Author: Gregor Gobec

»…There was a time once when Tabor park was actually alive, people spent a lot of time outside, they sat on the benches and walked across the promenade. Children knew each other and spent time together. «

neighbour of the Tabor local district

The project is envisaged as a long-term process that already began this spring with a diverse set of activities, which differ in regard to content as well as their range and duration. Our efforts gave birth to some of the already existing results, which we would like to present during the Festival time and at the same time invite everyone to cooperate with activities that are yet to begin.


Catalogue (pdf 1,48 MB- to view the downloaded brochures you will need Acrobat Reader.)

0nkraj-gradbisca Tuesday, August 17th at 5.00 pm, Thursday, August 19th from 3.00 – 7.00 pm, Thursday, August 26thThe construction site on Resljeva street 34 BEYOND THE CONSTRUCTION SITE
on-the-field-210 Friday, August 20th at 10.30 pmPlatform by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum Heather Ackroyd / Dan Harvey: On the Field (Great Britain)
v-iskanju-zelene-cetrti210 Saturday, August 21st at 5.00 pmHostel Celica, Srečišče gallery IN SEARCH OF THE GREEN QUARTER (exhibition)
razkorak Saturday, August 21st at 6.00 pmPlatform by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum THE DICHOTOMY BETWEEN AESTHETICS AND FUNCTIONALITY IN THE PUBLIC SPACE

Round-table discusion

pogled-mimo-grede Sunday, August 22nd at 11.00 am A LOOK BY THE WAY (walk)
iskanje-izgubljenega-vrta210 Monday, August 23rd at 11.00 am IN SEARCH OF THE LOST GARDEN (walk)
sprehod-pogled-od-zunaj210 Sunday, August 29th at 5.00 pm A LOOK FROM THE OUTSIDE (walk)
film-delavnica210 Saturday and Sunday, August 28th and 31st from 10.00 am to 2.00 pmKinodvor FILM WORKSHOP
divje-seme 210 Monday, August 30th at 11.00 am WILD SEED (walk)

More about the project

Faced with new complexities of the present time, a contemporary individual finds himself in perpetual search of new and innovative ways to help him enrich his existence. Attempting to create new spaces in order to enable active cooperation of people in a wider social and cultural context, Bunker correspondingly conceived several projects in the past to fulfil this aim, whereby the project Garden By The Way represents the most recent effort in this direction.

The general idea of the project revolves around urban gardening, an activity comprising and revealing various themes of interest for a contemporary urban subject. The concept of a garden thus serves as a window to a debate on the meaning of space, especially when it comes to the question of green and social surfaces, also touching upon the subjects of ecology, authenticity (being devoured by an all-encompassing commercialization of life), solidarity and the limits to self-sufficiency.

The majority of actions performed within the project’s framework is to remain limited to the area of Ljubljana local district Tabor, the home of Bunker and also a growing entity called Tabor Cultural Quarter thanks to the mutual effort of several organizations within the domain of culture.

The title of the project itself reveals an inherent many-sidedness of the theme addressed. In its name, Garden By The Way literally grasps the most visible characteristic of the local district Tabor: its transitional nature. A garden stands practically as a synonym to a peaceful place, allowing people to spend their time together in a manner which may defy transitiveness as inscribed within the local district Tabor.

Garden By The Way is also introduced as a conceptual solution to the currently existing universal demand for speed, effectiveness and wide accessibility, since a garden can be understood as practically anything and set up practically anywhere, including a simple flowerpot standing on the window shelf. There are endless possibilities for gardening in the city and the vanishing of the natural space requires of us to employ innovative attitude and originality in setting up a garden and growing greenery. As suggested by the very name Garden By The Way, the garden referred to may also be seen as whatever grows off track, outside the garden bed. It is not only the carefully bred and cultivated plants that are to be considered interesting and important, but everything growing in its wild and unique way. Beauty and quality thus come to be seen once again in all things natural and spontaneous.

Garden by the Way is an action performed within the framework of the Sostenuto project, which brings together seven partners from five Mediterranean countries: France, Italy, Spain, Montenegro and, naturally, Slovenia. While all the partners are coming from general culture-art domain, each of them is specifically focused on establishing the way culture influences social and economic innovation within a given space. Bunker thus outlined the Tabor local district as its essential area of focus in relation to this project, whereas its broader artistic activity as an institution expands far beyond this territory. Tabor is a rather obvious choice here. It represents our immediate neighbourhood and subsequently the space we wish to inscribe with our work in the most constructive manner possible in order to improve the quality of life here. Based on similar ambition are also the bonds formed with other cultural players coming from this space, which represent the basis behind the emerging Tabor Cultural Quarter.

Production: Bunker, Ljubljana

Conceptual authors of the project: Nevenka Koprivšek, Katarina Slukan

Executive producer: Suzana Kajba

Project designers: Aleksander S. Ostan, Šola uporabnih umetnosti Famul Stuart, Kud Obrat, Paz!Park, Pionirski dom – Art Center, Osnovna šola Tone Čufar, Vrtec dr. France Prešeren, Boštjan Kavčič, Boris Fras, Ira Zorko, Zlatko Zajc, Maarten Roels, Kinodvor, Slovenski etnografski muzej, Hostel Celica

Designers: Tanja Radež, Mojca Bizjak

Video: Pila Rusjan, Gregor Gobec

Photo: Aleksander S. Ostan, Gregor Gobec, Suzana Kajba

Assistence: Jasmina Slapnik, Rok Pibernik

External collaborators: Inštitut za politike prostora, ProstoRož

Sponsors: KPL d. d., Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani, Zeleni hit d. o. o., Trajnice Carniola, Trajnice Golob – Klančič, Vrtnarstvo Gomzi, Pro Horto Strgar d. o. o., Vrtnarija Travarija, Kmetija Zajček

We would like to thank: Janez Koželj, Majda Jurkovič, Maja Simoneti, Mimica Slapnik, Irena Breznik, Anica Zatler, Ljuba Črnivec, Tina in Sofija Lavrač, Polona Zelinka Steklasa, Janez Čuda, Vrtec Ledina

The project was made possible by: Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj, Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije, British Council

Sostenuto Partners: Citema, EXPEDITIO, Relais Culture Europe, Universitat de Valencia, Zunino e Partner

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