's ''September 12th'' and ''Madrid''
Date: Friday, October 01 @ 00:00:00 CEST
Topic: Political Games

Created by Gonzalo Frasca and a team of independent games developers, Newsgaming plans to publish several each year in response to world events.

'September 12th' highlights civilian casualties in the so-called war on terror. Declaring 'This is not a game. You can't win and you can't lose', it demonstrates the stupidity of the logic of an eye for an eye with deliberate simplicity. Shooting at terrorists destroys surrounding housing, and as the people cry, the numbers of terrorists increase. The message? Violence breeds violence. 'Madrid', on the other hand, is a form of digital mediatation: the player is invited to brighten candles in memory of victims of terrorist attacks all over the world. All terrorists and politicians should play these games. - Helen Varley Jamieson. (from rhizome net art news).

This article comes from selectparks

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