
Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2

Total Art Platform by Cirkulacija 2
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Total Art Platform (2010-13)

Cirkulacija 2: Platform for total art – a series of total events

After quite some efforts the Cirkulacija 2 initiative in 2010 managed to get part of the financial means for the planned series of activities, that would bring us closer to the ideal of regular activities – the only solution to overcome the leasure time – amateur – artistic activities, and might provide – for the active pa... more

Cirkulacija 2

Cirkulacija 2
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About Cirkulacija 2

Interdisciplinary station CIRKULACIJA 2


Cirkulacija 2 is an artists’ initiative based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The name originates from the hall that we are currently squatting – the heating station at former bicycle factory Rog. The name nicely points to the principles that we try to elaborate through our collective work: the principles of evolving our production through ser... more

Trivia Art

Trivia Art

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Kulturnoumetniško društvo Trivia
Naslov: Križevniška 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

več »24.09.2013: Kiparstvo danes: Prenapete strukture v Celju V četrtek, 26. septembra ob 19. uri bo v Galeriji sodobne umetnosti Celje otvoritev 4. dela razstave Kiparstvo danes: Performativna telesa in okolja. Na razstavi s tremi dinamičnimi skulpturami iz serije Prenapete strukture sodeluje tudi Borut Savski.

Center sodobni... more