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levelHead source code released.
Open Source Games
After many requests and a heap of delays the levelHead source code is now publically available under the General Public License V3.0. All art assets are provided under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. See this install page for full instructions.

This is a release intended for developers and those comfortable with the compiling software on Linux systems. As yet there is no binary executable of levelHead.

More about that soon..

Posted by julian on Wednesday, July 30 @ 09:11:26 CEST ( )

hello: BF announces open-source game project, 'Apricot'.
Open Source Games
Says the site:

The Blender Foundation, which maintains the open source 3D tool Blender, has announced two new projects, codenamed Peach and Apricot. Project Peach will be a new open source movie, following in the footsteps of last year's Elephants Dream project (which was initially codenamed Orange). Apricot, on the other hand, will use Blender in conjunction with open source 3D framework Crystal Space to create an open game, thereby showcasing both technologies. on the other hand, will use Blender in conjunction with open source 3D framework

The Blender Foundation published the plans on its website on Sunday. In order to support these and future projects, it will also set up a permanent studio called the "Blender Institute", where software developers and artists can work together in a single location.


Blender's open game project is still at an earlier planning stage, and details will be announced at the Crystal Space Conference in July. According to the published plans, the project will also be completed within 6-8 months, and it will have a budget of more than 50,000 Euros.

More details can be found here. Great to see that the CS-GE part of Blender is getting recognition alongside Blender's many other virtues.

(If I had the time I'd leap at this)

Posted by julian on Tuesday, June 12 @ 17:25:38 CEST ( )
permalink... hello

archive: Fijuu2 packages released for Ubuntu
Open Source Games

Pix has put together some test packages of our 3D audio-visual instrument Fijuu2 for Ubuntu 6.10 ('Edgy'). So you can now avoid all the headache of compiling it and enjoy the convenience of Debian packages.

If you have the popular USB Logitech PlayStation2 clone gamepad and run Ubuntu, give it a whirl and let us know. We won't be releasing Fijuu2 for Windows or OS X, but you're welcome to grab the source code and attempt to port it yourselves. We developed the project on Linux and will continue to maintain it for this platform only.

TY pix!

Posted by julian on Thursday, February 08 @ 17:01:06 CET ( )
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archive: Nexuiz 2.0 Released
Open Source Games

The open-source FPS Nexuiz has reached its 2.0 milestone. It sports a robust and greatly improved network layer, hardware shaders (GLSL), support for particle systems and other goodness.

Having played against bots for around half an hour I notice the feeling of gameplay is close to that of Quake (Nexuiz's architectural parent), while the graphics are more on par with Quake III; that's hardly a criticism given so many preferred the 'physicality' of Quake I over it's successors. It's clear the engine has alot to offer and anyone familar with producing assets for the Quake strain of FPS engines should have no problem creating content for this one.

My only criticism of the Nexuiz game experience itself is that the bots are far too cunning and it does take a bit too long to load (at least here on my Linux laptop).

Download the engine, art, full sources, binaries for Linux, Windows and OSX PPC here.

Posted by julian on Thursday, June 15 @ 16:27:07 CEST ( )
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archive: Tremulous and Warsow: Free and Lovely
Open Source Games

Tremulous is a total Q3a conversion following in the wake of iD's release of the Quake3 sourcecode. Tremulous is a very nice blend of RTS and FPS genres and well worth checking out.

Warsow goes a step further, this time with the Quake2 source, offering a satisfyingly strange blend somewhere between Jet-Set Radio, Quake2 (of course) and a Kung-Fu sport crossover. Kudos to the talented posse at Icculus for maintaining the Q3A source && thx to pix for the heads-up on these two.


Posted by julian on Friday, October 28 @ 15:37:20 CEST ( )
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tech: Viva 1984!!
Open Source Games

Possibly one of the coolest games from my childhood was Elite, I played that game so much I could see the display burnt into my eyes when I slept.
It was always a reason to keep my ancient BBC model B computer, until now...


OoLite is an open source version (OSX,linux,windoze) with classic, and extended gameplay. A great community of developers are also releasing game and spacecraft mods.

10 tons of food to planet Diso.....blindness ahoy!!

Posted by admin on Thursday, September 15 @ 01:44:31 CEST ( )
permalink... tech

archive: New Section
Open Source Games Starting an Open Source Games section kids! Please send in your reviews using the contact form in the LHMenu.

Posted by rebecca on Thursday, June 02 @ 00:00:00 CEST ( )
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