ricci/forte: Macadamia Nut Brittle (Italy)

Friday, August 26th at 8 pm
Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana

What Do We Really Taste Like?

You will definitely not forget this performance easily. It was created by Gianni Forte and Stefano Ricci, who have the reputation of enfants terribles in the new Italian dramaturgy. They disclose the image of the contemporary inferno in all its shades and reality. The actors on stage are concrete, sexy, radical, direct, beautiful, naked, ugly, lyrical, tender and – first and foremost – without their skin to guard them in front of the proverbial passing of theatre time.

In this specific fairytale, salt (and by salt we mean tons of it) is poured on the open wound of the brutal world in which everyone wants to be forever young. What you see here is virtually a Barrilla TV ad, which at one point simply turns into a bloody slaughter. Is this story perhaps about identity search? About the desire to fuck our own brains out until we drop dead? Where is the evolution? Do we all still carry the hidden baby within, who’s helplessly crying for help?

This is a story about the world of constant adolescence and consumerism. Despite the overwhelming surplus of everything, we want more. More reality shows, more fame, more immortality. This performance is provocative and uncanny. It is the theatre of remarkable images, soaked in violence, pornography, indecency, blood, torture, body orifices and fluids. What do we really taste like? The artists say: “We are all victims and executioners at the same time, protagonists of this snuff film that life offers, driven by the desperate search for love in this impossible world, which again and again makes us realize that Nature – just like man – is just an unfaithful bitch. Always.”

Director: Stefano Ricci
Performers: Anna Gualdo, Fabio Gomiero, Andrea Pizzalis, Giuseppe Sartori
Trainer: Marco Angelilli
Style concept: Simone Valsecchi
Director’s assistant: Elisa Menchicchi
Production: ricci/forte
Coproduction: Garofano Verde, Benvenuti Produzioni

Duration: 90 minutes
The performance is in Italian with Slovene subtitles.

Price of tickets: 10 € (7 €- secondary, primary school and university students, seniors)
Tickets available an hour prior to a event at Festival venues.
Bookings and information: +386 51 269 906, info@bunker.si

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