Mala Kline: BLISS

mala kline_bliss_foto.miha.fras_036 - CopyPhoto: Miha Fras

BLISS is a clash – a clash of different languages and strategies of work, a confrontation of individual interests and drives for doing the work we do. Six internationally acclaimed artists working in the field of performance art come together to investigate desire as a driving force of their work and the ways how they individually construct their idnetities only to reflect on the possibility of a meeting and an emergence of a collective in the time where art has seemingly lost its power and impact on the social and political contexts. BLISS is a performance about why we do art and why we need it. It is an attempt to once again affirm its place.


Concept: Mala Kline
Creation and performance: Massimiliano Cuccaro, Leja Jurišič, Mala Kline, Vania Rovisco, Mike Winter
Space, costumes, light: Petra Veber
Sound: Sašo Kalan
Live music: Davor Herceg
Dramaturgy: Simona Semenič
Assistance: Anna Nowicka
Technical director: Andrej Petrovčič
Executive producers: Žiga Predan, Irena Silič
Production: Mercedes Klein
Coproduction: Bunker Ljubljana, Španski borci / EN-KNAP, Transforma, Maska, Pekinpah /King Kong
Support: Ministry of Culture, Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture


4th September 2010 at 8.00 pm, Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana


Photo: Miha Fras