Manual Input
Date: Tuesday, November 20 @ 19:18:29 CET
Topic: Performance Instruments

Little Big Planet has clearly narrowed the gap between gameplay and content creation, so much that level-editing becomes a function of play. Recently however advances in computer vision, multitouch surfaces and tablets extend this reach even further bringing deeper immediacy.

Chad Chatterton sends us through a link that expresses this very well, in the form of a new game called Crayon Physics by KlooniGames made for the Microsoft Surface and normal mouse-input on a Windows PC.

While not using a tablet, PS3 researchers are exploring interaction along a similar vein. Using the new Playstation Eye camera and some computer vision software they provide a means for the gamer to work directly with pen and paper (thanks Chris).

Worth mentioning is that this kind of interaction model already has a precedent in the art world. Recently I saw Zachary Lieberman perform Manual Input Sessions, using similar techniques. Using his own software, OpenFrameWorks, Zach uses a brush and ink, paper cut-outs or the silhouettes of his hands to build live interaction with a computer.

See a video of Zach's Manual Input Sessions in action here

This article comes from selectparks

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