Call for Work: ''It's all in the game''.
Date: Saturday, July 19 @ 17:05:57 CEST
Topic: Opportunities

Tanja writes in to let us know of a game related call for submissions..
AveCom "It's all in the game"

October 3rd - 26th 2008, Arnhem - Nijmegen, The Netherlands

'Interactivity' is a word that seems to gain more importance and magic everyday. In 2008 AveCom focuses on an audiovisual phenomenon that is indisputable connected to interactivity: games.

AveCom and Square Eyes Festival are organizing an event based on the interactivity between art and games entitled: "It's all in the game..."

A 3-day festival, October 3rd - 5th, consists of digital movies, installations, performances and live-cinema. This festival will kick off a 4-week exhibition in which all imaginable fields of art that were inspired by the game-world and vice versa, will be shown. For information, deadlines and entry form: and

AveCom is an activity of the CBKGelderland and is funded by the Province Gelderland.

This article comes from selectparks

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