version 0.4.1 - april 2 included missing header from liblo code utils and cleanup build fixes, tested on netbsd version 0.4 - march 24 OSC remote access implemented using liblo XML-RPC remote access implemented using xmlrpc++ Fakiir class now gathers global functions and search operation Succesfully tested with concurrent object exposure in OSC and XMLRPC code cleanup version 0.3 - march 6 Linklist substituted with STL Hash_map and Vectors, implementing fast search of objects methods and properties; completed the test suite with interactive access thru readline; succesfull testing and code cleanup. First traces of documentation. version 0.2 - february 7 Code generation is completed together with a non-interactive test suite, classes can be analized with support to one level inheritance. I bought a "Lex & Yacc" book which answers most of the questions i had in mind while writing Fakiir. Following the good suggestion of Supreet aka djinn i'm starting using C++ STL: just string handling for now, but will be more in future. version 0.1 - january 18 First realization of the idea for a code generator able to read c++ headers and to write the code necessary to remote all the public functions. Only the Flex gramatic is used with C++ code, there is nothing generated yet but headers are parsed correctly.