T-shirt Printing Workshop
Artistic workshop with Arijana Gadžijev, the exchange of artistic and textile skills.

DJing Workshop
Worskhop of DJing where participants learned the DJing techniques and presented their freshly acquired skills at the closing party of the Mladi levi Festival.

Workshop From the Moderna Galerija to the Metelkova
The workshop From Moderna galerija to the Metelkova, held by Adela Železnik and Martina Bastarda, offered a reflection on the future image of the local quarter and the possibilities that culture is making for social and cultural innovation.

Cooking Workshops
The purpose of the cooking workshops was the intergenerational exchange of cooking skills. The workshops were lead by Primož Dolničar, Gorazd Potočnik and Iztok Krajnc with the participation of the retirees from the Daily Activities Centre.

Workshop with dr. Franco Bianchini
A workshop on teritorial diagnosis with dr. Franco Bianchini, director of the Cultural Planning Research Unit at De Montfort University.

The Neighbours’ Day: Workshop
On The Neighbours’ Day local residents and the organisations from the vicinity gathered a workshop for pupils of the local Elementary School Tone Čufar with the help of an architect Maša Cvetko on their perspective on the city and the local area.

Round Table on the Establishment of the Tabor Cultural Quarter
On the round table representatives of local authorities were focused on the establishment of the Tabor Cultural Quarter, a project that derives from Bunkers (within Sostenuto project) involvement with partners (Slovene Ethnographic Museum, ROG, Metelkova City, Museum of Modern Art, Kinodvor, Pionirski dom etc.) from the local district. The driving force for the existence of the artistic quarter are the non-monetary exchanges.

Round Table with Simona Levi
A round table with Simona Levi, multidisciplinary artist and expert on authors rights, exchange of intelectual property with emphasis on culture.