hello: q3apd at Lovebytes
Posted on Thursday, February 16 @ 05:49:57 CET by julian |
Thanks to Ed Carter and the Lovebytes folk, q3apd is finally getting a good showing in an installation context; to date it's largely been appreciated in a performance setting. Unlike prior appearances, q3apd will this time be played entirely by bots which is so far proving to be an interesting challenge.
While these bots are in mortal combat they are generating a lot of data. q3apd uses this data to generate a composition, in essense providing a means to 'hear' the events of combat as a network of flows and changes of state.
To do this, every twitch, turn and state change in each of these bots is passed to the program PD where the sonification is performed; agent vectors become notes, orientations accents and local positions become pitch. Events like jumpads, teleporters, bot damage and weapon switching all add compositional detail (gestures you might say).
Once the eye has become accustomed to the relationships between audible signal and the events of combat, visual material can be sequentially removed with a keypress, bringing the sonic description to the foreground.
I've been working on a new environment for the piece and helping bots come to terms with the arena. Here's a preview shot. When the work goes live I'll put up a video.

See you at Lovebytes!
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