Tanja Radež: RECYCLED T-SHIRTS (Slovenia)

Sunday, August 17th at 9 pm
square behing Slovene ethnographic museum

Every year, Mladi levi festival creates their own festival T-shirts, which are both practical souvenirs and living messages. These T-shirts are – the same as badges and as pens used to be – contemporary mediums of visual moments and also often have a promotional purpose. In every wardrobe, we can find old and redundant T-shirts: those from last year marathon, a cultural or charity event, those which can’t be combined with the rest of our clothes or those with obsolete messages. This year festival’s theme is recycling. Therefore, we collected old and forgotten T-shirts and uncluttered a lot of wardrobes. Tanja Radež has given all those T-shirts a new life. They will be given to all who deserve them. The marriage of old and new visual messages has created new and completely unique dialogues. Due to the Mladi levi flair, these T-shirts will get a new chance and maybe become the most popular piece of clothing in Slovenia.
Tanja is the residential designer at Bunker, Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana and the Kranj Prešeren Theatre; she is a dreamer, a collector and archivist of ostalgia. Tanja has created a variety of different integral designs. Her 15th personal organiser will be published in December of this year.

Idea and production: Tanja Radež
T-shirts were donated by: Alenka Arko, Alma Selimović, Ana Kanduč, Ana Petrovčič, Ana Porok, Ana Radović, Andreja Rauch, Anja Naglič, Arhitekturni muzej – Ljubljana BIO, Arijana Gadžijev, Aziz Redžić, Matej Kumelj, Bara Kolenc, Borut Bučinel, Barbara Cesar, Betka Bouha, Bor Pungerčič, Branko Jordan, Brina Pungerčič, Dragana Alfirević, Dejan Srhoj, Špela in Helena Drnovšek-Zorko, družina Slukan, Eva Horvat, Formitas, Gordana Lacič, Hermina Kovačič, Inga Remeta, Simona Semenič, Gledališče Glej, Ivana Ljubanović, Jana Kovač Valdes, Janja Rožmarin, Jasna Šepetavec, Jasna Hribernik, Jedrt Jež Furlan, Jerca Mesec, Jernej Brodnik, Jerneja Zavec, Katarina Slukan, Katarina Stegnar, Katja Vidmar, Ksenija Krstić, Lidija Dragišič, Lili Mlakar No, Maja Cerar, Maja Hawlina, Maja Mujdrica, Maja Vižin, Manca Bežek, Zavod za turizem Kranj, Manja Stojilkovski, Marjana Dragan, Marko Brumen, Mateja Šijanec, Mercator, Mihael Žnidaršič, Miša Molk, Mladinska knjiga – Knjigarna Konzorcij, Mojca Blatnik, Zavod za turizem Ljubljana, Mojca Gašparič, Mojca Jug, Mojca Trampuš, Natalija Pihler, Nevenka Koprivšek, Nina Meško, Peter Pančur, Petrol, Primož Bezjak, Saša Petejan, son:DA, Špela Kovšca, Špela Trošt, Tomaž Grom, Tamara Bračič, Urh Vidmar, Tajka Žagar, Tanja Tolar, Tatjana Knežević, Tea Pristolič, Teja Hlačer, Tina Dobnik, Urša Jerkič, Urša Poljanšek, Urša Sedevčič, Urša Štrukelj, Urška Boljkovac, Urška Kuhar, Urška Novak, Valerija Križnik, Veronika Novak, Vladan Srdič, Vojko Breznik, Zoran Pistotnik