Motus MDLSX photo by Alessandro Sala

photo: Alessandro Sala

24 November 2015

at 7.00 pm

ll. gimnazija Maribor, Amfiteater

MDLSX is like a bildungsroman or bildungsperformance – a story of the formation and growing up of a personality, but in contrast to the centuries gone by, when identity was fixed during growing up, we are now witnessing how it crumbles and fights for its existence and recognition. How we recognize and create – rather than accept and adopt – our identity while growing up. The performance unfolds as a sequence of musical pieces, with Silvia Calderoni, initiator of the performance on sexual identity and dealing with an elusive sexual identity herself, assuming the role of DJ on the stage. Inspirations from novels, mythology and theoretical texts are pulled into the vortex of music and Silvia’s transitions between her role as the performer, i.e. herself, and the actor, depicting various characters. Pieces of Silvia’s life blend into one, thus blurring the boundary between fiction and reality.

Italian collective of Motus consists of directors and dramaturges Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolò, joined by performer Silvia Calderoni. With their characteristic authorial poetics, they address the big issues of the Greek dramas and permeate them with the problematic topics of our time.

The performance will be followed by a discussion with the artists.

Performer: Silvia Calderoni
Direction: Enrico Casagrande, Daniela Nicolò
Dramaturgy: Daniela Nicolò, Silvia Calderoni
Sound: Enrico Casagrande in collaboration with Paolo Baldini, Damiano Bagli
Lighting design and video: Alessio Spirli
Producers: Elisa Bartolucci, Valentina Zangari
Production: Motus
In collaboration with: La Villette – Résidence d’artistes 2015 Paris, Bunker Ljubljana, Santarcangelo 2015 Festival Internazionale del Teatro in Piazza, L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino, Marche Teatro
Supported by: MiBACT, Regione Emilia Romagna