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hello: Vimeo moves to ban Machinima, Game footage
Let's hope this isn't a trend. From the article..

The Vimeo staff does not feel that videos which are direct captures of video game play truly constitute 'creative expression.' Further, such videos may expose Vimeo to liability from the game creator(s), as we have already seen action from popular video game companies against videos such as these... Gaming videos are by nature significantly larger and longer than any other genre on Vimeo ...

It would seem the Vimeo team isn't familiar with the now-venerable of appropriation as applied to creative practice.. The more likely explanation of course is simply that they are feeling the chill of a lawsuit.

If YouTube was to follow suit what are the feasible options for distributing Machinima, speedruns and other clips employing commercial games as a function of creation? Perhaps The Internet Archive will remain our bastion of sanity here..

I'll make a post about a great initiative by The Internet Archive soon, as relating to documenting experimental/artistic game development practices.

Posted by julian on Wednesday, July 23 @ 23:40:51 CEST ( )

hello: Call for Work: ''It's all in the game''.

Tanja writes in to let us know of a game related call for submissions..
AveCom "It's all in the game"

October 3rd - 26th 2008, Arnhem - Nijmegen, The Netherlands

'Interactivity' is a word that seems to gain more importance and magic everyday. In 2008 AveCom focuses on an audiovisual phenomenon that is indisputable connected to interactivity: games.

AveCom and Square Eyes Festival are organizing an event based on the interactivity between art and games entitled: "It's all in the game..."

A 3-day festival, October 3rd - 5th, consists of digital movies, installations, performances and live-cinema. This festival will kick off a 4-week exhibition in which all imaginable fields of art that were inspired by the game-world and vice versa, will be shown. For information, deadlines and entry form: www.avecom.nl and www.square-eyes.org

AveCom is an activity of the CBKGelderland and is funded by the Province Gelderland.

Posted by julian on Saturday, July 19 @ 17:05:57 CEST ( )

hello: Neural #30: 'Dangerous Games' now available.
Sporting a brand new design, the new printed Neural issue #30, Dangerous Games is available.

The issue includes a Ludic Society/Margarete Jahrmann interview, Homo Ludens Ludens exhibition report, Play Cultures, the world of digital games report, an article on games of control and human avatars (by moi), news about Emotoscope, Modi 2.0, Rom Check Fail, Amalgus Cycle Process1, HAI and a swathe of awesome reviews.

It's a super mag so I'll give it a shameless plug: you can subscribe to Neural here or find it at a local bookstore.

Posted by julian on Thursday, July 03 @ 16:02:33 CEST ( )

hello: Game Controller->Arduino->PD workshop @ Hangar, BCN
This looks to be a great workshop. It covers methods for interfacing game controllers with Arduino such that they can be used to drive audiovisual instruments built in the powerful and popular graphical development environment PureData.

The workshop will be led by PD luminary and active developer Hans-Cristoph Steiner, at Barcelona's infamous Hangar. All that learning will set you back a cool EUR20.00..

Read all about it here..

Posted by julian on Tuesday, June 24 @ 12:40:22 CEST ( )

hello: ASIA-EUROPE Art Camp: The Art of Gaming
Pavel Sedlak writes to us about this interesting Call for Applications..

6TH ASIA-EUROPE ART CAMP: Ludic Times | The Art of Gaming
22 ­ 29 July 2008

The Asia-Europe Art Camp project is an initiative set up by Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) in 2003 focusing on New Media Art. The project aims at developing a platform to promote dialogue between art students from Asia and Europe, to learn more about each other¹s contexts, cultures and be inspired
during a week of lectures, workshops and public events. Focusing more on the creative process than on the 'artistic product', the Art Camp has been designed as a learning experience and an opportunity for professional development.

Built upon the achievements of the previous five Art Camps, the 6th Art Camp will gather 20 young artists or students, usually in their final year of study, from ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) countries for an intensive week of workshops, lectures and meetings as well as artistic and collaborative work.
A team of Asia-Europe artistic advisors and resource persons specialised in art and technology will lead and facilitate the workshops during the Art Camp.

On the sidelines of the International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA) 2008 and the Asia-Europe New Media Arts Policy and Practice Meeting, the 6th Asia-Europe Art Camp to be held in Singapore is conceptualised around the theme of gaming and will focus on the nature of our contemporary ludic
culture while taking into account psychology of gaming and theories of gaming (as tools for social development and awareness, real-life situation simulations, artificial and augmented realities, serious games for education and games as an art form). Electronic, internet-based and pervasive games
and their roles in urban society will be discussed as well as the possibilities for Asia-Europe game development collaborations and industry-artist-researcher partnerships.

Read on for more..

Posted by julian on Monday, May 19 @ 11:28:34 CEST ( )
permalink... read more

hello: Augmented Reality Games Prototyping Workshop.
Art Games

Alongside Jonas Hielscher and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer, I'll be teaching a 3 day intensive workshop at Mediamatic on rapidly prototyping Augmented Reality games, at Mediamatic, Amsterdam.

Beginning on June 2, participants will learn how AR works while building game designs that incorporate corporeal and social elements with that of digital content. They will walk away with a base of several skeleton applications with which to be able to create and continue developing projects on their own after the workshop.

Read more and sign up here!

Posted by julian on Sunday, May 18 @ 13:46:56 CEST ( )

hello: MMUVE IT! Australia Council InterArts Grant

The Australia Council has announced a $30,000 grant for artists working within MUVEs. I'm hoping the Babelswarm project been responsible (is some small way) for their recognition of virtual worlds as legitimate artistic locations.

The grant aims to give Australian artists the opportunity to creatively and critically explore interactive, virtual worlds, with a particular focus on the body and interfaces facilitating 'mixed realities'.

The grant allows for a collaborative team of up to three artists (including a digital visual media practitioner) to develop inter-disciplinary artwork in a MMUVE of their choice.

With more than 73 million participants in online games and social networking sites such as EverQuest, Legend of Zelda, Second Life and World of Warcraft (to name but a few), and the recent introduction of motion-sensitive controllers such as the Wiimote, an opportunity exists to develop an innovative artwork engaging embodied users in a highly networked environment.

Read more here...

Posted by christo on Tuesday, April 15 @ 05:27:27 CEST ( )

hello: Fine job for talented map builder with GTKRadiant skills
Kora, of Workspace Unlimited, writes:

Workspace Unlimited is currently looking for a freelance map builder to
create architectural models and 3D content with GTK Radiant for the Quake 3
game engine. One of the next ongoing projects will start in April-May 2008
and will be showed in a museum in June 2008.

For more information about us please visit:

If you are interested in collaborating to our team you can contact us
through the contact page of our website at:

Posted by julian on Monday, April 07 @ 22:01:33 CEST ( )

hello: Babelswarm Launch

Babelswarm is an inter-disciplinary artwork in Second Life exploring the possibilities of literary, music/sound art and real-time 3-D arts practices within virtual worlds. The installation is launching in sunny Lismore, NSW on April 11th, 2008. I'll be posting a SLurl to our work blog on the day so you can join us in first- or second-person mode.

Posted by christo on Monday, April 07 @ 03:35:41 CEST ( )

hello: Sabotage your Retro this Sunday
Browser Games
Christian McCrea writes in to point us to RetroSabotage, a site doing the rounds today.

In his description "Reworked classic games to destroy original contexts or defy expectations, a bit of a coin-operated Negativland. Playing a reverse form of Breakout causes massive synaptic failure".

and he's right, playing the ghost in PacMan produced a new and disturbing kind of vertigo while simultaneously invoking total distrust of my hands..

Cheers Christian!

Posted by julian on Sunday, March 23 @ 14:30:19 CET ( )

hello: Rhizome Commissions Deadline
Art Games
Rhizome writes to let us know of an upcoming deadline for their commissions program.

Rhizome Commissions Program

Deadline for applications: midnight, March 31, 2008

We support: New Media Art, by which we mean projects that creatively
engage new and networked technologies and also works that reflect on
the impact of these tools and media in a variety of forms.
Commissioned projects can take the final form of online works,
performance, video, installation or sound art. Projects can be made
for the context of the gallery, the public, or the web.

Amount: 7 commissions in the amount of $3000-5000

Guidelines and application forms can be found here.

Posted by julian on Saturday, March 08 @ 21:04:47 CET ( )

hello: Gary Gygax moves on

Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons, rolled his last d20 on Tuesday.

I'm sure a great many of you will agree (A)D&D was/is one of the richest interfaces to the engines of imagination. It certainly had my mind exploding for several years, leading to merry geekery such as Call of Cthulhu and a healthy dose of Paranoia.

Cheers to you Gary.

Posted by julian on Friday, March 07 @ 12:41:37 CET ( )

hello: Brody Condon tonight at The Influencers, Barcelona.
Hmm, we're a bit late with this one..

Nonetheless, if you're in Barcelona (or know someone who is) tell them to head down to the CCCB tonight (!) to see Brody talk at this years edition of The Influencers.

Read all about it here.

Posted by julian on Thursday, February 28 @ 16:01:13 CET ( )

hello: IndieCade: Call for Submissions.
IndieCade is a very open-minded festival of independently produced games. It's brought to you by people that believe in the medium at both a grassroots and academic level. As such, they've dedicated years to the study and promotion of it as a rich platform for creative investigation.

Below is a call for proposals for the next event in Seattle, America. Indiecade promises a well curated, well thought out festival program with a focus on truly divergent and experimental approaches to game development and play. Better still, your work may get to go on the road for a year, touring in some high-profile settings..

Call for submissions—IndieCade: International Festivals of Independent
Games @ Open Satellite, July 10-13, 2008

Game artists and designers from around the world are invited to submit their work. IndieCade welcomes independent interactive media of all types, from art to commercial to academic, from ARG to abstract, from serious to shooter. Entrants will also be considered for year-round international
showcase exhibitions.

Submissions Close Midnight April 11, 2008 PST. For more information and eligibility details, and to enter, visit www.IndieCade.com

Posted by julian on Tuesday, February 26 @ 00:20:42 CET ( )

hello: Mysterious company seeks gamer brain donors

Please excuse the shamelessly misleading title. They just want to log your brain activity while you play games. It seems perfectly harmless and clearly points to some very scary interesting new technologies on the horizon.

Say them:

Emotiv’s world class team of brain research scientists is famous for their ground breaking discoveries and technology. They are currently research human emotions during multimedia interaction and are seeking volunteers to join them at their Pyrmont harbour side office to partake in this exciting project

Participating in Emotiv’s current experiment involves relaxing on a couch whilst playing a new video game and having electrical profile (EEG) of your brain taken to determine your brains activity during different emotional states and mental tasks

The recordings are taken using a 100% safe and pain free wireless headcap of sensors

Here's the company website. Originally found here.

Posted by julian on Friday, February 22 @ 13:56:40 CET ( )

hello: Condon's Performance Modification (Nauman)

Brody Condon is looking for dancers to help re-enact computer game death animations for his new work Performance Modification (Nauman). Auditions are happening Sunday January 27th from 2-6pm in LA (that's like... right now). The final work will be shown February 2nd.

Posted by christo on Sunday, January 27 @ 04:59:00 CET ( )

hello: Inclusiva-net: Just 10 days left to submit your project.

If you've been dreaming up a project bridging digital networks and physical space -  and need help bringing it to life - here's a solution: come to swinging Madrid, Spain, for two weeks and see it realised and exhibited in a high-profile setting with the help of a team of experts and collaborators.

The 2nd Inclusiva-net Meeting: Digital Networks and Physical Space will take place from 3 to 14 March 2008. There's just 10 days left to submit your projects. Hint: this is an ideal opportunity to rapidly prototype that mobile, Alternate Reality or Mixed Reality game project..

Read all about it here and make your submission!

Posted by julian on Sunday, January 20 @ 22:46:32 CET ( )

hello: WoW Artist-in-residence

Ars Virtua have announced an artist-in-residence program for creative types working within World of Warcraft. The $400 stipend will be granted January 21/22 with applications due on the 15th. Eddo Stern is one of four jurors conducting in-world interviews. Via Networked_Performance. Orginal article here.

Posted by christo on Tuesday, January 08 @ 04:03:10 CET ( )

hello: Thnx
Art Games
On b/h of the SP team, thanks for a super year!

(see you next digit)

Posted by julian on Monday, December 24 @ 02:06:48 CET ( )

hello: Hybrid Toys workshop at Mediamatic, Amsterdam

Mediamatic writes:

In this concentrated hands-on course participants will develop prototypes for playful hybrid world applications. We will focus on designing physical toys with digital and/or networked components. We'll work with Arduino's and sensors, we'll apply ideas from physical computing, and we'll use the cultural and social possibilities of RFID to eventually build creative and innovative prototypes.

The Hybrid Toys workshop begins January 28 in Amsterdam. Read all about it here.

Posted by julian on Friday, December 14 @ 11:47:54 CET ( )

hello: Workshop on Cute Media
While the project page itself is anything but 'cute', the Workshop on Designing Cute Interactive Media promises to be a focused investigation into design strategies for creating emotionally engaging interfaces. The workshop will be set in Cape Town, South Africa, as part of DIS2008. It begins on Feb 24.

Sayeth the site:

The main goal of this workshop is to provide designers with a better understanding of developing ways to enhance the positive experience and effectiveness of interactive media by utilizing the psychological and culturally developed effects of cuteness.

Application submission details are here.

On the topic of emotionally engaging interaction design, is there room for a workshop on Terrifyingly Scary Interaction? Perhaps it's not needed: from the perspective of most audiences the performance anxiety imposed by interactive art seems frightening enough as it is..

Posted by julian on Friday, December 14 @ 11:37:20 CET ( )

hello: Residency for Game Artists: Subotron Vienna

Subotron writes to us to let us know of their new call for game artists interested in a 1-2 month residency at Subotron, Vienna 2008.

Read all about the call here.

Posted by julian on Saturday, November 24 @ 17:44:37 CET ( )

hello: SP wins Open Source award for Creativity..
Art Games

I'm posting this super news a few days late as I've been on the road..

SP is very honoured to win the Open Source award for Creativity at the New Zealand Open Source Awards.

This is an extra special award for us, for reasons I'm sure you can guess.
Thankyou very much to all that chose us from the finalists!

Also a big thanks to my sis Hannah for picking it up and reading my rambling speech to the hundreds present ;)

Update 30-10-07
: Fixed bad URL (thanks again sis!).

Posted by julian on Monday, October 22 @ 12:59:10 CEST ( )

hello: CineKid Game Develoment Workshops at Mediamatic, Amsterdam.
I'll be giving a 5 day game development intensive at the excellent Mediamatic, Amsterdam, alongside Friedrich Kirschner, Daniël van Gils and Klaas Kuitenbrouwer.

Here's a bit from the workshop page:

During the workshop, participants will build a prototype of their crossmedia project and develop and visualize its user-scenarios. Participants will learn the basic principles of creating machinima, designing 3D game spaces and developing game play and game rules.

Participants will also learn about trends in game culture such as massive multi-player games and new kinds of game interfaces like the Nintendo Wii. Besides this, participants will be updated on the new web culture of creating, matching and sharing user-generated content, which is very influential in game culture.

Registrations are still open, See you there!

Posted by julian on Wednesday, October 03 @ 15:42:39 CEST ( )

hello: OzCo Second Life Artists Residency Announced

Still pinching myself over this piece of news (hence the time to post). Adam Nash, Justin Clemens and yours truly (Christopher Dodds) just won the inaugural Australia Council Second Life Artists Residency Grant. It's a AUD$20k recognition of virtual worlds as legitimate creative spaces, and I get to buy a new suit (kidding OzCo... kind of). We'll be posting progress reports on the BabelSwarm blog.

Posted by christo on Tuesday, September 11 @ 08:38:14 CEST ( )

hello: Free Play Conf Melbourne Ticket Giveaway
Opportunities The Next Wave Free Play Independent Game Developers Conference is coming up at ACMI, August 18th. This is the primary Australian Independent Game Developer's conference and we're offering one diligent little games enthusiast a free double pass in exchange for a short review on Selectparks. I'll be speaking there, so get your entries in to gamers@nextwave.org.au to check out how rad I am.

“It’s the game equivalent of hand-held, no budget, lo-fi, 4-track, DIY and it’s probably one of the best and most vibrant areas of Australian culture.” Binh Nguyen, past Free Play attendee.

More info about Free Play can be found at http://www.nextwave.org.au/
or http://nextwavefreeplay.blogspot.com/

Posted by rebecca on Tuesday, July 31 @ 05:27:31 CEST ( )

hello: DIMEA 07 - Call for Participation.
Opportunities Nur writes:

Call For Participation for the DIMEA 2007

The Second International Conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts will be held on the 19th - 21st September 2007 in Perth, Western Australia.

Want to see the robot comedian PaPe-jiro? Take a look at the latest Game Sketching Project? Don't missed this years DIMEA 2007.

Read on for more info.

Posted by julian on Wednesday, July 25 @ 17:02:15 CEST ( )
permalink... read more

hello: VIDA 1.0: Artifical Life Competition

VIDA 10.0 is an international competition created to reward excellence in artistic creativity in the fields of Artificial Life and related disciplines, such as robotics and Artiftcial Intelligence.We are looking for artistic projects that address the interaction between "synthetic" and "organic" life".

In previous years prizes have been awarded to artistic projects using autonomous robots, avatars, recursive chaotic algorithms, knowbots, cellular automata, computer viruses, virtual ecologies that evolve with user participation, and works that highlight the social side of Artificial Life.

The first prize is a cool €10,000. Read the application guidelines in English and in Español.

TY Monica!

Posted by julian on Monday, July 23 @ 17:00:30 CEST ( )

hello: Little Big Good.

At the expense of sounding like an ad, this E3 trailer of Little Big Planet has me twitching in the direction of my wallet. Perhaps it's time to cave-in and buy that lounge-invader they call PS3 afterall.

I had no idea the collaborative level editing would be quite so loose.. I wonder if it's possible to distribute levels/maps?

Posted by julian on Saturday, July 14 @ 11:21:39 CEST ( )

hello: BF announces open-source game project, 'Apricot'.
Open Source Games
Says the site:

The Blender Foundation, which maintains the open source 3D tool Blender, has announced two new projects, codenamed Peach and Apricot. Project Peach will be a new open source movie, following in the footsteps of last year's Elephants Dream project (which was initially codenamed Orange). Apricot, on the other hand, will use Blender in conjunction with open source 3D framework Crystal Space to create an open game, thereby showcasing both technologies. on the other hand, will use Blender in conjunction with open source 3D framework

The Blender Foundation published the plans on its website on Sunday. In order to support these and future projects, it will also set up a permanent studio called the "Blender Institute", where software developers and artists can work together in a single location.


Blender's open game project is still at an earlier planning stage, and details will be announced at the Crystal Space Conference in July. According to the published plans, the project will also be completed within 6-8 months, and it will have a budget of more than 50,000 Euros.

More details can be found here. Great to see that the CS-GE part of Blender is getting recognition alongside Blender's many other virtues.

(If I had the time I'd leap at this)

Posted by julian on Tuesday, June 12 @ 17:25:38 CEST ( )

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old articles
Monday, June 11
· Laboral Game Development Workshops
Friday, May 25
· SAMD 2007: CFP
Wednesday, May 23
· Second Life Artist Residency
Monday, May 14
· RMIT student project: Terra Transeo
Saturday, May 05
· 2ndPS2: Second Person Shooter for Two Players.
Saturday, April 28
· Ecriture Videoludique: New French blog on Art and Games
Tuesday, April 17
· Darkgame: 2P Sensory Deprivation Skirmish.
Tuesday, April 10
· Invitation to register for Urban Play Space Seminar, Melb.au
Monday, March 19
· LAMP - Story Of The Future Residential Lab
Sunday, March 18
· 2007 Bitfilm Festival
Wednesday, March 07
· Mixed Realities: Turbulence Commissions
Friday, February 23
· CFP 4th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, 2007
Wednesday, February 21
· Free Tickets to ACMI Machinima Festival
· Long exposure games
Thursday, February 15
· Living Game Worlds at Georgia Tech
Sunday, February 04
· ACE 2007 reminder. Feb 9 DL for demos and short papers.
Friday, January 19
· Senior Lecturer in Game Art needed for U.K position
Tuesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 02
· Happy New Year (and stuff)!
Tuesday, December 19
· Pledge for an open source MMO platform.
Sunday, December 10
· Packet Garden: seeking Beta testers
Saturday, December 09
· Downtime
Sunday, November 26
· Art+Game at IMAL
Monday, November 20
· Second Life under attack from self-replicating game-object
Thursday, November 09
· France to Subsidise Games as Art, alongside Film, Literature.
Sunday, November 05
· A Game for Five Joysticks. TELIC Call for submissions.
Saturday, October 21
· 'Are Games Art?' IRC discussion.
Thursday, October 19
· Workshop: Game Development for the Audiovisual Artist
· Digital Media Internship Program
Tuesday, October 17
Wednesday, September 27
· 8bit: Doco about Art and Games Premieres at MOMA
Wednesday, September 20
· Blender Workshop at F.City, Lancaster
Friday, September 08
· Medi@terra 06: 'Gaming Realities'
Sunday, September 03
· Penny Arcade Adventure Games in the works
Sunday, August 27
· Manifesto Games Lives
Wednesday, August 23
· We Have a Winner..
Thursday, August 17
· Selectparks Banner Comp
Wednesday, August 09
· Games of Give And Take
Tuesday, August 08
· Perth DAC Deadline Extended
Monday, August 07
· 2006 Machinima Festival
Thursday, August 03
· Assembly games for download.
· Machinima at the Edinburgh International Film Fest
Wednesday, July 12
· Design us a banner and win a GP2X!
Tuesday, July 04
· Melbourne Digital Fringe Festival CFS
Sunday, July 02
· TransISTor 2. 3D Masterclasses in Prague.
Friday, June 23
· New URL for Escape From Woomera
Tuesday, June 13
· EU Women In Games Conference 2006
Wednesday, June 07
· Free culture mash-up in SecondLife
Tuesday, June 06
· 'The New West: An Exhibition of Virtual Folk Art'
Saturday, June 03
· Come Out & Play Festival calling for game submissions

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