Beton Ltd.: Everything that we lost while we were living (SI)


Beton Ltd._Vse kar smo izgubili_foto 80_Borut Peterlin

photo: Borut Peterlin

23 November 2015
at 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm

Narodni dom Maribor

In their performance, members of Beton Ltd. collective, actors, performers and authors Katarina Stegnar, Branko Jordan and Primož Bezjak posed questions to themselves and to each other, relating to their personal, professional and social starting points, and spanning back to three separate time periods: the 1970s and the context of the former Yugoslavia, the period of adolescence, ending with the maturity exam in the 1990s, and the projection into the future, which remains intangible. A decade of happiness and comfort, with the first premonitions of decay, a decade of graduation and great prospects of the new country, and a decade of facing the reality and stolen promises.

The performance combines personal stories of the protagonists with historical milestones and is characterized by the typical Beton aesthetics; an attractive theatre where the gaps, the premonitions of problems and the conflicts hide in the undertones of the spectacular, the good music, the outstanding acting and dancing.

The performance will be followed by a discussion.

Concept and direction: Beton Ltd.
Music: Dead Tongues (Janez Weiss, Jure Vlahovič)
Scenography and lighting design: son:DA
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Costume design: Mateja Benedetti
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Technical coordinator: Andrej Petrovčič
Wardrobe: Nataša Recer
Head of production at APT: Andrej Berger
Head of production at Bunker: Maja Vižin
Produced by: Anton Podbevšek Teater, Novo mesto
Coproduced by: Bunker, Ljubljana

Performance made possible by: Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, Mestna občina Novo mesto, Mestna občina Ljubljana

KRKA d. d., Novo mesto – general sponsor
Telekom Slovenije d. d. – donator
Steklarna Rogaška – sponsor

With the help of: Elektro Ljubljana, d. d.

 The performance is being presented in collaboration with Nagib na oder 2015/2016.