FreeJ installation instructions =================================== *** x86 PC (for Darwin/OSX see README.OSX) [*] be sure to have all the required libraries and tools: cdbs, libtool, debhelper (>> 7.0.0), pkg-config, flex, bison, libsdl-dev, libpng-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libfontconfig-dev, libogg-dev, libvorbis-dev, libjpeg-dev, libslang2-dev, libtheora-dev, libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libswscale-dev, libunicap2-dev, libbluetooth-dev, fftw3-dev, libjack-dev, liblo0-dev, libasound-dev, libhtml-template-perl, python-dev, swig - A working GNU/Linux system with X or framebuffer video - SDL libraries - PNG library (compile with _ZLIB_ support) == to have some more assembler mmx optimized filters you need NASM: NASM netwide assembler compiler then go in the filters/nasm-x86 and type make! copy by hand the *.so filters in a ~/.freej/ directory in your home [*] then you are ready to compile! == download freej latest stable version from extract the source archive and compile it: $ tar xvfz freej.tar.gz $ cd freej (if you are reading this file from the sourcecode, start from here) $ ./configure $ make # make install this will install effect plugins into /usr/local/lib/freej/ the freej binary in /usr/local/bin/ (or any other prefix you configured instead of the default /usr/local) $ freej [enter] and you should see. :: INSTALL FROM DEBIAN PACKAGES You can do 'apt-get install freej' and you will have a precompiled FreeJ Anyway to squeeze the best out of your box you want to compile this software with machine specific optimizations! The source configure script guesses the best compiler optimization flags for your CPU. the following commands are then necessary to set your build environment, from inside the freej source directory do: sudo apt-get install autoconf automake sudo apt-get build-dep freej dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot :: INSTALL FROM GIT REPOSITORY (only for developers, skilled users, full code alchemists) Assuming you have Debian/Ubuntu (for other distro there can be some differences), with all tools needed and all developers lib installed (e.g. build-essential, the libs above etc.: You need git: - apt-get install git-core So, get the code: - git clone git:// After this, you will have a "freej" dir. Enter in it, and do - ./ - Run "./configure" with your favourite options. - make && sudo make install That's all! If you want to experiment with live video, please be sure to have a working camera and to activate it from your BIOS settings (e.g. for eeepc 701), or it will not work! :) If you have problems, you are welcome to ask on the mailinglist for help, there you will probably find some good suggestions Please try to not mix your system's problems with FreeJ's bugs. If you find bugs, you are welcome to report them in the bugtracking system on -jrml, asbesto