The Mladibor project was conceived in collaboration with partners in 2011 in order to provide the Maribor youth with interesting artistic tools in a manner that would allow for active participation and thus encourage them to create new and innovative contents.
The initial phase of the project was set up to gain basic insight regarding the current state of affairs and therefore consisted of an in-depth survey performed with four secondary and four elementary schools on leisure activities and cultural participation of students. The survey results served as elementary guidelines in further conceptions and implementations of the project. In the beginning of 2012, several artistic workshops took place, including photography, film, animation film, experimental music, production of instruments, throwing clay on the potter’s wheel, DJ-ing, shadow and circus theatre, storytelling, architecture in public space, journalism, and more. Most workshops took place during a period of several months and thereby pursued a very specific objective, striving to weave the workshops’ results into a coherent whole to be presented at the closing festival, where sounds, images and ideas of students would fill the streets of Maribor.
The project was brought to an end with art and creativity youth festival Mladibor, which took place between 21st and 24th May 2012 in Maribor. The festival presented results achieved during the workshops as well as works of art, conceived during regular annual production activities of the partner schools. The festival was participatory in nature: visitors were invited to take part in numerous workshops (mobile cycling, music, animated film, optical toys, technical workshop, the making of original instruments), to print T-shirts and create a new fashion look for themselves at the FashionFad corner, and to present their own shorter or longer stories, fairy tales, drama texts, poetry or political manifestos at the Open Stage section.
Organizer of the project: Bunker Ljubljana
Co-organizer of the project: II. gimnazija Maribor
Partner schools: Prva gimnazija Maribor , Osnovana šola Franca Rozmana – Staneta,Osnovna šola borcev za severno mejo, Osnovna šola Gustava Šiliha Maribor
Participating schools: Lesarska šola Maribor, Srednja gradbena šola in gimnazija Maribor,Osnovna šola Cerkvenjak – Vitomarci
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