New Submission to Art Games: Zoo
Date: Wednesday, August 25 @ 15:40:48 CEST
Topic: Art Games

camper writes:
Zoo, interactive 3D – spatialized concrete music. Using a multimedia interface (3D interactive), the spectactor plunges into a virtual word. He is free to travel the length and breadth of a non-nature reserve. It 's not an ordinary zoo, much more a zoo-anthropo-technological hybrid reserve. All is familiar. cont ..

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"ZOO is a kind of video game. In which one "I" handle his avatar. Perhaps it's the opposite : "I" as a captive of his own representations. It's a zoo, one can meet some animals, not in their wild state, captive animals, alive in spite of. There are humans too. Each visitor goes for a stroll around according to pictures and sounds. This Homo sapiens sapiens enjoys himself and increases through attractions and representations. When the visitors comes out the installation, he finds on displays the ZOO's goodies (postcards, CD rom etc). All free. Each one departs with an installation's bit for ZOO not to stay captive of the exhibition. This non-nature reserve breaks the entertainment's conventions. The ZOO is amusing and enjoying itself : animal, humainal, technal are meeting and melting. The screen is in the center ot the exhibition's room. It is the front door of the reserve. Nevertheless it's not a big one. On the other hand, sound is physically very present : four speakers define the installation's room. What is shown in the virtual park is minimal but complex. Lines, shapes, colours construct in their entanglements a kind of wiring with a multitude of ramifications. Pictures of the so-and-so's family in the zoo become a video of shimmering ripples through some effects of reflection and transparency as the spectactor is moving. Animal's noises, human's voices and the sound processing are mixing together and merging to constitute an hybrid "zoo-homo-technological" soundtrack. The spectactor is invited for an undance. In this "zoo club", you don't have to move according to a vocal or electronic music, you can move for the music to change. Because of the spectactor's trip a new composition is created."

This article comes from selectparks

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