Distributed body

Distributed body
[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/~savskib/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=installations/Distributed%20body&d=d.html]

Distribuirana telesa / identitete / sistemi

21st December, one-day long sound installation Distributed body at Mala galerija in Ljubljana (part of the one-month of events called Oscillations). Two computers playing algorithms made in Pure Data and a number of interconnections (audio feedback, midi-control, contact-sensors,…). Here are pa... more

Impro concert

Impro concert
[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/~savskib/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=in%20concert%201]
in concert 1Sometimes there is a need to make a concert, calling up friends, and performing live as an impro band. While each time there is clearly a need for a rehearsal, I find it most problematic.

This is not music – it is communication. About music we know enough already…

Performance in KUD France Prešern in February 2005 (Dario Korteze, Borut Sa... more


[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=plesalec/index]

Borut Savski – tretja od treh miniatur iz serije Zvok kot metafora

Borut Savski – third of three miniatures from the series Sound as Metaphore

Dancer / Plesalec

Dancer was presented at Kapelica Gallery/ Ljubljana on 17th of February, after a delay of a week, when an uncontrollable rotation tear out the object’s guts.

One comment though: It came to my min... more

Eye = I

Eye = I
[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/~savskib/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=performances/Eye=I]
Eye = IPerformance on 20th April 2005, P74 gallery, Ljubljana ŠentvidFirst version of performance in september 2004 at Merano, Italy

all photos by Črt Majcen

What is the joke (the yoke)?
One eye (the b/w video monitor) is the input (on the right) and the computer generated eye is the output (on the left). The s... more

Electric Jesus 2

Electric Jesus 2
[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/~savskib/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=objects/Jesus]

Electric Jesus IIFirst occasion of Electric Jesus appeared at the TURNING SOUNDS 2 seminar, Warzsawa, may 2004. Check this link http://absurdevidence.radiostudent.si/borut/zvok_kot_metafora/ or here ../zvok_kot_metafora/.

Ideas are more or less the same, only that in this new materialization some more relations emerged. Together with some new reveletions related to the (conce... more

Bowlfuls of Sound

Bowlfuls of Sound
[Original at http://www.ljudmila.org/~savskib/borut_galerija/index.php?folder=performances/Bowlfuls_of_Sound]

Bowlfuls of Sound | Posodi polni zvoka

Posodi polni zvoka je bila predvidena struktura nastopa v Moderni galeriji v Ljubljani (september 2005). Kljub (ponovno) problematični izvedbi (gibljiva objekta – dve posodi, nista bila končani pravočasno…), pa sama struktura drži tudi za prihodnost.

Bowlfuls of Sound is the name of the structure o... more

Problemloss Orchestra

Problemloss Orchestra
[Original at http://www.3via.org/index.php?htm=problemloss]

2005 – 2006 (r.i.p….)

– an experimental sound performance (=concert?) project group from Slovenia…
– experimenting with sound (and objects as instruments) as metaphore…
– other faces:
http://www.kataman.org/slo/problemloss-orchestr... more