Date: Saturday, November 19 @ 15:49:04 CET
Topic: Tools

GtkRadiant is an excellent level editor for the following games:

Doom 3
Quake 2
Quake 3
Return To Castle Wolfenstein
Enemy Territory
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault
Call of Duty
Heretic 2
Soldier of Fortune II
Star Trek: Elite Force

The community for GtkRadiant is very active as it is the most popular editor for many of these games. It has a plan-view interface with a good 3D windowand texture browser. Scene textures and all entities being used in the game (and their relationships to other objects/entities) are visible in the 3D view.

GtkRadiant includes CSG editing, flexible 'brush based' editing, shader editing, support for models in the md2 format and creation of basic curves and primitives.

Projects are compiled to BSP format for the given game and have verbose output for debugging, finding 'leaks' etc. The game can be started up at the point of a map compiling which is often very convenient. Runs on Linux, OSX and Wintel.

This article comes from selectparks

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