Level Design As Play
Date: Saturday, August 18 @ 13:31:14 CEST
Topic: Notes

Chris O' Shea
sent us through an article by Wired's Clive Thompson collecting his experiences making levels in Dungeon Maker for himself to play in.

In the wake of transformative titles like Little Big Planet this conversation of level design as an active function of play is timely.

Says Clive:

By the time I'd crafted my fourth level, I had the surreal experience of revisiting my first level and literally being unable to remember why the hell I made the creative decisions I'd made. Stupid, stupid: Putting the staircase in the far northeast passage? What was I thinking? "Man," I thought as I lumbered down yet another passageway, "this dungeon blows."

Read it here.

This article comes from selectparks

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