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selectparks: Mobile Games

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archive: Wardive: Wireless Gamescapes on the Nintendo DS.
Mobile Games
A new experimental game for the Nintendo DS made by Swiss researchers uses wireless activity to drive the adaptation of game-levels: as your network context changes, the way you play will change. I especially like the menu options for choosing the game-type: sitting on a bus, walking around, taking the train (see above image).

From the site:

"Each time you play, metro wardive captures different data and creates a new level for you. Metro wardiveis an adaptive game with locative levels. It changes according to its real life location as much as to its virtual data world."

Wardive is ready to play on a DS right away. Go to the project page for downloads and more about the project.

Wardive has something of a precedent in the game-art world: be sure to see Jonas Hielscher's excellent piece Collectic for the PlayStation portable: a fine example of using the rich landscape of urban wireless data to drive gameplay on a handheld console.

This has been archived in the Mobile Games section. Wardive came to us via /.

Posted by julian on Saturday, December 08 @ 23:33:21 CET ( )
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archive: Passively Multiplayer
Mobile Games

Justin Hall's Passively Multiplayer "is a system for turning user data into ongoing play. Using computer and mobile phone surveillance, a user and their unique history. These resulting avatars can be viewed online, and they interact with other avatars online."

Catch his talk at the Seattle 2006 Mobile Games Conference.

Posted by christo on Thursday, July 27 @ 00:56:47 CEST ( )
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archive: Day Of The Figurines at Sonar
Mobile Games
From 15th - 17th June Blast Theory will be running a 3 day test version of Day Of The Figurines as part of Sonar International Festival of Advance Music and Multimedia in Barcelona, Spain.

Posted by rebecca on Monday, June 12 @ 12:21:41 CEST ( )
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archive: Kill Yourself
Mobile Games
The final version of Kill Yourself is now available for those with mobile phones that can support J2ME MIDP2.0 games. Kill Yourself was designed by Rebecca Cannon (yes, me) and programmed by Karen Jenkins. Luke Ilett made some audio and Simon T a great splash page.

Download the game here.
A short video here.
More info here.

Posted by rebecca on Wednesday, April 26 @ 14:09:35 CEST ( )
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tech: Real-world games with portable, motion-sensor consoles
Mobile Games
Staying on-topic, Wired are covering a new mobile gaming technology from University of Southern California's School of Cinema-Television. Runs on a tablet PC with motion detection and WiFi. You know how people with BlueTooth headsets look like they're conversing with ghosts? Wait until they start seeing giant killer spiders through direct-retina, mobile gaming units.

Posted by christo on Tuesday, August 23 @ 00:56:34 CEST ( )
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tech: Doom ported to iPod
Mobile Games iPod Doom

A hacked iPod running Linux, running Doom.

Posted by christo on Tuesday, August 09 @ 00:43:11 CEST ( )
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archive: Scoot
Mobile Games
SCOOT is a mixed reality experience designed to explore the potentials of location-based games which employ the web and mobile devices as tools of play. SCOOT is set in both the physical world and a virtual facsimile of the site. Players are challenged to find and solve clues in BOTH worlds in order to reveal the dynamics of the site, and to progress the game. SCOOT also exploits known tropes from treasure hunt and puzzle games in the real world, supported by online navigation and communication.

Scoot will be on at Acmi Games Lab Saturday 9 April 2005.


Posted by rebecca on Thursday, March 31 @ 00:34:08 CEST ( )
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archive: Submission: If all the World were a Game...
Mobile Games Anonymous writes "BACKSEAT PLAYGROUND

John Paul Bichard - Liselott Brunnberg - Oskar Juhlin


So you're sitting in the back seat of a car staring out of the window - imagine that the world moving past you is a vast game engine - the objects, places and people around you are all part of an intertwining series of episodes that make up an ongoing game plot...

...what if you could search the bottom of the riverbed beneath the bridge you just drove over, using an aqualung you picked up from the last village... what if there were dark tales waiting to be uncovered in the forest coming up... what if the person sitting in the back seat of the car in front is the detective searching for you...

Posted by julian on Monday, January 24 @ 21:25:02 CET ( )
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archive: Greg Costikyan on the future of Mobile Games
Mobile Games The Feature interviews Greg Costikyan, who shares his thoughts on the creative limitations of current mobile protocols; the attractive mobileness of location based gaming; and the exciting possibilities of simulatneous voip-and-gaming from your mobile phone.

Posted by rebecca on Tuesday, January 11 @ 00:00:00 CET ( )
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archive: Mobile Games Blog
Mobile Games

Excellent site covering mobile games and gaming, with sections on game news, devices, companies, trends, events, conferences, research and statistics.

Posted by rebecca on Saturday, January 08 @ 00:00:00 CET ( )
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archive: For people who like to play on the move
Mobile Games
New section focussing on games for mobiles. We would love you to contribute reviews of games you have access to. We aim to document games that make innovative use of the mobileness of handheld devices. Games for phones, pdas, networked handheld game devices, and the latest generation media-hybrid handsets.
Mobile Games

Posted by rebecca on Thursday, January 06 @ 09:35:59 CET ( )
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archive: Consumer Grade Augmented Reality
Mobile Games

AR is a rarified technology, guarded in the crypts of academic research. While several groups have sought to remove the mantle and put AR on the street, much of the medium is still reliant on those silly goggles and half a CRAY computer in the backpack. The people at headmap seek to change that by making consumer grade glasses, with dependent processing in a jacket or backpack. Still, i'm not convinced this is going far enough. AR guru Ignacio Mondine and I were talking about this a few months ago; throwing around the possibilities for using a mobile phone in camera capture mode as a 'looking glass' for a composited layer of 3D content. Ideally the content would be positioned with GPS, or better, using an existing urban mesh-network within a 'live play' or ubiquitous gaming context. Finally someone's cracked it and the possibilites for Pervasive Gaming this opens up are enormous..

Posted by julian on Tuesday, August 17 @ 06:53:26 CEST ( )
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