archive: Bang The Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts
Posted on Tuesday, July 06 @ 06:24:02 CEST by rebecca |
January 17 - April 4, 2004
Yerba Buena arts gallery.

Game Scenes in gallery 2 addressed the pervasive influence of the computer gaming industry on artistic invention, and explored a variety of areas, from the evolution of the video game and its roots in military training applications to the current popularity of virtual rality and online gaming and the growing use of elements of digital gaming by contemporary artists.
Bang The Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts
Yerba Buena Centre for the arts Gallery, 2004
Presented in conjunction with the Stanford Humanities Laboratory and the Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University, Game Scenes addresses the pervasive influence of the computer gaming industry on artistic invention, and explores a variety of areas, from the evolution of the video game and its roots in military training applications to the current popularity of virtual reality and online gaming and the growing use of elements of digital gaming by contemporary artists. Artists include: C-Level, Paul Johnson with Sunny Kim, Futurefarmers, Katherine Isbister with Rainey Straus, Shelley Eshkar with Paul Kaiser, Shirley Shor in collaboration with Piers Haken, Fur, Brody Condon, Mauro Ceolin, Jon Haddock and Janek Simon, including Wattis Artist-in-Residence Jason Wiener and our Young Artists at Work. Game Scenes will also feature a machinima film series curated by Galen Davis and Henry Lowood. Machinima is a form of low budget, computer generated filmmaking that uses video game engines for production and is distributed at almost no cost over the Internet. Game Commons, developed by Kingdom of Piracy , celebrates game culture as an open sphere of exchange and reappropriation, and invites the audience to negotiate the management of information flow. World simulation games, once available only to government think tanks and political scientists, have been transformed for the digital age, providing an image of an alternate world. Artists include: Eastwood Real Time Strategy Group(Serbia and Montenegro), Logicaland/ (Austria) and portable[k]ommunity (Japan). Kingdom of Piracy is an online floating work space designed to explore the free sharing of digital content—often condemned as piracy—as the net's ultimate art form. was launched at Ars Electronica 2002 and constantly re-invents itself in different arenas and on different platforms. is co-curated by Shu Lea Cheang, Armin Medosch and Yukiko Shikata.
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