Talk-fest in Team Fortress
Date: Monday, August 09 @ 14:39:46 CEST
Topic: Tools

A virtual meeting place with voice communication will be open for Machinima makers to chew the fat

Saturday August 14th 10am New York City time.

This time is chosen because it's good for the people in Europe and down under. To see what time it is in New York go to: Choose New York from the list on the left.

To attend you'll need "Team Fortress", a free download if you have Half-Life. Team Fortress is being used because it has an audio component that allows players to hear each other's voices, so you need a microphone.

To update to the new Half-Life Steam protocol go to: You don't have to log on or be a member.

Make sure you've chosen a key for "Use Voice communication" in "Controls" and "Enable voice in this game" is checked in "Options" under "Voice" tab.

On the day at the given time, if you don't see the server name in the list go to "Favourites" click on "Add Server" and enter the IP Click "OK" and it should come up in the Favourites list.

The server name is "Blar Blar Blar".
The password is "Talk".
Choose the Red team.


Peter Rasmussen
Nanoflix Productions

This article comes from selectparks

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