Roser López Espinosa: MINIATURA (Spain)

Miniatura is a world of tiny things, portraits, delightful manipulations and playful mechanisms. The performers become objects, manipulated bodies and imaginary landscapes where real dimensions change through perspective. They put themselves in the shoes of music box dolls and of sober-eyed women from ancient portraits, dancing detail and honouring all that is small.

Roser López Espinosa is currently dancing with Àngels Margarit, performing her classic solo from 1992. Her own choreographic work has received prizes at Masdanza in 2006, Burgos in 2008 and at the Certamen in Madrid last year.

Concept and direction: Roser López Espinosa
Creation and dance: Maria Campos Arroyo and Roser López Espinosa
Original music:Ilia Mayer
Lighting design:Katinka Marac
Artistic adviser: Àngels Margarit
Production: L’escènica
Thanks to: Abel Cunillera, Eulàlia Blasi, Aritz Bizkarra, Fàtima Campos, Daniel Caballero and Toni Mira
With the support of: Àngels Margarit / Cia Mudances – Guests 2009/10; Institut Ramon Llull
With the collaboration of: AREAtangent, Festival GREC 2010 and CoNCA, Generalitat de Catalunya.

35 min