A thing with noname?

Festival PixxelPoint 2015 – OBJEKT – 16. mednarodni festival medijskih umetnosti, Nova Gorica,  27. november – 4. december 2015
Pixxelpoint 2015: OBJECT – 16th International Media Art Festival, Nova Gorica (Slovenia) and Gorizia (Italy), 27 November – 4 December 2015

“Media art no longer exists. Medijske umetnosti ni več. Non esiste più. Gibst nicht mehr. Ne existe plus.” Igor Štromajer, para-curator.

The claim by Igor Štromajer is bold and in line with the modern line of thoughts that describe the ends of history, art, music, humanism. It is the sign of decadence of our time. I would even call it the modernist’s  position. The end of any things calls for the emergence of new things. Where are they, what are they? Can there be empty space? The inflation of things is only surpassed by inflation of words. Marcel Duchamp was never my hero, says Borut Savski.

Borut Savski – A Thing of Wonder (with no name)
Two conjoined, motorized, movable pieces create an autonomous construct whose mechanical design proposes ways of locomotion and thereby the identity and even its name. The object is part of a series of high-tension structures and is an upgrade of a similar project from 2014, popularly named The Snake. All these high-tension structures create movement based on the principle of torque generated by twisted bands, where the twisting of the bands combines into various movements of the construct as a whole. These things have names, when useful and used. The things keep their name when they are recognizable by their former function – even if they are later put in a different context. Such as, for example, a gallery. The drainpipe is still a drainpipe, the toilet bowl is still a toilet bowl. Of course, they still create interesting interpretations when this turns out to be absurd, paradoxical, unusual, or otherwise surprising. As usual, the sense of wonder provides the motive for reflection, otherwise there can be no reflection.
A very nice photo of the thingSavski_pixxelpoint6Borut Savski, born in Ljubljana in 1960, is an intermedia artist who places great emphasis on sound – the combination of technical solutions for unorthodox instruments and autonomous audiovisual structures/sculptures. The sound experiments in the Radio Študent studio in Ljubljana since 1994. In 1999, he presented the first cybernetic sound installation “Sound Biotope” in the Kapelica gallery in Ljubljana. His essay “Sound” as a metaphor which encompasses the author’s core preoccupations. Later, he continued developing independent concepts and instruments and collaborations with other artists. In the period from 2006 to 2010, the worked on writing the music for three dance performances by Mateja Bučar. In 2006, he co-organized the Intermediate Spaces festival with KUD Trivia. In 2007 he co-founded the intermedia initative Circulation 2. Collaboration on the project Etnobanda. After 2010, he collaborated with Bogdana Herman on the project of Newly-Composed Slovenian Folk Songs. A series of interactive autonomous structures/sculptures High-Tension Structures. Currently focusing on haptic interfaces and interactive mechanisms.