritating characters in the not too distant future.


Posted by christo on Tuesday, July 19 @ 03:58:30 CEST ( )
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archive: HL2 Dominos

A brilliant little experiment with the physical dynamics available in Half-Life2.

Uploaded here so it doesn't go away. We got it here, thx to the lovely Ms. Claudine.

Posted by julian on Thursday, May 26 @ 12:00:16 CEST ( )
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archive: Shutup and Dance
We first came across choreographed dance based machinima with Victor Liu's Children of the Bureaucrats of the Revolution and hoped for a wave of similar work. All was quiet. Hope was at a premium when we were spared by Voldo's Dance, a beautifully orchestrated dance performance set in the arenas of Soul Calibur. But all was quiet again.. that is until this gem landed on our proverbial doorstep.

Shutup and Dance is one of several excursions into machinima using World of Warcraft, more of which can be found on WarCraft Movies. This clip however stands out from the pack, perhaps being the first massive-multiplayer music-video (MMMV).

Cheers Laust!

Posted by julian on Tuesday, May 17 @ 23:58:00 CEST ( )
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archive: Tank and Supertank and Mutant and Berserk
Victor Lui follows his previous game mods 'Children of the Beurocrats of the Revolution' and 'fips', with a two-channel screen-based installation showing the performative interaction of any combination of Quake II's Tank, Supertank, Mutant and Berserk. A focus on the dance-like choreography of these ill-graced beasts, their hacked AI increases the entertainment value of their generative motions. Witnessed from the point of view of the monsters, it's obvious "they're not in it for the sport".

Posted by rebecca on Saturday, April 23 @ 00:00:00 CEST ( )
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archive: The Mario Movie

"There is not much a rational person can say about a psychedelic rave fantasy, with messed up graphics, with castles floating on rainbow colored clouds, with dance parties and raves in underwater dungeons, all starring Mario the plumber who does little more than weep through the tumult."

Cory Arcangel (Beige) and Paper Rad

Posted by rebecca on Monday, February 07 @ 00:00:00 CET ( )
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archive: The Suicide Solution
Any seasoned deathmatch player will remember that eerie transubstantiation of being that occurs when s/he first suicided in game; whether spectacle, accident or necessity, we took our life only to be rewarded with another. With each new game we have one life once, yet it's this capacity to manage our potential as an infinte resource of little lives that lends itself to deviant explorations of suicide - some might argue a new metaphysics altogether.

In his ongoing investigation into the morphology of death in game, Brody offers a unique document for study of this phenomenon. Says Brody:

Suicide Solution is DVD documentation collected over the last year of committing suicide in over 50 first and third person shooter games. The title is a reference to the 1981 song of the same name by Ozzie Osbourne that was blamed for the suicide of an American teenager in 1984. Through the angst ridden logic of teen existentialism, the work offers a repetitive meditation on the act of taking one's own life in a contemporary culture intertwined with pop entertainment and simulation technology.

Posted by julian on Tuesday, November 30 @ 19:28:09 CET ( )
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archive: The Buff And The Brutal
Machinima Machinima made with Quake 3 Arena
Rebecca Cannon. 2002.au

The Buff and The Brutal is a Machinima soap-opera parody. In it the very tough, mutant characters of Quake 3 Arena become emotionally vulnerable, jealous, gay lovers caught in an intricate web of treachery and deceit. Fragging is synonymous with sex, linking in-game pleasure/pain responses to S&M sexuality.

Posted by rebecca on Saturday, August 07 @ 15:39:12 CEST ( )
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