Cryptic Studios releases in-house anim tool under GPL.
Date: Friday, May 11 @ 02:48:00 CEST
Topic: Art Games

Cryptic studios, makers of City of Heroes, has released their in-house animation tool Cryptic AR under my favourite open source license. I've never used the tool (don't run Windows and 3DSMax) but it certainly looks pretty swish.

Says them:

"'Our goal is to foster a community of animators by providing them the power to generate animations without having to worry about supporting a toolset. Since we were already developing the rig for our core technology team, we decided to release it to the public under the GNU GPL,' said Shayne Herrera, Art Development Director for Cryptic Studios. 'We feel that the development and gaming communities will benefit greatly from a professional tool like the Cryptic AR.'"

Good to see yet another big player opening up their kit. Read about it and/or download it here. Article via /.

This article comes from selectparks

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