Katarina Stegnar: DVOJNA IGRA (Slovenia)

Dvojna igra_fotoNASLOVNA_Jon Aleksander Krančan

Photo: Jon Aleksander Krančan

Sunday, August 31st at 8.00 pm
Glej Theatre

Katarina Stegnar is an actress, a dancer, a performer and also an author. She is a member of the collectives Betontanc, Via Negativa in Beton Ltd. The range of her creative work is extremely broad, as the essential arena of her creative activity, the theatre, expands well beyond the stage, all the way to curating and film acting.

The network Imagine 2020 – Arts and Climate Change, a support structure for research concerning the causes and effects of climate change, offered her the chance to produce her own performance. The theme of the performance is the manifesto of change – a plan for an economic model entitled The Great Transition, offered as a vision of a more sustainable and equal society by the New Economics Foundation. In her performance, Stegnar walks on the edge of the anxiety that we all feel in relation to the system-induced mistakes of the world we live in: we all know we’re headed for disaster, but still we do nothing to stop it. Stegnar plays a double game: she subverts and spins our own positions around; we want changes, but how much exactly are we ready to pay for them? We know changes should occur immediately, but does this mean it is up to us to take the first step? The line between these two positions is set with ironic distance. Lecture performance at its best, where the informative facts and the performance in progress provide an arena for a duel between Katarina and Katarina to unravel in front of the audience.

Author: Katarina Stegnar
Performers: Katarina Stegnar & Katarina Stegnar
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Light design: Igor Remeta
Producer: Maja Vižin
Co-produced by Imagine 2020 – Art and Climate Change and Bunker, in collaboration with the New Economics Foundation. The project was supported by the European Union in the framework of the Culture programme.

60 minutes

The performance is in Slovene with English surtitles.

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Free tickets to all events, but you can support our festival with voluntary contributions.
More information and ticket booking: info@bunker.si, +386 51 269 906.

Davis Freeman/Random scream: 7 PROMISES

forum 7 promises_1

Photo: Silvano Magnone

May 23rd at 10.00 p.m.

Two environmental preachers call upon audience members to commit themselves to making the world a more sustainable place. We all know that we’re headed for an environmental disaster, but it still remains unclear as to why we don’t just do more to stop it? The performance 7 Promises tackles the problem in a humorous manner. Get ready for an evening and an opportunity to change the world. Some promises may be more difficult to keep than others, but Davis and Robert are ready to bribe you for the cause.

Directed by: Davis Freeman
Realisation by: Robert Hayden, Davis Freeman
Keyboard player: Tilen Draksler
Visual material by: Sam Vanoverschelde
Supported by: Vlaams Gemeenschap & Bains Connective


Theatre Playground 2.0

Pilot project / Cultural education

Theatre Playground 2.0 seeks to bring contemporary theatre to schools all over Slovenia and engage participating pupils and teachers not only as consumers of art, but as emancipated audience and also as creators.
Contemporary theatre is brought to pupils and teachers as an independent field worth experiencing and also as a pedagogical tool.
We develop and experiment with various activities aimed at becoming regular part of the school curriculums, methods and tools.


Theatre Playground

The project entitled Theatre Playground seeks to bring contemporary theatre to schools all over Slovenia and engage participating students not only as consumers of art, but also as creative producers. The project aspires to establish art as an entity in its own right and thus posits artistic practice as an outstanding teaching instrument, liable to produce impressive results.


Sparks are representing young, not yet established artists and daring, piercing ideas of already established artists. Dedicated to flashes of the new and innovative.


The Mladibor project was devised with the aim to provide the Maribor youth with interesting artistic tools in a manner that would allow for active participation and thus encourage them to create new and innovative contents.


The aim of the Kulturstik project was to demonstrate creative processes of aesthetically somewhat more demanding and socially engaged contemporary art to teachers and students and actively involve them into these processes.

The Lifelong Learning Programme – Leonardo da Vinci Mobility Project

For the third year in row now Bunker has successfully concluded the project transnational learning of professional skills in the technical and production fields, organised as a part of the Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme: Mobility. The first project was dedicated to young theatre technicians, so in 2009 we sent two of them to a four-week learning experience at the Department of Media Assistant – Theatre and Event Technology at the North Karelia College in Outokumpu Finland. After the first successful trial we’ve expanded the project to production staff and carried out ten shorter residencies in nine EU member states, so in order to accumulate more working experience we’ve visited the Hebbel-am-Ufer Theatre in Berlin, Interdisciplinarte in Italy, Kaaitheater in Bruxelles, Artsadmin in London, Theatre Lliure in Barcelona, Relais Culture Europe in Paris, Al Kantaro in Lisbon and Rotterdamse Schouwburg, besides the above mentioned College in Finland.

In 2012 and 2013 we carried out thirteen mobility programmes as part of the third project, besides technicians and producers also actors, directors, choreographers and dancers were included in the exchanges. The guest organizations were joined by Associacio Cel.lula Sant Mori from Spain, Drugo more and Udruga Phil Stone Centar from Croatia, KRUL from Belgium, İstanbul Güncel Sanat Ütopyaları Derneği from Turkey, and by Slovenian partners Glej Theatre and En-Knap.

Betontanc & The Original Tempo: AUDITION FOR LIFE (Slovenia, Japan)

Photo: Urška Boljkovac

There are always two choices. And a thin line in between. Slow decisions don’t exist. And the fast ones will be punished. Get ready.

What is the noblest deed you have done in your life?

One day Buddha is strolling along the shore of a lotus pond. He suddenly stops as he witnesses an unexpected sight: underneath the water’s crystal clear surface, he sees the landscape of Hell, with the River of the Dead and Needle Mountain. Then, the figure of a criminal named Kandata comes to the forefront, squirming at the bottom of Hell along with other sinners. Buddha remembers that even though Kandata had committed many crimes, he had also proved himself capable of doing a good deed: he had once spared the life of a small spider. In return for this good deed, Buddha decides to try and save Kandata. He takes the spider’s thread and lowers it into the distant depths of Hell. Kandata grasps it firmly with both hands and quickly begins climbing up. Just when he thinks he’s been saved, he looks down and is filled with horror: a never-ending horde of sinners is following him up the spider’s thread, like a massive line of ants. He shouts out: “This spider’s thread is mine. Who asked you to climb it? Get down! Get off!” Suddenly the thread breaks with a snap and Kandata plunges back into Hell. Only a part of the broken thread remains dangling there, glittering dimly in a sky that is void of both moon and stars. Having taken in everything from start to finish, Buddha resumes strolling, his face marked by sadness. The lotus blossoms, however, are not concerned in the least about what has happened. Noon draws closer in Paradise.

Who gets to save himself?

Who gets a (-nother) chance? Who deserves one? Who knows how to see it when it’s there? Who knows how to share it when it’s there? STOP To take part or to walk away? To stay in or to cut loose? To climb or to crawl? STOP At what age is one eligible to commit robberies? STOP How many meters above the ground can one climb? STOP Would you sacrifice your friend to save yourself? STOP Are you more fragile than a spider?

Just how spacious is the space in between?

Andreja Kopač

Following a sequence of co-productions – with the Dutch group Jonghollandia(2005), the Latvian collective Umka.Lv (2006), the French band Ez3kiel (2008) and the Belgrade National Theatre (2009) – the performance Audition for Life counts as the fifth big international co-production of Betontanc under the auspices of Bunker. Compared to other co-productions, however, this last one comes across as somewhat more distant, somewhat more exotic and somewhat more personal.

Audition for Life is the intertwining of many artistic genres, an encounter between two artistic traditions, a compromise between two visions and the excess that remains lost in translation. If Betontanc emerged out of cement, using movement as its expressive medium, then Original Tempo, on the other hand, grew out of the screen, addressing the audience with contact improvisation. Betontanc holds the status of a highly acclaimed physical-dance theatre collective in Slovenia with more than two decades of tradition, whereas The Original Tempo hit the Japanese theatre stages like a typhoon in 2002 and has since abolished several existing performing norms while setting up new standards in the performing arts.

Betontanc (“Concrete Dance”) was established in 1990 by the director Matjaž Pograjc, assembling people of approximately the same age, but with different experience and backgrounds (musicians, dancers, actors, costume designers, set designers), sharing immense creative energy and love for movement and theatre. Throughout the years, Betontanc has gradually turned into the primary Slovene theatre-dance sensation and has travelled all over the world’s continents with its performances.

In Audition for Life, the distinct and familiar poetics of Betontanc melts with The Original Tempo’s specific interpretation of society »at the end of the world«, moving along the line between the visual code and the code of sound and revealing a special interpretation note, which speaks the language of rhythm rather than drawing on narrative elements.

Audition for Life brings together long-time members of Betontanc: the actors and performers Katarina Stegnar and Ivan Peternelj, as well as the choreographer and dancer Branko Potočan. The Original Tempo collective is composed of members with diverse profiles: director Masahiro Kinoshita, considered one of the most influential young directors in Japan; the actors and physical performers Yuka Hyodo and Shuichi Sakaguchi; the visual artist and master of installations Kiyotaka Yoshimitsu and guitar player Katsunori Takayama, cooperating with the renowned Slovene duet Silence (Boris Benko and Primož Hladnik) and accordion player Marko Brdnik.

The performance that came into being in art residencies in Japan and Slovenia revolves around a story entitled Spider’s Thread by Rjúnosuke Akutagawa, and ponders the question anyone should ask: what good have I done to the world I live in?


Directed by: Matjaž Pograjc, Masahiro Kinoshita
Dramaturgy: Andreja Kopač
Performers: Katarina Stegnar, Yuka Hyodo, Ivan Peternelj, Branko Potočan, Shuichi Sakaguchi
Music: Silence, Marko Brdnik, Katsunori Takayama
Video: Kiyotaka Yoshimitsu
Dramaturgy assistant: Nina Zupančič
Sound design: Jure Vlahovič
Light and set design: Tomaž Štrucl
Assistant light designers: Igor Remeta, Andrej Petrovčič
Costume design: Mateja Benedetti
Assistant costume designer: Amanda Novaković Kapić
Make up design: Špela Veble
Design of printed materials: Saša Kladnik
Technicians: Tomaž Žnidarič, Duško Pušica
Executive producer: Samo Selimović
Japanese producer: Mea Inoue
Production: Bunker, Ljubljana
Co-production: MARIBOR 2012 – European Capital of Culture
The project was made possible by: Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Republic of Slovenia, City Municipality of Ljubljana, EU Japan Fest Japan Committee, Japan Foundation
The project is supported by: European Commission in the frame of Programme Culture as part of network Imagine 2020: Art and Climate Change.
Sponsors: Magic d. o. o., Radio Študent
Special thanks to: Helena Drnovšek Zorko, Slavica and Vlado Bezjak, Sandi Mikluž, Tanja Radež, Slavica Janošević, Andreja Kovač, Fumi Yokobori, Yasuyo Nishio, Mayaguchi Masaru, Miha Grudnik, Polona Brumen, Torii Yumiko, Dušan Kohek (Mladinsko Theatre), Jože Logar (City Theatre Ljubljana), Jaka Šimenc, Prozvok d.o.o.


8th June 2012 at 8.00 pm, Puppet Theatre Maribor

Past performances:
9th June 2012 at 8.00 pm, Puppet Theatre Maribor
11th – 15th June 2012 at 9.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, Ljubljana


Press (pdf)


Video: Gregor Gobec
Editors: Gregor Gobec, Urška Boljkovac


Photo: Urška Boljkovac


Betontanc & The Original Tempo: AUDITION FOR LIFE

June 11, 2012 9:00 pm June 12, 2012 9:00 pm June 13, 2012 9:00 pm June 14, 2012 9:00 pm June 15, 2012 9:00 pm

Japanese-Slovene co-production about the thin line between life and death

8th and 9th June at 8.00 pm, Puppet Theatre Maribor
11th – 15th June at 9.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, Ljubljana

Betontanc Ltd.: SO FAR AWAY introduction to ego-logy

September 14, 2010 8:00 pm September 15, 2010 8:00 pm September 16, 2010 8:00 pm


Photo: Urška Boljkovac

Perhaps we truly are the masters of our own destinies.
Perhaps we truly are held captive in the systems we ourselves are unable to influence.
Perhaps little actions we take may truly result in great deeds.
Perhaps waiting is all it truly takes for things to come together on their own.
Perhaps our gut instincts truly do tell the truth.
Perhaps we are truly wrong about everything.

Gregor Kamnikar: M (version 2.2)

September 25, 2010 8:00 pm September 26, 2010 8:00 pm


Is Marjeta Kamnikar the mother of Gregor Kamnikar? Yes. First time on stage with this very project at the age of seventy? Yes. Have they been working together for four years already? Yes. Will they be working together in the future still? Yes. Do they have the five sections of versions ready and done? Yes. And are they still working on the first section of versions? Yes. (more…)

Mladi levi festival: Stefan Kaegi/ Rimini Protokoll: RADIO MUEZZIN

August 20, 2010 9:00 pm August 21, 2010 9:00 pm


Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Muezzins are special people. They are those mysterious voices calling the faithful to prayer, echoing from the minarets of mosques across Muslim countries five times a day.
Muezzins called out for worshippers to pray from the top of minarets until the 1950s and were often blind so that they could not peep over their neighbours’ fences. For quite some time now the azan, the call to prayer, has been performed simply in the mosque with a microphone in hand, while the chant itself echoes from loudspeakers. (more…)

Mladi levi 2009


Katalog (pdf 4,3 MB)
Schedule (doc 44 KB)

21st August at 8 p.m. and 22nd August at 9 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Superamas: EMPIRE (France, Austria)

21st August at 10 p.m.
square of Slovene Etnographic Museum

Opening party with DJs Bakto and Borka and Code.Ep VJs

22nd August at 12 a.m.
Slomškova street

Opening of the street Instalation Prostorož09_ulica (Slovenia)

22nd August at 7 p.m.
Glej Theatre

Via Negativa, Katarina Stegnar: Buyer with an eye (Slovenia)

23rd August at 5 p.m. and 9 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Kornél Mundruczó, Yvette Bíró – FRANKENSTEIN-PROJECT (Hungary)

23rd August at 7:30 p.m.
Glej Theatre

Via Negativa, Grega Zorc : Good deal (Slovenia)

24th, 25th and 27th August from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Art center – Pionirski dom

Workshop of DJing with Borka and Bakto

24th August at 7:30 p.m.
Glej Theatre

Via Negativa, Boris Kadin: What Joseph Beuys told me while I was lying dead in his lap (Slovenia)

24th August at 9 p.m. and 25th August at 8 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Alvis Hermanis – SONJA (Latvia)

25th and 27th August at 5 p.m.
Glass hall, Slovenske železnice, vhod s Pražakove

Faifai – MY NAME IS I LOVE YOU (Japan)

26th August at 8 p.m.
Trg OF

Kombinat – concert (Slovenia)

27th August at 7 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Moderna galerija Ljubljana – presentation of the workshop

27th August at 8 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Heiner Müller, Ivica Buljan – MACBETH AFTER SHAKESPEARE (Slovenia)

28th August, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Art center – Pionirski dom

T – shirt printing Workshop with Arijana Gadžijev

28th August at 7 p.m.
Dance Theatre Ljubljana


28th August at 7:30 p.m.
Dance Theatre Ljubljana

Aleksander Georgiev: THRESHOL (in process D) (Macedonia)

28th August at 8 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Ivana Müller – WHILE WE WERE HOLDING IT TOGETHER (Croatia, Netherlands)

28th August at 22:30 p.m.
evening meeting point Druga pomoč

Nomad Dance Academy: Ruta Nordmane, The Apple Man (Latvia)

29th August at 8 p.m.
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

Maja Pelević, Betontanc – MOŽDA SMO MI MIKI MAUS (Serbia, Slovenia)


Festival has the ambition to melt with the local community all over again. My street forms a part of the Mediterranean experiment SOSTENUTO, which attempts to establish a different kind of cooperation amongst artistic and educational organizations, various civil societies and individuals in particular, who may have grown tired of constant dependence on the market and its rules of conduct and thus yearn for a different role in community and society. We will therefore enter a new system and establish its movement through the Street exchange, which is to focus on the things we are willing to share with others on the basis of solidarity in a direct and money-free spirit. We will collect and exchange anything you feel ready to give, from solid objects on one hand or personal time on the other. Informal part of the Festival and its proverbially social nature will make room for all sorts of exchange, including cinema and theatre tickets, “lunch for two” coupons, class of Chinese alphabet writing, box of seasonal vegetables from the home garden, car cleaning, strawberry cake, help with mowing the lawn, books and – last but certainly not least – lessons in using e-mail service. These are merely a couple of suggestions, only to let you know that we are happy to take anything that you’d be happy to share! Please deliver your gifts until the beginning of the festival and write to us (bunker@siol.net) or call us (051 269 906) for more information.

We reserve the right to possible programme alternations.

Festival was made possible by

Partners and sponsors


Monday, August 26th from 11 am to 1 pm
Gledališče Glej

presentation of 2020 Network – Thin Ice: Arts and Climate Change and talk with the artists

”I couldn’t say that Art will solve everything; it won’t solve anything. But there has to be a kind of amalgamation of everybody all looking in the same direction.”
Max Eastley, sound artist, voyager on Cape Farewell’s expeditions to Arctic for artistic exploration and scientific enquiry

The newly established 2020 Network – Thin Ice: Arts and Climate Change brings together producers and artists that try cratively and innovatively to respond to the key challenges of environmental problems. After a short presentation of the network and its activities, artists and the audience will discuss the relationship between art, creativity, the role of individuals and environmental issues. The network has already begun with the activities on the last edition of LIFT festival, we continue in Ljubljana with the recycling theme of Mladi levi festival. Since the activities of the network will continue for at least two years, we will try to use this round table –hopefully an open forum- to outline the guidelines for future actions and development.

Speakers: Elena Fajt, James Leadbitter, Mark Godber, Alma Selimović, Ida Hiršenfelder
Moderator: Nevenka Koprivšek